MovieChat Forums > Neckk > Replies

Neckk's Replies

Agreed, TJ. Hey, frogarama. I know this is purely anecdotal and may not be the case nationally, but this is what Ive witnessed. Throughout the years, Ive known a lot of special ed case workers as well as those on the receiving end. Many, not all, but many of those in poverty have babies simply for the tax breaks. Having spoken with many of these individuals, I can confirm this. Some even have the audacity to joke about their unborn child bringing in the dollars. On the other end, a lot of special ed case workers and therapists have reported to me that many of the children in which they service cannot communicate with their parent(s) because either one only speaks spanish and the other only speaks english. This leads me to believe that the parents do not care about the child(ren). Or, it may be theyre just horrible parents. Again, purely anecdotal, but leeching off welfare definitely happens. Yeah, many people live off of welfare knowing it's only supposed to be temporary. As someone who worked in the financial industry for the past decade, I cant tell you the alarming amount of people who forcefully spend their $$ to stay qualified for government assistance. The democrats promote and reward the welfare state instead of encouraging independence. They want to keep the poor in poverty for votes. Sickening... I think its nice to have various types of super-hero films. If they were all Christopher Nolan-ish, it would get boring real fast. Same thing can be said about any one style of film making. I prefer the X-Men style of fantastical elements grounded in reality, but Im glad I could watch BvS or Dark Knight if Im in the mood for something gritty and dark. I enjoy having available the many different flavors of comic-book movie. Ah! Couldnt agree with you more! The first predator (in The Predator) was just hitting his stride when suddenly... merced. Definitely more interesting than the bigger one. Loved the updated body armor as well. Hey, daddy. It kind of goes like this: "Gee golly. I wonder if I should do _______ at the national park knowing full well that the government is currently shut down. Hmmm, and if something happens to me, there might not be enough man-power incase of an emergency. Oh well, Ill still go!" The Pres. still gives people the freedom to do what THEY want to do. No one forced them to do anything, daddy. I enjoyed the lesson, but didnt learn anything new. Maybe next session will be better ;) Pandorum and Event Horizon made me feel pretty claustrophobic. So people accidentally die and it's somehow Pres. Trump's fault? Maybe these people should have made better decisions. Also, stop making excuses for everyone and maybe educate people about accountability and less about adopting the victimhood mentality. "Maybe liberals should focus on establishing a living wage like they are supposed to instead of trying to make our kids gay and we might fix the homeless problem." Quick and to the point. Pretty much sums it up. Well said A female looney would have been AWESOME. Should have done it, Shane! But yeah. Olivia's character offered nothing after the motel scene. Should have killed her off on accident or something. No doubt there were continuity issues. The last act seemed rushed and choppy. Still, I emjoyed it :) Nebraska's sacrifice at the end was foreshadowed by his story of shooting himself in the head. Throughout the movie there were subtle hints that he wanted to die. I thought it was fitting that he got what he wanted. But I agree 100% that the editing on the ship was a blink-and-you-miss-it moment. A lot of things didnt make sense, but I think it was the cast and humor that made it enjoyable for me. Ive rewatched this a few times already just cause I enjoyed it. I do think that Predators was technically a better movie, but theres really nothing in there that makes me want to go back to rewatch it. Took itself too seriously, IMO. Anyways, thanks for sharing! Thanks, ProductionNow. Nice to hear some reasonable sense for once :) Oh believe me, I WILL lololol! You can have the win. I have to work lol!! Also, [–] Neckk (74) 8 hours ago You're incorrect. I actually appreciate you admitting to virtue signaling as you've given a couple of reasons why you belive doing so is a good thing. As a black man who grew up in the black culture, I want to tell you to knock it off and quit trying to speak for me. Many of us are sick and tired of other people trying to tell us that we're victims or that others take priority over us when the truth is that today, in 2019, is the best time ever to be black in America. To lie to myself would be to adopt your worldview, but I refuse to be the victim that you insinuate I am." This was 8 HOURS AGO ;) I'm not sorry to not fit into your little box, Ultra. Your stupidity and close-mindedness is ASTOUNDING! Again, one of my first posts I claimed to have witnessed racism from both sides. AND THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES Hahahaha!!! Oh wow. I'll just leave this RIGHT HERE because there's NO WAY a black man would think the way that I do, right? I'm all done here lol! Thanks for playing, Ultra. See you around the forums, my new friend. Hahahaha!!! Oh wow. I'll just leave this RIGHT HERE because there's NO WAY a black man would think the way that I do, right? I'm all done here lol! Thanks for playing, Ultra. See you around the forums, my new friend. Ultra, it's because you and I have different responses going on in different posts. Does that make sense? LOL! Are you now insinuating that I'm actually not black??? Please please please oh man i hope so....... Yes, I'm racist because I agree with facts. Who exactly am I racist against? You know, me being a black man and all. As a black man who was raised in the black community, first hand I KNOW that blacks are FAR more violent. I feel the need to bring up my race because you're now claiming I'm a racist lol I like you, Ultra. Sincerely. Reminds me of the old IMDB boards :) Ultra, I agree. So....**shrugg**