MovieChat Forums > sleepingtiger > Replies
sleepingtiger's Replies
You're right on all counts. It was basically a philosophical arthouse meditation on the drug business, which made it a little more interesting than the usual Hollywood flick on the subject. I found it pretty interesting though, and good, as well as having a number of my fave actors in it.
No, you just don't know what a good movie is,lol.
Yeah, I really liked the scene at the beginning where the soldiers hear a plane about to swoop down on them before they even see it, and they all duck down in formation, since they're trapped on the bridge. That was an incredible (and suspenseful as hell) scene right there. It's definitely different from the usual "rah,rah,rah" war film in the sense that they aren't fighting a straight-up battle----they're simply trying to get off the beach in one piece before the Germans come and get them, and they don't have a lot of time to do that. It has some of the usual tropes of a war film, but then again, it dosen't---that's what makes it unique. I also liked the fact that it was shot on film, which explained why it looked slightly different. I especially liked the our-of-focus scene near the end---I was trying to recall when was the last time I'd actually seem such a shot in the film. I always liked the fact that it didn't rely on a whole lot of CGI for the actual battle scenes, and I liked how weird and suspenseful the music was.
I wondered why they were sneaking on the boat,too. So that's why. Thanks.
Please--this movie is VERY impressive visually--with a weird,sparse soundtrack----and it's an impressive achievement for a film and for Nolan. Basically the film dosen't spell out a lot of things for you, so it's better to brush up on the actual historical event before going to see it. I liked the fact that it wasn't your typical war film---you fell like you're actually in the middle of what the soldiers are all going through, one disaster after another. One notable scene in which the soldiers are safe in the hold of a ship, then literally the next moment the ship gets hit and they're underwater--that was one heck of a suspenseful scene, for real.
There is still good music being made, it just depends on what you want to listen to. Good music hasn't stopped being made simply because you don't listen the radio anymore. And it dosen't make you superior because you claim not to listen to anything now. And Styles was with a very successful boy band named One Direction (who could all actually sing, and play their own instruments,btw--so they were a real band) and is a talented singer/musician in his own right---now doing his own music, since the group recently broke up. He's not why I wanted to see DUNKIRK film though----I like war films, and since it was a British film by Christopher Nolan, I knew it was going to be good, and I wasn't disappointed. The movie actually made you feel like you were going through literally everything the soldiers were going through in a way I haven't felt since I saw another war film a few years ago called UNBROKEN. DUNKIRK was damn good, it's not your typical war film, and it's definitely worth seeing. Also,even though Styles is in the film, it's not a star vehicle for him at all---he's not even the main character, he's just one of the many characters in it, even though he does have a small but significant role. Plus it's a big box office hit, which is great---it's definitely not your typical summer blockbuster flick, I'll say that.
You can say the same thing about music and movies aimed at young guys age 13-18, I guess. And I'm tired of dudes claiming anything supported by young girls (or grown women, for that matter) automatically sucks. Just because YOU don't like it dosen't mean it sucks. Also, how would you know whether music is so-called "worthless" if you don't even listen to it anymore? That makes absolutely no damn sense. That's just your arrogance and sexism talking.
Yeah, right. She killed it in the title role, and she co-produced the film, too.
It did not "flop"---it's always made more well over its budget at the box office, which you would have known had you bothered to actually check that out.
ATOMIC BLONDE is nothing like the Bourne flicks---there are no shaky-cam scenes and the fight scene are way better and way more realistic. And "too much talking"? Uh, AB is a grown person's thriller---it's not some TRANSFORMER's knock off like you want it to be.
Nah, ATOMIC BLONDE was even better than SALT and the fight scene are much more tougher and realistic----that's what I liked about it.
Excuse me, but practically EVERY Hollywood film has nudity now. It was actually kind of refreshing not to see it shoved in one's face for a change. It you want more nudity, that's what porn is for. Plus it was interesting to see a woman kicking it only with another woman and not any of the men in the film---which is typically what happens---that was a little different. Now it would be interesting to see a spy thriller like that with two guys kicking it together like that, lol.
To the OP:
The film just came out, so you couldn't have pressed "stop" anywhere for it. You probably haven't even seen it, so stop lying. It's a pretty damn good flick, and nothing like the movies you mentioned. The fights scene are way more tougher and more realistic then you see in a Hollywood film,anyway.
Saw ATOMIC BLONDE, and enjoyed it, mainly because I love spy films, and because Charlize Theron was whipping everybody's a** left, right, up and down in it (her character gets beat down and horribly hurt more than once, in a very brutal, realistic way---she gives it as good as she's got,though.) I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who loves spy films (especially Cold War-era made ones, or films set in that era.)
Oh,please---this was a pretty good and tight above-average thriller----the whole part of the film where Lorraine has to beat the hell out of several different villains who come at her and the spy she's trying to protect was, for me, worth paying to see by itself. The fight scenes were far better filmed and much more realistic than in the BOURNE films---all of which I liked, btw. Love hearing all the '80s tunes (since the film was set in the '80s, that was to be expected) some of which you never hear on the radio anymore, like an old favorite of mine, "The Politics of Dancing" by Reflex (that's the one played when Lorraine goes to the bar and picks up the other spy who's been spying on her.) Nice to see the always-hot and talented James McAvoy play an energetic, questionable shady dude again.
And, best of all, it was cool as hell to see Charlize Theron playing an action lead again, and just straight-up kicking everybody's a** throughout the entire film, especially since she did a lot of the fight scenes herself (she got in a lot of actual martial arts training for the film.) Her character also takes a hell of a lot of beating herself---it's made very clear that she's not invincible and that she has to use a hell of a lot of her own ingenuity and quick-thinking skills to get herself out of some very dangerous situations. ATOMIC BLONDE's nothing like a Bourne film----no ridiculous cross-cutting in the fight scenes----you see two or three or more people fight in the entire scene straight on and close-up,like in Hong Kong films (like when Lorraine grabs almost anything she can get her hands on to use as a weapon----busting a thug upside the head with a hot plate she snatches up at the last minute---that was a trip to see.) Basically this is a film for adults, not tweens or whiny teens waiting for the next explosion (there are a couple in this film,though.) Loved the European locations, which looked great.
Sadly, terrible encounters bwt the police and black folks still go on today----this young black teen in California got jumped on and beat up by the cops because they thought she was a suspect---come to find out not only was she not the suspect---she was a female and the suspect was a much bigger male. I hope she sues the hell out of those officers, because what happened to her was so unnecessary:
You're sick--geesh.
First of all, no one even uses that stupid, ignorant and frankly, racist term anymore (plus it's offensive as hell. And yeah, there have always been white folks who talk like black folks (because they actually grew up around them, not just because they want to "act black", so to speak. That's nothing new.
Of course it's not--duh!
Jigsaw Dude:
Exactly what has he actually gotten done? Name something he's actually gotten done that hasn't already been done by Obama or Bush before him. Not one single thing has he got going on since he's been in office.