Is it really that bad?

With all the talent involved, I thought this was a surefire, well, at least decent movie. But wow is the buzz negative.

My top 250:


I think people hated it for a few reasons. The main one being the poetic and Shakespeare-like dialogue, which only seemed bad because Diaz and Bardem sucked saying it and made it seem like a poor quality TV movie. Another reason may be that it wasn't typical Hollywood and was too dark and bleak for most people. The story wasn't structured in a way that most people were used to. But despite all that I really liked it, simply because it was so unique and original that I found it interesting. And Pitt's and Fassbender's performances made the movie.


The last 20 minutes of The Counselor are, in my opinion, as good as any 20 minutes from any film noir movie ever made. It's that good.

What people are turned off by is the movie's horrific depiction of human nature. It basically presents us with the image of cheetahs killing their way to the top of a pyramid of rabbits. The cheetahs are amoral humans with high business acumen and a taste for murder, and the rabbits are ordinary decent (albeit naive) human beings who are just food for the "cheetahs". And the movie's prediction of the future is a lot of dead rabbits and a few contented cheetahs basking in the glory of it all. This movie turns off people who are sheltered rabbits. They think all of this was made up by the screenwriter to scare them.

The thing is, all the worst parts of this movie -- the parts that people complain were unrealistic -- are actually true. Cameron Diaz's character is a lot like Cormac McCarthy's ex-wife, for example. Javier Bardem's character was based on a famous Hollywood producer ("you would be surprised who is in this business" his character says). Ridley Scott's brother, Tony, hung out with real bounty hunters... for some reason. Maybe if you are uber-rich, the social world is very small. The cartels know the Hollywood studios, producers sleep with murderesses (did you see that headline about the NASCAR racer and his assassin girlfriend?), etc.

People think this stuff is far-fetched, that the artists are sickos for making it up, and idiots for thinking we would believe it. Truth is, a lot of this stuff is completely within the realm of human behavior. And it's a damned fine film.


All very well said. For all of the talk about the film as a "pretentious" or "wannabe deep" item, most of the key ideas are not meant to be shocking revelations, but simply an unpleasantly accurate diagnosis.

Some of the movie's monologues, from Jefe's "worlds" speech to Westray warning the main character about the reality of his situation, could be applied to any number of world events that have taken place since The Counselor was released in 2013.

The bitter thinkers buy their tickets to go find God like a piggy in a fair


But critics don't pan movies because of their dark depiction of human nature. Look at all the raves for films like Melancholia, Blue Jasmine, The Master, or Margin Call.

Andrew O'Hehir of called this the worst movie ever made--and he has the misanthropic Under the Skin on his top ten list.

My top 250:


Melancholia, Blue Jasmine, The Master, or Margin Call.

None of those are as violent or depraved as The Counselor, in my opinion. Not even close.


one of those are as violent or depraved as The Counselor, in my opinion. Not even close

What was depraved about the counselor? The opening scene where they had sex without showering in the daylight..? Where he goes down on her and she's grunting into the pillow..? It's called sex. And *surprise* they did it all without even a flash of nudity in the opening sequence. Compared to a ton of recent movies this is actually tame.

Violent? I could link you 100 news articles and videos with people getting their heads chopped off, lit on fire or being shot in the head. All recent. All 100% real life.When we first watched this movie (we're from South Texas) we figured one of the main reason it bombed is because it's portrayal of the subject matter is waaaaay off.

Cameron Diaz' character is absolutely ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous.

And Ruben Blades' "Jefe." Pfff.... is what real drug lords are like in Mexico.

I honestly don't think this movie was utterly terrible. It was just done wrong. And most definitely miscast in some instances.


i read that review. every single word of it is accurate.


The rabbits aren't even food for the cheetahs they are just sport. You will see that after they chase down the rabbit they are eating what looks like dog food or cat food out of bowls.


Yup. All these screwing everyone over, with lives ruined and carcasses in the aftermath, was just a game for Malkina. It's for her own satisfaction and nothing else. And it's in her nature to do so.


I'll go against the grain, here-I liked it


I'll go against the grain, here-I liked it

Same here, I did too, crazy & truly haunting film. 

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


you can't handle the truth


Maybe you should just watch the damn thing and decide for yourself. I think it's severely underrated, and was mostly derided because of misguided marketing.

You don't market an art film to the same people who flock to the theaters for the new Fast & Furious movie, but that's what they did. It's not an action movie. It's not even really a noir or mystery or suspense. It's more of a play than anything, a dialogue-heavy reflection on violence, greed, misogyny, and the ways the USA fuels the drug wars in Mexico. But because it was marketed as an action/suspense, it advertised the wrong message, drew the wrong crowd, and generated the wrong kind of word-of-mouth.

It was always going to be a divisive film, but it was never even given a chance.


But what I've heard wasn't word-of-mouth (I don't trust that unless it's someone with impeccable taste). It's critics who are saying it's so terrible.

I may check it out one of these days, as I'm definitely curious. But I still think it's interesting to shoot the *beep* on IMDb. 😜

My top 250:


Bah! Critics are not above making misguided judgments based on their expectations, and those expectations are always influenced by what has come before a film's release. That includes ads, but also other films. The big movie this was compared to, simply because of the writer, was No Country for Old Men. Thematically, they might have some similarities, and although that one had a bit of an art house influence, it was much more mainstream with its memorable villain and straight-forward plot: Guy finds money. Guy gets chased by bad guy. Cop follows.

So I think even critics wanted and expected No Country for Old Men Part II, but this movie needs to be taken on its own terms. I had to watch it twice, myself, before I could really appreciate what it is trying to do.

Anyway, I still think you should just watch it. Maybe twice. :)


"So I think even critics wanted and expected No Country for Old Men Part II, but this movie needs to be taken on its own terms."

the message was the same as with every mccarthy product: the world is terrible.

while he was allowed to make counselor a bloated 2 hour metaphor, with NCFOM the coens did not let that happen und put him in his place, so that the film works as a metaphor AND as a pleasureable viewing experience.


Na, NCFOM was more movie friendly as written by CM.
i.e. Regular guy comes across a jackpot... gets involved in all sorts of thriller drama, with cops, robbers, killers etc after the bounty.

Counselor had a strange structure though that was always problematic.
One giant first act (80 mins) no danger, just set-ups...then deal goes bad and we're straight into the 3rd act.

Impossible to make it audience friendly without a massive re-write. Still though, watching good actors chew scenery can get you pretty far which is why the casting of Diaz is what ultimately destroyed this for audiences.

Every single time she appears, it's impossible to take anything she says seriously or be engaged and it kills all momentum.


"Na, NCFOM was more movie friendly as written by CM.
i.e. Regular guy comes across a jackpot... gets involved in all sorts of thriller drama, with cops, robbers, killers etc after the bounty. "

true for the most part, but the coens still cut a lot of stuff out.

"Counselor had a strange structure though that was always problematic.
One giant first act (80 mins) no danger, just set-ups...then deal goes bad and we're straight into the 3rd act. "

actually i have no problem with that in general, but apart from the structure it had a lot of other flaws, right from the 1st act.

"Impossible to make it audience friendly without a massive re-write."

i don't even have a problem with THAT. most of my favorite films are everything BUT audience friendly. one major problem is, that what the film has to say, is a) very naive, b) very simplistic and c) could have been told in 5 minutes straight up, instead of exxpanding it into a 2 hour metaphor, with many elements not even working or being too ridiculously over the top.


one major problem is, that what the film has to say, is a) very naive, b) very simplistic and c) could have been told in 5 minutes straight up, instead of exxpanding it into a 2 hour metaphor, with many elements not even working or being too ridiculously over the top.

That's why the structure is important. If the deal goes bad early, you can raise the tension, enjoy the ride, while still throwing in whatever philosophical insights the writer wants.


"That's why the structure is important. If the deal goes bad early, you can raise the tension, enjoy the ride, while still throwing in whatever philosophical insights the writer wants. "

the thing is, that in this case nothing works. the plot, the dialogue, the concept, basically everything went down the drain. no structure in the world could have saved it or make it less agonizing to watch. well, to be fair, if they had just made it non-linear at least that change in structure MIGHT, just MIGHT would have made it at least a tiny bit watchable. for example the ridiculous brad pit scene would be a good opener, to get the viewer over one of the silliest bits. damn, put the decap scenes right after that and then the gangster boss (fefe?) monologue. you know what? if we take out the worst flaws, make it non-linear and cut it down to ... let's say 70 minutes? or better, let's make a 30 minute short film out of the remaining material. we might be onto something here. any faneditors willing to take the challenge?



You're right on all counts. It was basically a philosophical arthouse meditation on the drug business, which made it a little more interesting than the usual Hollywood flick on the subject. I found it pretty interesting though, and good, as well as having a number of my fave actors in it.


No, actually it's quite an interesting movie. If u can get past all the metophoric dialogue, it's actually good. I think most of the actors may have been challenged by the intense unrealistic dialogue, but they made it through turning out a little gem of a movie. We've watched it now several times and always find something new and interesting about. Consider it a tale of greed.


Brad Pitt and Michael Fassbender made the movie. They couldn't save it though. I feel like a Fan Edit of the film would/could make it MUCH better. There were a lot of scenes in the movie that just felt forced and didnt move the plot forward or the characters.

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.


It's true Fassbender and Pitt were the best part. But too much philosophizing in this movie and Cameron Diaz sucked. I don't think this was a good role for Bardem either.


i wanted to like it. i really did. but it just sucked.

Life is not a problem to be solved, it's a mystery to be lived.

