MovieChat Forums > sleepingtiger > Replies
sleepingtiger's Replies
"You think normal people are going to show up if neo-nazis and Antifa are going to protest? Let's not start a discussion about that. I don't care about what any of the protesters there had to say on either side."
Whoa, let's get something straight here. To claim you don't care what the protestors on either side had to say is just being ignorant and not wanting to deal with the issue. (And that's such a "white-privileged" thing to say,anyway.) An innocent women was killed and 19 other people damn near were by a stupid-a** nazi-wanna-be fool who had been way into Nazism as a middle-schooler. So why the hell would you not want to deal with the issues around it,then? That makes no damn sense, and you're not even trying to see the bigger picture here. If those neo-nazi bastards hadn't shown up in Charlottesville raising all kinds of hell about these statues in the first damn place, there would never have BEEN an issue. And Antifa was only there to protect the counter-protestors, since the police didn't do their job and keep the two sides apart until they started fighting. In fact, the city of Charlottesville did NOT even want the neo-nazis to march there----they turned down their permit, and the neo-nazis had to go to court and get the permit back. The protestor who pulled down that statue in Durham, South Carolina ( I couldn't help but laugh my a** off when folks started kicking the hell out of that statue) was just this one young lady--who was, in fact, arrested for doing that.)
"Giving in to political organizations with their own agenda and protestors removing them on their own accord is just dangerous."
Very few people are removing these statues of there own accord. Also, it's trumpf who is perceived by these neo-nazi bastards as giving them a pat on the head for the s*** they pulled at Charlottesville--they think he basically pacified them, which is sick. And what "political organization" are you talking about? Antifa isn't one.
Read the articles I posted above (do the cut-and-paste thing.) They explain very plainly why the statues should come down. BTW, you need to keep in mind that it wasn't the left raising all this hell about the statues, it was those white supremacists at Charlottesville who started all that bull**** about opposing the statues. And it's the people of the towns and cities where these statues are that are asked to vote on whether said statues should be taken down or not. Nobody is forcing them to, and not everyone is going to agree on taking them down---plain and simple, they have choices in the matter. You are exaggerating and blowing things WAY the hell up out of proportion here. This dosen't have jack to do with 1984. Also, the statues in Charlottesville are going to be put in a museum, so no one is actually erasing any damn history here. Get that straight right now.
And let's get this straight too---the only "thugs" at that rally were the white supremacists-wanna-be neo-nazi bastards who brought guns and other weapons, and flat-out threatened to hurt anyone who opposed them. And they were the first to charge the other side and start beating the hell up out of counter-protestors. I can't believe that just because of some dumb s*** trumpf says, people are even trying to claim that "there were good people and bad people on either side"--that's some bull****. Especially when anyone who knows that the neo-nazi and white supremacists have a VERY long history of going up into neighborhoods where nobody wants to see their sorry a**** and using their free speech right as an excuse to start some s***, like beating people up (especially people of color) and in some cases, murdering them (like this crazy white wanna-be Nazi who came to New York specifically to kill a non-white person, and stabbed to death the first black man he ran into (his sorry ass is locked up/in jail now.) So don't even try to defend those racist bastards, because there's no defense for them
So those neo-nazi bastards whining some stupid bull**** about history supposedly being taken away are full of s***. Apparently they didn't bother to do their research, or they would have already known that Lee himself didn't give a damn about any statues or monuments. He even chose not to be buried in his own Confederate uniform, as one of the articles states. I ain't saying he was a good guy----he was a cruel slave-owning bastard too, and supported slavery,of course. But apparently, even he realized that on some level that he was on the wrong side of history. These neo-nazi-white supremacists MFs were only using the statue issue as an excuse to broadcast their tired-a**, stupid-a**, backwards-a**, lame-a** messages of hate and racism, that's all. I love how some of them have gotten named and shamed on Twitter, and called out about the racist bull**** they pulled at Charlottesville. These were nothing but a bunch of arrogant,entitled white racist male punks throwing a fit just because they perceive just a tiny-a** smidgen of their white privilege supposedly being taken from them--just because they can't stand the fact that white men are no longer on a damn pedestal for everyone anymore. White men still run most of this country, so exactly what the fck are they even complaining about? trumpf's spewing of all that racist bull**** during the campaign has now made some racists think they can get away with being racist a**holes and that their s*** out on their neighbors of color just to make themselves feel all superior, which is stupid, counterproductive, and just plain fckg disgusting.
The statues are going into museums when they come down---nothing wrong with that at all. And the reason they should come down is that, frankly, the Confederate soldiers were nothing but some damn traitors,flat-out. They put their own need for greed and to have their own enslaved labor ahead of this country, and were willing to literally tear it apart for their own selfish and economic reasons. So why should anything celebrating them remain up? Also, those statues were not actually put up until the 1920's, when black people coming back from fighting in World War I started demanding to have basic rights (which they had already fought for) such as the right to vote (in the South,especially) among other things. They were only put up to intimidate black people in the South to remind them who was still in charge, or some such s***. And interestingly enough as it turns out, Robert E. Lee (the Confederate general himself) actually said that monuments to the Confederacy should NOT be put up, because he felt that it would not help people heal from the Civil War---he had several requests that statues be put up in his honor, and he turned them all down. Here's a couple of really articles about that:
A black descendant of Robert E. Lee (hmmm, that's interesting but not surprising,lol) explains why the statues of her great-great-great-great-uncle need to be taken down, and the reasons why:
There are no "uncle Tom" types in the film, so I don't even know where you got that from. Especially since a good number of the characters in this film are black or non-white (except for the two main characters) which was what I liked about it.
Fuck off, you racist.
You sound like a damn psycho way too focused on that word "rape" (cut out their what? Gross!) As anyone with eyes could see, those young women (not girls) were heavily armed, so one was getting near them except for the heroes. Also, this film is a satire, so of course some parts of it (like the crazy strapped woman who wanted the candy bar) are just completely over the top.
What was stupid about him letting the guy in? Of course he took a big damn chance letting a stranger in their home, but it was the psychotic rich punk boy who insisted on targeting them because he just wanted to victimize and torture the stranger. He definitely would have been killed if they hadn't let him in. And this being the Purge, someone would have found another reason to try and brake into their home anyway.
That's so true---he starts kicking more ass and showing what he's made of in season 3 of Homeland. I thought Friend was good as Agent 47 in this film, and I thought the film was pretty good too---not sure why it wasn't a hit, other than people complaining that it wasn't exactly like the video games that inspired it. I could care less about that because I don't play video games---I just saw an entertaining film,that's all.
Yeah, that's why I liked it. It sounds like a lot of people just didn't understand the English accents, since this is a British film (they can be hard to understand for us Americans or non-British, depending on where in the U.K. the actors are from.) . I grew up watching British films and still do, so I'm used to it---I didn't have a problem understanding anything they said.
Okay, I like the first three and the gay sex scene,lol, but the rest is just too weird. You must have been ingesting way too much on certain substances when you thought this up.
I liked the music too---it was weird, eerie, suspenseful, and kept you on your toes enough to wonder what was going to happen next in the film.
Nope---nobody sings in this film---not even him,lol.
I saw and liked this too----mainly because the trailers for it were intriguing, and because it was directed by Nolan---this is definitely not the usual type of film he makes, which intrigued me even more. I also liked the fact that the film dosen't spell everything out for you---you have to figure out what's going on at some point in the film. Impressive film though,love how it was made (plus it was actually shot on film, which explains its unique look) it's real action-packed, and it's unique in that it really pulls you into the action to the point where you feel like you're actually there with the soldiers, going through everything they go through, and then some. So,yeah, anybody who likes war films, should definitely go see it. I'd recommend it.
Quit lying, troll. Not only was JOHN WICK a big box office hit, so was the sequel (which was even better) and the filmmakers just recently confirmed that there will be a third JOHN WICK for certain.
You have to keep in mind, that not only for decades, but centuries, women were always told that they has to "suck it up" and stay married to abusive men, oftentimes with no legal way out of said marriage. It used to be taken for granted that a man could beat a women whenever he felt like it, because women were considered nothing but property, in places like England back in medieval times, and on up until the late 20th century. Hell, there were even laws here in the U.S. saying that rape in a marriage wasn't even legally considered rape up until the early '80s--when they were finally taken off said books. There was a TV movie made about that too in the late '70s---it was called "Rape and Marriage---The Rideout Case". That being said, physical abuse on the part of either sex is still wrong as hell, either way.
Bad Mojo:
That's the thing---it's always assumed that men can't be abused simply because they're the bigger and stronger sex, even though there are men who abuse other men, which also happens.
"Special treatment for minorities"---you're full of s***. White people have always given themselves special treatment because they're the majority. Minorities in this country have had to fight for every damn right they're been given---no one ever gave us s***. So you can step off with those stupid racist lies and nonsense right now. And white privilege is when an ignorant racist like you spews this fake as hell, ignorant BS and dosen't expect to be challenged on it. Nohting you said is true. You jsut conveniently left out the part about black people being enslaved for most of this country's history. You stupid racist are such liars. And you always have to post this BS on a board about a black film---trust me, most black people give zero fcks about any stupid thing your ignorant a** has to say.