MovieChat Forums > Neckk > Replies
Neckk's Replies
In today's America, that's not surprising. Eventually, I think all big companies and franchises will have to pick a side since the political climate is so polarized. I have nothing against Red Lobster or any company who follows suit, since its their American given right to do so if they please. Although TC has never made any racist remarks, thanks for the rest of the info, daddy.
Anubis, that would have worked. Does sound better than what we got. Good ideas
I agree, Harlem. I mean, we have the pred in the jungle, the pred in the concrete jungle, the pred in the rural america, the pred on ice, and now the pred in the suburbs. Oh, and the pred on an alien planet. In my opinion, Shane Black reinvented or 'changed' the direction of the franchise for the better. None of The Predator felt rehashed, cliched, or boring. I especially loved the pacing. The humor? Havent laughed so hard in a while. Not perfect by any means, but I enjoy it enough to rewatch it more that I did Predators. Maybe it's because Im a fan of Lethal Weapon, Last Boyscout, Monster Squad, etc, but this movie definitely echoed some of those same feelings I had when I first watched those movies as a child.
To answer your question; no. But I used to make short films with a small crew and immediately began to appreciate everyone involved with lighting and sounds. Theyre both laborious, but two of the most important and under appreciated components when it comes to the technical aspect of film making.
But yeah, Id love to visit a profession set one day :)
I'm reasonable enough to acknowledge when The Pres has done good and bad. Like all presidents in the past, he's far from perfect. Fir example, claiming that he was going to defund Planned Parenthood only to give them millions of dollars. Another example was when he banned bump stocks a couple months ago.
Then, there are times where he does good. Acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel's capital was great. Pres Bush, Pres Clinton and Pres Obama all promised to do it, but it was Pres Trump that actually executed. I like how he's enforcing illegal immigration laws as well as Pres Obama did. There's no denying that he's helped middle-america by bringing back the steel industry, for example. Also, jobs for the black community are at an all-time high. Ill cite my sources if anyone requests.
I would agree that his rhetoric is HORRIBLE. But, he hasnt put anything into policy to warrant Hitler comparisons or the like. I also appreciate that he doesnt back down from any scrutiny from the press. I enjoy watching him and the media interact, as he seems to be very quick witted. I cant imagine any presidents of the past handling things the same way. He gives as good as he gets and doesn't apologize for it. For example, when Bernie Sanders got shouted down by those two strong women at one of his speeches, I couldnt help but think of him as spineless. That would never happen with Pres Trump, and I appreciate that about him.
As much as I like when he does good, I wouldnt mind if he was impeached. President Pence has a wonderful, wonderful ring to it.
I agree with what you posted, and understand why you as well as A LOT of others didn't like it. I never liked the idea of a more 'advanced' predator, as I think the concept of the creature in the first two films were perfect. The design wasnt broke and was interesting enough to not warrant an updated version. I get it.
The last 2 minutes or so was unnecessary, I agree. The first time I watched the movie, I hated the first half hour or so. Then, the loonies showed up and I couldnt help but enjoy it.
Im not disagreeing with you, since theyre your opinions. Just curious, what direction would you have taken The Predator in? I really didnt expect to like it, but id be lying to myself if I said i didnt.
Rewatching it now for the 5th time or so, and I just noticed the "Welcome parents and STDS" sign at the school lol. As a huge fan of the franchise since I was a kid in the 90s (the books, games, fan-fic, etc), I understand why people didnt like this. I almost wrote it off a year and a half ago when Shane Black said it was going to be a comedy. But I just cant help but enjoy it :) Id put this one above Predators, but less than Predator 2. Just my. 02
Keelai, thank you so much for your well thought-out response. You bring up some valid points that gives me much to think about. Again, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!
EDIT: Also, I do agree with some of the points you've made. Thanks for sharing!
Jehosaphet, you were able to put into words how Ive felt and what Ive attempted to communicate in past, but was never suave enough to do so as thoroughly as you have here. Thank you very much for this well thought out and powerful post.
I came here wanting to genuinely know what the left stood for, but instead got something better. Definitely going to copy your post as I think you summed up this issue perfectly (if thats ok with you). Thanks for your time, Jehosaphet. Sincerely..
For the sake of staying on topic, Im going to wait and see what others have to offer in regards to my OP, daddy. Feel free to start a Red Pill thread, and Id be glad to answer over there :)
I believe you to be somewhat intelligent, so Id really appreciate your answer(s), as I think you have a lot to offer, daddy.
Let me first say, I think that most conflict comes from greed, which trickles down and affects us normal folk. Meaning, there's always going to be bad apples regardless of living in a free society or not. So, to answer your question of the disadvantages of living in a free society, hard pressed to say cause I hardly see any, is people taking their freedom for granted. I think this leads to entitlement, which leads to people having agendas and sometimes even forcing their worldviews onto others, thereby taking away freedom in the long haul.
It really is a deep question and great food for thought.
Well, I dont think anything is ever free, really. Everything comes at a price, as the old cliche goes. Regardless, I think more context is needed for me to give a more detailed answer.
Free, as in currency, living, services, etc? Or free, as in the current society that only exists in the United States today?
But yeah. There will always be conflict regarding the countless avenues of what ought to be allowed and what ought not be allowed. Unfortunately in today's political climate, a lot of people dont have the social skills to have civil discourse and instead resort to anything but. Great idea to think about, alien.
I agree. But then again they kind of choose to go into the profession. But I agree with the mental health aspect. Unfortunately, none of us regular folk will understand whats it like to handle such fame. Leads me to believe its extremely alienating for them.
I think the best endgame scenario for these famous people is how Little Richard got out and humbled himself.
What laws has The Pres put into place that makes him comparable to Hitler?
What has he done to be labled a tyrant?
Im not looking to argue, just looking for facts :)
Me too, Jacob! Access to healthcare is vital.
Hey, daddy. Great to see you here. Respectfully, I would ask you to not high-jack the thread and instead please answer the questions in my OP. Genuinely, Im very interested and open to accepting the idealogy of the left if it makes sense. Thanks, daddy.
I understand what youre saying, daddy. But I respectfully disagree about due diligence and accountability.
I could be mistaken, but didnt The Pres offer the illegal aliens amnesty maybe about a year ago (which angered the right) when DACA was on the forefront in the media? I think it was Schuemer (sp?) who refused, which in turn angered blue collared Dems. Again, I could be mistaken and I'm here to be informed as well.
I ask because I think the two are linked.
Agreed, Texas. But thats one of the reasons why I liked Thor 3. Definitely not what I was expecting, but it was a fun movie (like The Predator). Also, after watching Thor 3 I watched Wilder People which was directed by the same director. Guy knows how to make movies. But still, you're 100% correct
I read the title and immediately erupted into laughter. Only because Ive owned this movie for years and havent gotten around to finishing it yet. Its not that I dont like it (because it's excellent so far), it's just hard to watch a movie with a long runtime while balancing life with a wife and two kids lol. I still havent finished the Two Towers yet either lol
Daddy, it's not that you don't make a good point, because a part of me agrees with you. But the other part cant help but consider that people in general are smart, or at least has access to resources that can help them. If they werent sure, then they should have done the research.
Again, I partially agree with you, but there comes a point where people need to do their own due diligence and be held accountable for their own actions and decisions.