Trump honors our Veterans.
Racist Trump insulted heroic veteran Senator John McCain as well as a Goldstar family (Khans) who lost their son when he saved many fellow soldiers and civilians. Trump is also supporting Nazis who our veterans fought against during WW2. While Trump is presently discriminating against loyal Americans who want to serve, former President Obama opened the opportunity to serve for more Americans.
These are a few videos of former President Obama honoring our Veterans that you refuse to watch:
Medal of Honor for Cpl. William "Kyle" Carpenter, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.):
Former President Obama last Veterans Day speech calling for unity (something you need to hear).
Former President Obama honoring Disabled American Veterans Convention (how he has helped veterans is in first 4 minutes of video)
Former President Obama defending a Gold Star family from Trump's vile insults after he spit on a brave soldier's grave by insulting his parents who had made the ultimate sacrifice.
You are unAmerican for supporting an imposter who repeatedly insults our brave veterans.
Trump - the greatest American,
making our country greater than it ever has been,
shame on you, keelai
So you feel it's great to denigrate veterans like Senator John McCain, insult Goldstar Families and cheer Nazis who killed Americans. You don't know what it means to be a true American, legnadibrom.
What's laughable is that you probably haven't economically benefited in any way from his presidency and won't in the future. Continue to hope for those high paying factory jobs to return.
i have to ignore everything in your post except for the section "cheer Nazis who killed Americans..."
what in God's name are you referring to with these words?
You're not aware that Nazis killed American soldiers during WW2? For any American to emulate them is vile. A neo-Nazi is still a Nazi.
Trump is also supporting domestic terrorism in his support of white supremacists especially when one used a car to try to commit mass murder. It sounds like you support terrorism, too.
Obama's reply to Trump's hatred:
you've not answered my question,
are you capable of providing a rational response to my question, something that would make sense to another human?
you're either very confused or purposefully spreading lies about the President's support of "white supremacists" and domestic terrorism....& now i'm wondering if you're accessing the internet via a public library or perhaps someone donated old laptops to the "nut ward"
This is in reply to Trump's pathetic response:
"We should call evil by its name," Orrin Hatch, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, said. "My brother didn't give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home."
Trump called white supremacists very fine people:
FBI website. Notice white supremacists are listed among groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS.
You're either in denial, a bigot or really stupid. Equating people who are marching against hate groups is not equal to the hate group.
You're either in denial, a bigot or really stupid.
Oh you're being too kind...he seems able to check all those boxes and then some...
i'd ask you to mind your own unless you have something worthwhile to contribute,
i'd also ask you to take a course in reading comprehension, i'd bet the 101 class would learn you a lot about objective reading
My reading comp is spot should follow your own advice...I made a comment,bubbaslut tried to kipe that shit,I roasted him for it then you butted your nosy ass in...take a hike and mind YOUR own.
sharei'm really kind of annoyed that you can't even answer the single question i've asked,
and i'm afraid for mankind when a person like you, who's not stupid and seems to be educated, can only offer more lies and bullshit instead of just being truthful....
you've not properly read or understood a single word in my posts,
is it all intentional because you hate Trump/conservatives/yourself so much it hurts?
You just insulted conservatives by putting them in the same category as Nazis and white supremacists. You honestly don't know that there is a difference?
As for Trump, he's a white supremacist - not conservative nor Republican which is why you're seeing a backlash against him this week from both parties and internationally. People have finally realized the truth - except you and his core base. Personally, I believe blind allegiance to anyone is a mistake.
Trump's pro Nazi/KKK remarks have even shocked shock jock Howard Stern!
Just all speculation.
share"Just all speculation. "
Are you saying that conservatives ARE Nazis and white supremacists?
Are you saying there is no backlash against Trump?
Are you saying that Howard Stern didn't criticize Trump's defense of Nazis and white supremacist?
Whats great about Politics is half the country hates whoever is President. People said the exact same thing about Obama for 8 years. MSNBC loved my Country and President while Obama was in charge and now they hate both. Fox News hated my Country and President while Obama was in charge and now they love both.
shareThat's why we need a centrist who is of neither party. He or she could start a new party made up of both moderate Democrats and Republicans to work together. We need a new third party.
Don't you know in four years when the Democrats regain power they are going to undo everything Trump has done?
CNBC and Fox are political commentary shows to provide entertainment and to persuade stupid people - not actual news.
My goodness I actually agree with you on those points. I want to start The American Party. I need to figure out how to make that happen. You could be the first to join!
The Independents try but all they bring to the table are crazy half wits.
The problem with CNBC and Fox is people actually believe everything they are saying. I am not sure if you can find "real" news these days that is not skewed left or right.
It wasn't my idea. President Macron accomplished it in France four months ago when he won in a huge landslide.
I hope you're not planning to take money from big businesses aka: lobbyists.
There is unbiased real news. This website, has dozens of sources under "Least Biased". See if you agree with their assessment.
I favor news services like Reuters, AP News, Cspan.
Also, I'll read/listen to several "biased news" to get different viewpoints.
you're really a lost cause,
you simply cannot answer what you mean by "cheer Nazis who killed Americans..." can you?
because it's fiction and that's all you can base anything you say on...lies,
i sincerely suggest you hang up your laptop, close all your online accounts, unplug the internet, and surrender yourself to being a delusional recluse to stay far away from normal people
If you read keelai's posts, she/he already explained that. Either you didn't bother to read them or you just didn't want to accept his/her answer. It wasn't that difficult to comprehend, so stop acting like you didn't get your question answered, because you did.
You're using personal bias to interpret what you want from what the poster stated,
he never replied informing me of what he meant by Trump cheering Nazis who killed Americans....
because it never happened
John McCain is a traitor who gave information to the viet kong
shareTrump is a draft dodger unlike McCain who not only served, but refused to be released from a POW camp unless it was done in order starting with a soldier named Alvarez.
"McCain realized that the Code of Conduct gave him no choice. [Everett] Alvarez, who was being held elsewhere, was supposed to be the first man released.
"I just knew it wasn't the right thing to do," he said. "I knew that they wouldn't have offered it to me if I hadn't been the son of an admiral.
"I just didn't think it was the honorable thing to do."...McCain calmly told The Cat(the commander of the prison camps) that the prisoners must be released in the order they were captured, starting with Alvarez. [The Arizona Republic]"
Oh,please---trumpf is not and never has been the "greatest American" or the greatest anything, for that matter. He never was and and never will be.
that was hyperbole,
he's a very flawed human, but i'd wager that he's a better person than most of his detractors could ever hope to be
The honoring of great Americans continues.
Amazing what you don't see...when you don't look!
What did you think our former president did EVERY November 11th? Yeah...Obama never honored our troops...wet end!
Delicious feet:
Yes, he did---some of you Obama haters are such a bunch of damn liars,it's pathetic.
My bad---I misunderstood the sarcasm in your post here:
"Amazing what you don't see...when you don't look!
What did you think our former president did EVERY November 11th? Yeah...Obama never honored our troops...wet end!"
Sorry about that---I'm so used to jumping on these stupid, idiotic, brain-dead trumpf-loving trolls that I didn't take the time to really look at your post, so I assumed you were just another one of them. My apologies---I didn't check the video either. And yeah, this bubba idiot is most definitely a brainless troll----that's pretty obvious when you look at his/her posts. That being said, I should've looked before I leaped and responded---so,again, I apologize. Thanks for sticking up for our former president, though---tired of these troll idiots slamming him like he's the bad guy all the damn time--especially when trumpf's as shady and corrupt as they come. Just to make y'all laugh, here's some pictures from a European artist who puts trumpf in dresses as a response to some memo he put out saying that WH female staff members should "dress like women":