The Main Flaw In This Film (and franchise).
I'm sure this applies to all the films but this one in particular assumes that purgers don't kill or attack... other purgers.
Purgers seem only intent on killing people who want nothing to do with the purge (and there always seems to be a convenient abundant number of such idiot people out and about on purge night... why?). Surely, the only real opportunity to kill is to kill other purgers.
This brings me to the film's worst example of this. Those girls who want their candy bar. Sorry but wouldn't a group of girls floating about in a light covered Christmas tree of a car be... raped 34 times before they even put on their costumes?
If nice people are somehow forced (convenient to the plot) to leave their house, they're instantly in danger but these girls can swan about town in a moving light bulb and nobody rapes them for an hour then cuts off their tits?
Fück off.