He already said the job is more work than he thought it would be, he doesn't seem to be happy with it, he can't do his normal business that he enjoys while being President...
So maybe he's just trying to piss off enough of his own people in order to get removed from office?
Sure, he could just resign, but that wouldn't be his style.
Half a year has gone by and the news has been screaming Russian interference from the start without any evidence... if he fixed the election with Russia why don't they prove it? Will the half of the usa who don't like him keep the bullshit up for another half a year? Will they keep it up when he gets a second term?
Oh yes, he's reached impeachable offenses level. His threatening-by-tweet Jeff Sessions, his money laundering through is Trump businesses. Lindsay Graham has said if he goes for Robert Mueller, it's game over.
There's plenty of evidence which is why there are five different investigations. You're in severe denial. When will you finally see that the emperor has no clothes?
I'll remind you that the Russians aren't Republicans. Putin is a former KGB agent who enriched himself. Ask yourself how does a government employee in a former communist country end up with a networth of $70 billion dollars.
Putin wanted a puppet in the White House to get rid of sanctions and Trump wanted to wheel and deal to make more money. Why did Trump Jr run to get information from Russians spying against Americans? And was it the Russians who leaked his emails? Obviously, they would have copies of them since they were the ones who sent them in the first place?
Nope, you'll never agree because you've already chosen to believe what Putin says instead of the American and European Intelligence Agencies.
I find it interesting that you don't have a problem with Trump's son and son-in-law running to a hotel to meet Russians involved in espionage. Unfortunately, your allegiance is to Trump instead of to the United States and its values.
You drank the Kool-Aid. Plenty of evidence from scientists worldwide in regard to man-made climate change which you also refuse to believe. No hope for you.
Good to know that Republican and Democrat lawmakers are united in fighting Putin. I guess he didn't realize a Trump puppet wouldn't be enough in a country with checks and balances.
Nice to know that Trumps's taxes are being closely examined by investigators these days.
Not a founder of Greenpeace.
Patrick Moore was a president of the Canadian chapter and a director but left in 1986.
Presently, he's a paid lobbyist for large corporations which are known polluters. He also supports genetically engineered food and nuclear power plants.
He stated that a pesticide (glyphosate) was so safe that he could drink a gallon of it. But then he refused and stopped the interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovKw6YjqSfM
He stated that the nuclear power accident at Three Mile Island was a success even though radiation leaked.
He reminds me of those paid stooges in the 1950s who swore that cigarette smoking was healthy.
The FBI and the CIA are busy searching for evidence---real investigations are going to take some time, it's not going to get solved by the end of the hour, or in one week like on TV. That's not how it works in real life,little boy/girl. Now stop whining about it and go find something else to do besides kissing trumpf's worthless a**.
Half a year has gone by and the news has been screaming Russian interference from the start without any evidence... if he fixed the election with Russia why don't they prove it? Will the half of the usa who don't like him keep the bullshit up for another half a year? Will they keep it up when he gets a second term?
No. The media already know how thin skinned trump is so they keep trying to destablalize him as it for a while seemed to be impeding his agenda. The media loves the fact that they can make him cuss at the TV it does seem to be wearing him down. reply share
Hello, I am from the future. They have still not proven any collusion. Top scientists say it could take centuries before the Mueller investigation is over.
Oh dream on you silly people!!!!!!! Every time I hear "President Trump", I thank the Lord it's not "President Hillary" and I have no reason to want to slash my wrists.
I'm sorry your mis-placed hatred is so deep that while Trump daily makes a fool of himself, no one has actually found HRC guilty of any wrong doing. It's all smear by right wing zealots. I think the Lord would prefer Hillary, honestly.
If that silly notion had any credibility, she'd be in the White House right now. You obviously don't take the omniscience and omnipotence of the Lord seriously.
snepts --- No way I can make you understand what a crooked witch Hillary is! She wasn't "actually found" guilty of any wrongdoings"??? Neither was O.J. If you want to believe in the Holy Hillary, good for you>Just another one of her "useful idiots". She truly depends on the brain dead to believe every idiotic statement she makes She needs the sheeple to believe how "wonderful" she is, how she "cares".
Seriously, are you that dumb? She became a millionaire by lying and cheating her way through politics. I loathe the b#tch. Call it mis-placed hatred if you will. I call it common sense.
The Lord preferring Hillary? LOL Now I know you are either joking or dumber than Hillary's big fat butt! LOL
And haters gotta hate. I have no particular love for HRC and was uneasy about her viability as a candidate. But I don't have some bizarre hatred for all this crookedness some right-wing nut-jobs try to gin up. HRC would at least maintain a semblance of thoughtfulness at the head of our country. Trump is just a snowball of bad judgement and mistakes making the US look like idiots.
What exactly is HRC guilty of? Somehow I don't think her ass is a relevant topic, but if that's how you roll, you and Trump will get along fine. Thanks for the emotional yet not-so-edifying response.
btw, every crap political maneuver has come from the right -- witch hunts, corporate $$, Watergate, segregation, gerrymandering, on and on. While I'm registered as an independent, supporting a republican is like endorsing the Third Reich. No concern for the disenfranchised, just follow the money, since that's all they admire.
well,well,well, snepts 61--Haters gotta hate? Well then sign me up! LOL I am totally, absolutely, UNapologetic in my hatred for the Clinton behavior of lies, schemes, and law breaking. I hate that they sold influence for multi millions of dollars to foreign (and often hostile) powers. Where the freak else did they acquire those millions? Did Bill and Hill start a business, provide a service, invent something uselful? Do yourself and your self respect a favor and stop being one of their useful idiots.
But then again, "hatred" is SUCH a foreign concept to those who oppose Trump. Madonna wanting to blow up the White House, idiot Kathleen Griffin holding up a bloody fake head, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O"Donnell and the rest of the fair minded performers on MSNBC, NO hate there. Maxine Waters of the "too tight wig" and "too little" I.Q.points calling for impeachment, Robet deNiro (an actor I used to admire) wanting to punch candidate Trump in the face.
You folks is SO full of love for your fellowman. Ha ha, it is to laugh. What a joke.
"crap political maneuver"? So, has pot become legal in your state? Sounds like you were smoking when you typed that mess. HA! Oh the Democrat party (with Hillary as one of its lawyers) were NOT out to get Nixon. Corporate $$!!! Oh yeah! Maxine Waters, Pelosi, et al did NOT got rich while in office with their business connections. DUH!
Segregation? Ya mean like in the good old SOUTH? The home of Democrats and the home of the KKK! Confine your comments to days when you DON"T act like you have a brain injury!
Does the fact that the Republican party gleefully filled the vacuum the Dems left in disgust in the South mean anything to you? Are you one of those who happily hold up Abe Lincoln as a republican when he would likely spit on that designation at this moment in time? Just write reality so it fits your needs, I can't do anything about that. Dems were and are for civil rights, pubs prop up the status quo, so the rich get richer. I'm sure you don't see it that way because you admire greed. I can't help that, that's who you are.
What the hell is wrong with you? You admit to unapologetically hating, and then lay on more hate.
OK, we get it -- you hate. Grab some guns and shoot some homeless people, some women wearing hijabs, and prove how much you hate the rest of us. I didn't claim you had a brain injury or any of that nonsense, but if that's how you have to roll, you and Donald get along fine.
You no longer need to prove how much personally you hate me. I don't like mindless conservatives who think Fox is more infallible than the Bible .. but I try not to insult other people personally.
But you have no problem with that, so wipe the spittle from your chin and keep on goin' brother.
Fox "more infallible than the Bible"?????????? HUH? You "know" that's what I think? Good Gosh, I wish I had your powers of "perception". LOLOL
Stop acting like a brain dead nitwit. I said I HATE the behavior of the Hillbilly Clintons. And Yes, we are allowed to HATE the sin, not the sinner. Read a Bible yourself for once in a while, ya big knowitall
"Shoot homeless people and women wearing hijabs", well isn't that just like you holier than thou leftwing ,"I am superior" folks!!
You accuse me of crazyass behavior. Well psychiatrists say that it is a human trait to accuse others of the behavior we know we are guilty of (or would at least like to perform). So I'm thinking that YOU would like a shot at someone who disagrees with you!!!HAHA
Why else would you bring up such violent behavior and pin it on
Good God!! You act sillier and more stupid than some of the brain dead posters from The View on the IMDB board. And to think, I made a vow never to engage with such nitwits on the new board! I broke my own rule to engage with the likes of you! Adios silly fool!
Thank you. "Silly fool" is better than I would have expected from the right wing fox kool aid crowd.
Just continue to enjoy the (SARCASM ALERT) neutral "Fox and Friends" while those nefarious shows like "Face The Nation" and "Meet The Press" continue to push for accountability from Both parties.
Hey, this is fox(y) news, let's showcase some chick's gams on our supposedly legitimate news show. (fox is well-known for placing leggy and big-busted women on their televised news shows)
It's all so deplorable, but the acolytes still fall in line and defend it. Why, I don't know.
"FOX kool aid crowd"? Sweet Lord, you have a major hard-on for FOX! I can't recall the last time I watched it. But you seem to enjoy it!
Don't need to give me a "sarcasm alert"! I always get it when lefties are trying to be funny, they almost succeed!
"Leggy and big busted women" Tsk, tsk, I thought the holier than thou left said we should NEVER judge a woman by her looks. Of course with women like Hillary, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Maxine Waters, ya DON"T want to emphasize looks! LOL
But "leggy"? You can see a woman's legs behind the desk? Xray vision?
But as far as FOX, it does not pretend to be neutral. It has a conservative leaning. The brilliantly funny Greg Gutfeld destroys the silliness of liberalism. He doesn't pretend to be "neutral" like ABC, NBC, CBS and the other phonies out there.
Cheating and lying her way through politics? If that was the case (which I don't believe) she certainly wouldn't be the first, or the last politician to do so. But your and others hate of her is way over the damn top. Sorry,but unlike trumpf, she actually gives a damn about our country, and would never have thrown it under the bus for her own interest the way trumpf obviously has. I had some issues with her too, and never thought she was perfect either, but I also think some of the reason people couldn't stand her was frankly because they didn't want a female president---you can't deny that was also part of it. I've actually heard two men say that they didn't want a female president , which I thought was the stupidest thing I've ever heard, and I told them so. Basically, they thought a man with virtually NO qualifications to be in the WH was a better candidate than a woman who was FAR more qualified and had way more experience than the man in question. trumpf only got into office because he was entertaining, and because he pandered to people's racism and fears of losing their jobs. (And because the Russians helped him get there, because he's in hock to them.) Not because he actually had anything real to offer, but because he talked a good game and talked a lot of s*** about everybody else.
He won't finish this first term, because he has no experience, dosen't know what the fck he's doing, and won't listen to anybody because he thinks he knows everything. What a stupid,overbearing idiot. If he did know everything, he would have tired to find out just what he was getting into BEFORE he ran for president, which he obviously didn't.
You are entitled to your beliefs, I can't change that. Crooks like Hillary are lucky to have people with your beliefs.
"She gives a damn about our country"??? LOLOLOLOL, just too funny! Do you honestly believe that nonsense? The fact that she became a millionaire by using our country seems to escape you.
I actually have very little respect for most politicians of EITHER party. They use their positions to gain power and wealth.
But Hillary is a special case. The left seems to slobber over that liar. And the rest of us are "sexist" because we did not want her to be President.
I cannot speak for everyone, only for myself. I was totally appalled at the thought of that woman who tried to destroy the lives of OTHER women whom her husband raped and abused, becoming President. It is a position she does not merit by talent, temperament or any morals.
I was not against her becoming President because she HAS a uterus. I was against her becoming President because she HAS NO character.
The title of her newest memoir, What Happened, is absolutely comical. So, she's still scratching her head, can't grasp it. I can just imagine her ghost writer struggling with her over that.
Also, why do I find it oddly similar to O.J.'s book, If I Did It ? Because they're both narcissistic criminals, hopelessly addicted to the limelight.
Honestly, you can hate Clinton all you want--that's your right to. But the reality is, she was NEVER convicted of anything and was cleared. It's ridiculous to call someone a criminal when you have no real proof other than these other right-wingers who keep whining on and on about her----she's not president, so frankly, I don't see the point of even bringing her name up in the conversation anymore. She had her chance and her time,she lost---she's moved on, so why the hell can't you and all the rest of her haters move the hell on, too? It's like you focusing on her because that's easier than dealing with the fact that trumpf is proving to be nothing but a collossal fck-up for this country. That is literally the only damn reason you keep dragging Clinton's name up-----how pathetic on your part. And comparing her to OJ? Uh, that's really stretching it way too far---I mean, come the hell on. That sounds just plain stupid as hell.
Successfully avoiding prosecution doesn't make someone less of a criminal. Ever hear of John Gotti, one of the country's most infamous mobsters ? How do you suppose he acquired the nickname, The Teflon Don ? I suggest you look into it.
I also suggest you try reading an entire thread before directing an accusation at someone. I wasn't the one who brought up Clinton; I only responded and contributed to it. And I sure haven't displayed a consistent pattern of it.
Actually, one of the easiest things to do nowadays is to jump on the hate Trump bandwagon. It's for sheeple who are easily swayed by a mob mentality. That's what's really pathetic and stupid.
Count me in! I hate trump. All i need is his reflexive. daily, idiotic twitter comments to remind me what a supremely moronic leader of the free world we have now.
But I'm waiting for it -- "you're fired." Gosh , you must feel glad I'm now out of a job, when most smug conservatives like to yell at people on the street -- "get a job." Why, so I can change out your urinal cakes while you throw spare change into the pisser just to show you think you are the cock on the walk.?
Republicans are by definition odious people. As individuals I respect them, but as a political movement, I am sickened by the uprising of ugliness and hate in the United States of America.
Bring on the hate, since that is what the pubs are so good at.
by that logic you should also demand trump to be imprisoned for 800 years, considering his amount of supposedly avoided prosecution. i mean, you don't get the nickname "the orange crook" for nothing, right?
It's easy to do because trumpf's an idiot and a fool who has no damn business being where he is----he didn't earn the right or the experience to be there. He proves that every time he opens his mouth and shows his complete ignorance of anything about how to run this country and about anything that isn't about him. You know that, so stop making these lame, tired excuses for him. He's seen by the rest of the world as nothing but a joke and a buffoon. So don't try to act like he's done nothing to earn all the ridicule he's brought down upon himself. He obviously dosen't know what the hell he's doing---he's can't even keep anybody on his WH staff long enough for them to get anything done.
He also retweeted a supporter who turned out to be fake and nonexistant as hell---just another bot is all it was,lol:
The stupid title of her newest book ( What Happened ) , which I was ridiculing, is indicative of her still grappling with her loss, licking her wounds and can hardly be considered as " moving on. "
Hah ! Leave it to a Clinton fan to characterize awareness as " obsession. " The truly obsessed ones will be those who throw their money away on a copy of that worthless piece of garbage.
yeeeah, awareness. hahaha. i would say that using her as the only "counter argument" in every discussion and even at rallies (still!), selling shooting targets with her face, chant "lock her up" (still!) ... etc is a bit more than "awareness". but hey, it's the same ideology where greed, vanity, envy, wrath, sloth .. etc all count as christian values and who claimed that the pope was wrong, so i guess we should not measure that under normal circumstances. btw, that's the same ideology where everybody that is not with us, is automatically on the exact opposite spectrum.
ah, thanks for reminding me: same ideology that is able to spew hatred without minding a thing in the world, but then again start crying when the wind turns.
oh and as for "There ya go! Paint with a really broad brush, muddy those waters and jump to all kinds of wild, erroneous conclusions about me. So typical."
---> "Hah ! Leave it to a Clinton fan to characterize awareness as " obsession."
It might be the easy way out? Yes I think that's exactly what David Cameron did when he gave us the referendum. The problem was....nobody knew what to do when Brexit happened. They still don't.
The POTUS..he's either really,really stupid and announcing stuff on twitter is his real modus.
Or...okay,as you said he doesn't like to lose face but that'd be giving him credit.
Hell, yeah, he's stupid---too stupid and arrogant to admit that's he way in over his head in the WH, that he dosen't know one f***ing thing about government or even how to run it,except to hide his tax returns from them,lol. The idiot thinks that he can run the country like you run a business, which as it turns out, you obviously can't. Especially not the way he ran his business. If his so-called management style in the WH is how he ran his businesses (and it's said they he did) no wonder he went bankrupt all those times. How the hell is pitting your employees against each other, stabbing them in the back, and constantly having all kinds of stupid-a** drama getting in the way of work any way to run a business? Hell, no, it's not--yet he seems to think that's the only way to run anything damn thing he does,business-wise. And then he has the nerve to wonder why the hell the WH is in such kaos all the damn time. It's always everybody's fault BUT his---just goes to show how clueless and delusional he is.
"Hide" tax returns? Duh, the IRS HAS them! How does one hide from the Imperial Government? Yeah you don't want to run the government like a business. Businesses try to please their customers or they lose them.
Government just steals what it needs and tell the citizens to go f@#@ themselves if they don't like it. Either that or it sends people to jail for not coming up with the money the government demands.
You know damn well the reason he hasn't turned his tax returns is because he dosen't want anybody to know how he's actually making his money. It's alledged that he basically let some shady Russians use his hotel to launder money through,and he owes them---that's why they hacked the election--here's an article about all of that:
You flatter me!!!!!! I don't know the extent of President Trump's business dealings. HOW would I? By listening to the mad mutterings of moronic Rachel Maddow? LOL Or the rest of the left leaning "news" media?
In all honesty, I just don't care. I am just forever gratefull to Donald Trump that he managed to keep that broom riding witch OUT of the White House along with her pervert rapist husband.
No worries. The ongoing multiple investigations have access to his tax records and they're following the Russian money trail. I'm betting we'll see the first American president serving a prison term along with his cronies.
It depends on several factors like Trump's unpopularity rating, charges, who else is arrested.
No reason for Pence to risk controversy by pardoning an unpopular traitorous president and his family. Pardoning Nixon wrecked Ford politically so I question if Pence would risk it.
He's used to doing whatever he wants and getting away with it which is what you're witnessing. Unfortunately, a crisis will likely happen while he's in office since each president experiences at least one. He won't be able to handle it properly because he and his sycophant appointees are incompetent.
He already said the job is more work than he thought it would be, he doesn't seem to be happy with it, he can't do his normal 'con' business that he enjoys while being President...
Yeah but campaign promises and impeachable offenses have NOTHING to do with the other. Not to mention...
ACA replacement that is better and cheaper,that covers more citizens...FAIL!
Total Muslim ban...FAIL!
Policies enacted to keep jobs in America...FAIL!
So he's also not doing anything he said he would...just everything we all knew he would.
Just Google Trump's broken promises and you will see why he should be kicked out of office. He is a narcissistic SOB who is a school yard bully who can't count on his teeny weeny fingers. Nuff said.
Jigsaw Dude:
Exactly what has he actually gotten done? Name something he's actually gotten done that hasn't already been done by Obama or Bush before him. Not one single thing has he got going on since he's been in office.
Trump never wanted to be President and it's obvious. He just liked campaigning and that's why he still has campaign like rallies such as the one he just held in West Virginia. Trump figured he would lose to Hillary then he could have bashed her for the next four years. Also Melania doesn't want to be First Lady and it's very apparent. You can tell by her body language.