Serious question: Could this shutdown lead to Donald Trump's downfall?
Let me start off by saying that it's quite shocking to see the republican officials serving Trump clutching so tightly to his "no wall, no shutdown ending" tactics considering the amount of harm it's doing to our country. It's pure, sheer insanity, really.
However, there has been news that some republican officials are starting to turn on Trump regarding this issue and feel things have gone too far, even stating they would push back by voting for dem initiatives to reopen the government.
Furthermore, TSA employees are starting to quit, according to some news. CVS/AETNA case may be slowed down, fears of air traffic controllers striking are rising, DC's water bill cannot be paid and is accumulating an outstanding balance, trash overflowing all over the country's parks, 51% of Americans blame mostly Donald for the shutdown while only 33% blame mostly Democrats, etc.
Could this controversy actually cause the destruction of Donald's presidency?
I can see the dem tactic here: they are refusing to concede to Donald's demands because--let's face it--if they were to cave in to Donald's demands then it would encourage him to try pulling similar shutdown stunts in the future, thus helping him feel a dictator. They're hoping Donald will peter himself out in this fight. Plus, Donald did say initially that he would be proud to "own" this shutdown and he's now at a point where he SAID: "I won't open the government because you then won't give me what I want".
Donald is between a rock and a hard place here: on the one hand, he's accumulating a massively increased amount of hatred from those suffering because of his shutdown...on the other hand, his favorite network FOX is expecting him to hold firm. Either scenario is damaging the baby's ego.
Seems to me the only true solution here is for the dems to bide their time, hold out and wait for Donald's tactic to implode. It's the only way to truly depower him at this point. As stated--any concession to his wall demands at this point will only serve to embolden him to do it again in the future for the next thing he wants. He will then have all the power.
What do you think will happen next?