sleepingtiger's Replies

To the OP: Get real---trumpf always says he's gonna do this or that, but he never follows through with it half the damn time. Especially when it comes to parting with any money,that is. And as a leftie, I have way more faith in the Big Man/Woman upstairs than I ever will in that ignorant, stupid-a** reality TV show host troll wannabe in the WH. And you know damn well he takes a salary---that's the only damn thing he cares about is getting paid,anyway. It's never about anybody else, it's always about him and what his greedy, grasping, selfish a** can get out of it. You forget how last year during the campaign when he claimed he was going to donate all this money to a group of veterans, and he did the fund raiser and all, but when some reporters came around to check up a couple of months on whether he had actually given the donation to the veterans, only to find out that they'd never received a dime of it. So then that's when the money starting trickling out in little dribs and drabs---barely half of the money was recorded as being actually given to them at the time. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled the same kind of s*** with the hurricane victims. Deliciousfeet: You're welcome,lol! Deliciousfeet: My bad---I misunderstood the sarcasm in your post here: "Amazing what you don't see...when you don't look! What did you think our former president did EVERY November 11th? Yeah...Obama never honored our troops...wet end!" Sorry about that---I'm so used to jumping on these stupid, idiotic, brain-dead trumpf-loving trolls that I didn't take the time to really look at your post, so I assumed you were just another one of them. My apologies---I didn't check the video either. And yeah, this bubba idiot is most definitely a brainless troll----that's pretty obvious when you look at his/her posts. That being said, I should've looked before I leaped and responded---so,again, I apologize. Thanks for sticking up for our former president, though---tired of these troll idiots slamming him like he's the bad guy all the damn time--especially when trumpf's as shady and corrupt as they come. Just to make y'all laugh, here's some pictures from a European artist who puts trumpf in dresses as a response to some memo he put out saying that WH female staff members should "dress like women": Bubbathegut: What "failed policies" did Obama make? A good deal of the time he had to almost fight to get anything done because the republicans spent his term fighting him on damn near anything tried to do, or did. Funny how you stupid-a** trumpfheads always conveniently forget that. So if any thing he did failed, it damn sure wasn't always his fault---it was also the fault of the idiot republicans who were more concerned about blocking every damn thing he did instead of seeing how it could help their own constituents in the long run. I'm also tired of you right wingers constantly acting like Obama was the bad guy and trumpf is the good guy who's going to make everything great again, when trumpf has clearly shown that he's nothing but a manipulative,lying bastard who throws a big fit like a spoiled child whenever he dosen't get his way, or whenever someone stops kissing his a** for more than five minutes. And he has yet to pass anything himself worth a damn, because he has virtually ZERO experience to show or even prove that he can do anything worth a damn. She writes and produces her own shows, she's bringing a distinct young black perspective that you don't see that often in a show. Obviously neither of you haters have even bothered to see her show, which has become pretty popular---you just want to whine and b**** about the fact that a black woman even has a show at all. Just STFU already,please. If either of you think you can do any better than her, try it. Otherwise, just STFU again please. Yeah, he is cute----he looks like a cross between a younger Dave Chappelle and Mos Def. Didn't know Shelley Berman had passed---I know he was a comedian, but I also caught a dramatic turn he did on "Peter Gunn" as a guy who man or may not be guilty of a murder. He was actually really good on it, and takes up the whole episode. Kr-1959: Hey, thanks! Watched TZ the whole time I was growing up, but I don't ever remember seeing this episode. BTW, how do you post links on here so people can actually click on them? I still haven't found out how to do that, and would like to. camorrow: But the thing is, the South not only enacted harsher laws toward black folks which stripped them of any little rights they had gained, but they maintained those same laws up until barely 50 years ago (just a couple of years before I was born, so it wasn't even that long ago, history-wise.) And hell, yeah, there ain't a damn thing wrong with judging people from that time by today's standards, because there's enough evidence to show that even back then, some white folks thought slavery was wrong as hell and even spoke out against it, and took part in the underground railroad---but let's be real about this, they were in the minority. The point is, those hateful racist attitudes from that time have never gone away---they're just been handed down from generation to generation and are still around today---look no further than what happened at Charlottesville last month. Those stupid white supremacists are trying to protest these statues that were basically put up to honor a bunch of damn traitors who wanted to tear this country apart because they wanted to maintain slavery,plain and simple---don't try and let them off the damn hook,which is what you're doing. And they're using that issue to spread their fckg hate simply because these stupid MFs can't deal with the fact that white people aren't on a damn pedestal any more. It's also a backlash to the fact that this country finally had its first black president---which exploded the BS white supremacist myth that only white men are fit to lead this country. That's what these white racist pieces of s*** can't handle, and they want to try and claim that they're fckg superior simply because they're white again, which they know deep down is some lame,stupid-a** bullshit, but it makes them feel like they're on top again, even if it's only temporary. legnadbrom: Oh,please---trumpf is not and never has been the "greatest American" or the greatest anything, for that matter. He never was and and never will be. Delicious feet: Yes, he did---some of you Obama haters are such a bunch of damn liars,it's pathetic. leginadibrom: If you read keelai's posts, she/he already explained that. Either you didn't bother to read them or you just didn't want to accept his/her answer. It wasn't that difficult to comprehend, so stop acting like you didn't get your question answered, because you did. Shut up, you stupid racist troll. Wait a minute---why the hell do my posts get kicked to the curb, but posts with curse words and racist BS in it gets to stay? That makes no damn sense to me. What the hell are you talking about? I know you're talking a bunch of bull**** if you post anything from breitbart. Because breitbart is nothing but a bunch of right-wing bull****, anyway. And that sounds like the dumbest piece of fake news I've heard all damn day. earl237: He can't stand the fact that a black man became president, which is why he kept pushing this stupid fake-a** claim that Obama wasn't born here (which he was.) Funny how he never questioned any of the previous presidents' legitimacy, but as soon as that birther bull**** got rolling, he jumped on the bandwagon and ran with it, even getting on TV and screaming like a damn maniac that he'd give a million dollars to charity if Obama could prove he was born here---it was so embarrassing and stupid as hell, it was sickening. He's also pissed off because he's never going to be half the president or even half the man Obama is, and deep down he knows it. That's why he slams Obama all the time, because trumpf,when you get down to it, is just a jealous whiny-a** hater, lol. Any normal person with any damn common sense would try to get all the advice about being a first-time president they could from the previous president, in order to make things easier for themselves, but, nope, trumpf's too damn vain and arrogant to think he could learn anything from anybody. That's why he has so many problems getting anything done---plus he dosen't seem to have even the slightest idea of how the government works at all, or how he can get it to work, or how to even work with other politicians to get anything done. He still thinks he can run the government like he ran his businesses---however he wants to, which is stupid, counterproductive,and idiotic. If's that how he ran his companies, no wonder he went bankrupt nearly six damn times. At least he finally made a deal with the Dems to get something done, because his way sure as hell isn't working. And here's another case years ago in which he basically tried to help get a friend of his who just happened to be a convicted felon and major drug dealer get off with a shorter sentence. So trying to pardon the Sheriff Arpaio (which, legally only applies to federal, not state, crimes, so it dosen't even apply to Arpaio's situation) isn't the first time he's tried to help a convicted criminal,so to speak: LetThemEatCake; Yes, he did---he created a national health care plan so that all Americans can be covered, and he made gay marriage legal throughout the country for the first time. Look it up--it'll only take you 90 seconds. What have you done of worth lately? Clearly not a damn thing worth mentioning,obviously.