MovieChat Forums > Neckk > Replies

Neckk's Replies

Agreed about needing this to be a trilogy. I mean, I remember watching the animated series and it was around an 8 episode story-arc. Crazy for a cartoon. I'm looking forward to this, as I'm a die-hard x-men fan. But I think they should have scrapped the idea of bringing the Phoenix saga onto the big-screen in live-action form. I'd rather have a Mojo world movie *runs and hides* "Tommy Lee Jones' Joker Two Face" Ha, my thoughts exactly. He would have been perfect for that role, but went waay over-the-top. He has the acting chops, so it's a shame that the opportunity was missed. Thanks again, dteam. I look forward to seeing you around the forums :) dteam, people like you give me hope that others (such as yourself) are far more reasonable than the mainstream media is trying to lead us to believe. This black and white narrative is very damning. This grey area that most reasonable people live in is far too complicated and rich to simply conclude, red/blue team bad because a, b, or c. I have to admit, smart posters (such as yourself) have really shined a light on my political beliefs the past few days and I've intellectually been forced to re-tune and re-think a few things. Thanks again, and I really appreciate the time you've taken out of your day to respond. Thanks for the information, Frogarama. I will definitely look more into the subjects regarding democrat's stances on fencing and other border type securities. It's just really difficult to weed through the activism to find the journalism. dteam, you make very valid points and tell the truth. The Pres. has to be willing to put America first (as he claims he does) and reach a reasonable compromise. Personally, I think a wall would help, but it shouldn't be the go-to, end-all answer, as it wouldn't be. It's not worth this shut down, IMO. As much as I personally like The Pres, he needs to humble himself and be a lot more bendable regarding negotiations. dteam, "Donald is going after the PC issue like a kid going after a hornet's nest with a fcking bazooka." What a calculated, funny, yet truthful analogy! Spot on with your post, dteam. Hahaha that's great! lol I just treat people online the same way I'd treat them in person. I have a lot of friends on all ends of the political spectrum, and we all get along just fine. Even acquaintances and most strangers I meet. We disagree, but we respect one another and understand how important and beneficial civil discourse and understanding is :) TJ, I think you hit the nail on the head regarding President Trump. I don't think I can agree with you more. Nice analogy with the Cosby episode. Can't believe I understood that as I used to watch the show growing up lol! I especially love, "That's Trump. He takes things most people could get behind to varying degrees and presents them in such an extreme that you dig your heels in because he takes it too far." Again, you hit the nail on the head with how I view him and his faults. Thanks for the thorough responses, TJ. Do any movie buffs still watch the Oscars? Seems like the Oscars are a bunch of circle jerk rich people tooting their own horns. Doesn't deter my love of film, though :) As an introvert, this is my dream come true! lol daddy, you made it very clear that you don't care about my inquiries and/or validations of your views/talking-points. It's difficult for me to continue to put forth time and effort towards your questions and answers when you simply don't care of anything I have to ask or say. I will not put you on ignore, but from here on out I will not be responding to you as my time is precious to me and instead will focus on those who are willing and open to having civil discourse. My prediction: [ - ] Doggiedaddy...(bla bla) "I don't care." I understand your reservations, as they're very warranted (not that my opinion matters), but what exactly changed from within the Democratic party? I don't want to make assumptions, so I would ask for you to further clarify, if you don't mind. If I'm missing something from your post or if I'm simply not comprehending what you've written, please call me out on it as I'm simply trying to find some answers. As if it were even possible, I think this game of political chicken will further divide and polarize the left and the right. To be frank, I understand both sides and both parties have very valid concerns and talking points. But to directly answer your question, no. Purely anecdotal, but a lot of friends of mine and acquaintances on the right feel emboldened and quickened by The Pres' brash tactics (whatever they be) and doing whatever it takes to protect our southern border. While most of my close friends on the left are concerned and angered about workers losing money everyday this shutdown is in effect. Again, both sides have legit talking points and concerns. Veering a little off topic here, but I think a good compromise would be for The Pres and the other top Democrats to try another televised sit-down and negotiate different ways to go about border security. Ok, some people don't want a wall. That's fine. What other ways are there to effectively protect our border? Unless those whom oppose the wall just simply want open borders, which would be detrimental to the United States in the long haul. Chronicles of Riddick is such a unique film, even by today's standards. Chronicles came out in 2004, and Riddick came out in 2013. This gives me hope that Vin will return to do a 4th film, eventually. I think the only two reoccurring characters needed for a 4th is Vin and Karl Urban, which shouldn't be too hard to negotiate. The "Riddick" franchise is Vin Diesel's passion project, and I don't think he'd just leave it incomplete. At least, I hope he wouldn't lol Daddy, unfortunately, you're not being intellectually honest with your OP as youvve taken the information and comment out of context. Hey, daddy. Can you provide a link if you have the time? If what you say is true and if its verbatim, then I will agree with you 100%. If not, Ill look it up first thing in the morning since I have to log off in a little. Good times! Lol! Must have been a blast to have seen this on the big screen! For the most part, I agree. But being that I like most of Phoenix's work, I'll probably end up watching it on home release. You do make a lot of valid points. Game of Thrones Ash vs the Evil Dead Battlestar Galactica (any and all) Walking Dead (s4 - present) Firefly (I know, I know. I loved Serenity, though)