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Winning? 3 people have died in national parks during T-rump's 'government shutdown'

Since T-rump's "government shutdown" which has put thousands of park rangers and maintenance crews out of work for two weeks, 3 people have died in National Parks. One was a 14 year old girl who fell 700 feet to her death on Christmas Eve Day at the Glen Canyon National Park in Arizona. Her body was recovered on Christmas Day.

On Christmas Day, a man died after he slipped down a long, granite hill and fell into a river, injuring his head. This took place in Yosemite National Park in California, where Andrew Munoz, a spokesman for the National Park Service, states the investigation into the man’s death is taking longer than usual because of the ongoing shutdown.

In Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee, a tree to fall over on top of a woman and her 6-year-old son this past Thursday. The woman died from her injuries, while her son suffered a broken leg.

The Trump administration has chosen to keep national parks open, and many people are visiting them despite the fact that thousands of national park rangers are on furlough because of the shutdown, making conditions in parks more dangerous and affecting the capacity to conduct timely rescues. To make matters worse, there is also no regular trash pickup or waste removal at bathrooms at many parks, causing potential hazards to people and the environment.

During the government shut-downs in 1995 and 2013, both President Clinton and President Obama respectively chose to shut down the national parks, to prevent such dangerous situations from happening. On Thursday, the president and CEO of the Trust for Public Land reached out to President Donald T-rump urging that the administration close the parks “to protect the health and safety of park visitors and to protect park resources.” So far, T-rump has refused to take action.


Of course he refused. He only cares for his over-inflated asshole. Other people don't concern him unless they are filthy rich.


The Trump cultists will blame this COMPLETELY on the Dems and will absolve Fat Hitler of any blame whatsoever. Guaranteed.


There's another report out describing the health hazards coming from the bathrooms in these public parks - and the fact that people are urinating and defecating everywhere. It's absolutely disgusting. T-rump is doing nothing about this. This is part of MAGA?

At the Point Reyes National Seashore in California, the buildup of human waste was so bad that the park had to be closed for health hazards. The East Bay Times reported that “pit toilets had become ‘incapacitated.’” John Dell’Osso, chief of interpretation for the park, told the San Francisco Chronicle that “human waste has been found on the exterior of the toilets.”

At locations in the Poconos, the bathrooms have been locked but visitors have still kept going. A local news outlet quoted one visitor posing the conundrum in fairly philosophical terms: "If you gotta go, you gotta go. If you can't use a bathroom, what other options do you have?"


I wonder if there is enough cannon fodder from this shutdown fallout to pose a case for impeachment or, hell, even the 25th amendment? Must be something...


Make America Gross Again


The president is an idiot who has surrounded himself by idiots. He's the one who should be shut down.


Where is the outrage and fury from Republicans over this?


I'm a Canadian. My father fought for our freedom in World War II. Hundreds of thousands of people, just like you and me, died to protect our freedom. Government shutdowns are terrible. People dying in parks, and on the U.S./Mexico border is terrible. When your country needs to step-up, to defend itself from being threatened by invaders, there's bound to be considerable collateral damage.
I've been watching the developments in your country, my American friends. And I strongly believe that President Trump loves his country, and his fellow citizens, very much. He's the commander in chief, who must defend your country, and protect your citizens.


Defend our country from what? Say for arguments sake DT did love his country, does that automatically make him a good president? Does that mean he has sound judgment? He only cares about the vocal minority that showed up to his rallies and shouted the loudest. That does not include people like myself and Canadian citizens.


What exactly is he defending our country from, and protecting our citizens from ?


While not impugning your fine country, I find it ironic that a citizen of a country with such strong socialist elements is defending a man who would gut all those programs if he was in charge of it.


So people accidentally die and it's somehow Pres. Trump's fault? Maybe these people should have made better decisions. Also, stop making excuses for everyone and maybe educate people about accountability and less about adopting the victimhood mentality.


So people accidentally die and it's somehow Pres. Trump's fault? Maybe these people should have made better decisions.

Or maybe T-rump should have closed all the parks during his government shut-down, like past Presidents have done during shut-downs?

Or maybe those thousands of park rangers who handle emergencies on a daily basis should be working - and not furloughed over a wall which we were promised "Mexico will pay for".

There's your lesson on 'accountability' - stop making excuses for T-rump's ineptitude. Hold him accountable for this mess that we're in.


Hey, daddy. It kind of goes like this:

"Gee golly. I wonder if I should do _______ at the national park knowing full well that the government is currently shut down. Hmmm, and if something happens to me, there might not be enough man-power incase of an emergency. Oh well, Ill still go!"

The Pres. still gives people the freedom to do what THEY want to do. No one forced them to do anything, daddy.

I enjoyed the lesson, but didnt learn anything new. Maybe next session will be better ;)


"Gee golly. I wonder if I should do _______ at the national park knowing full well that the government is currently shut down. Hmmm, and if something happens to me, there might not be enough man-power incase of an emergency. Oh well, Ill still go!"

Of course, if the President was responsible and intelligent, people wouldn't have to wonder at all if the parks were locked up. If the Smithsonian can close due to 'no employees' why can't the parks stay closed?


Daddy, it's not that you don't make a good point, because a part of me agrees with you. But the other part cant help but consider that people in general are smart, or at least has access to resources that can help them. If they werent sure, then they should have done the research.

Again, I partially agree with you, but there comes a point where people need to do their own due diligence and be held accountable for their own actions and decisions.


But the other part cant help but consider that people in general are smart, or at least has access to resources that can help them.

I believe that's where you're wrong. You're painting the mass population with one brush stroke: that people are 'smart' and that people have access to resources that can help them. Sorry - neither statement is true, and for those who are 'not smart' or 'have access to resources', there should be precautions in place such as closing down the parks. It's T-rump's responsibility as President.


I understand what youre saying, daddy. But I respectfully disagree about due diligence and accountability.


I wish they'd close the parks. People are doing damage by not abiding by park rules because of the shutdown.
