Blue pill

On the political spectrum I would consider myself to be in the center, which pretty much automatically puts me on the right in today's polarizing political climate. I have a genuine question for any and all to those on the left.

What are some of the reasons why anyone would join the political party of the left?

What is the platform in which you run?

It's almost impossible to find these answers in the media because they're all focused on The Pres. and/or their personal activism against The Pres.

I'm not trying to incite any conflict, I genuinely would like to know some of the reasons to join the left. With all that said, I believe it's possible to have conflicting ideologies and to keep a discussion civil. In all honesty, I'm not looking to refute anything that anyone posts in this section. I'm here to listen and to take a vacation from my echo-chamber. Sincerely...


I used to be a Democrat, but I walked away 6 years ago. I can't figure out the appeal anymore myself.


Why would anyone join any political party? Swing voters control elections.


I believe everyone should have access to health insurance.


Me too, Jacob! Access to healthcare is vital.


My question is, "What are some of the reasons why anyone would join the political party of the right?"

It's been a fractured, disorganized party for nearly a decade - since the Tea Party movement splintered off and caused havoc on the right. There's been no 'unity', there's been no full support of their party's President, there's only been animosity and in-fighting among the party members. Doesn't sound too welcoming or inviting to me.


Hey, daddy. Great to see you here. Respectfully, I would ask you to not high-jack the thread and instead please answer the questions in my OP. Genuinely, Im very interested and open to accepting the idealogy of the left if it makes sense. Thanks, daddy.


I didn't high-jack the thread. I responded to your question with a question. It's called 'engaging in conversation'.


For the sake of staying on topic, Im going to wait and see what others have to offer in regards to my OP, daddy. Feel free to start a Red Pill thread, and Id be glad to answer over there :)

I believe you to be somewhat intelligent, so Id really appreciate your answer(s), as I think you have a lot to offer, daddy.


Because the left is bat shit insane?


I think your question here actually addresses the biggest problem we face as a people. Why join anything? Why do you need to identify as left or as right?
Personally, some of my beliefs fall into the category of 'conservative' while some are much more liberal.

Other countries have a number of political parties to choose Americans only have two.
Which makes it that much more silly to see people jumping aboard one party or the other, and sillier still that most, if not all of their beliefs will align perfectly with the prevailing beliefs of that particular party.
It reduces people, who are fully capable of being dynamic, free-thinking individuals, into binary ditto-heads who fit neatly into either slot A or slot B. How weird is that?

But this inherent need for identity that we all have...much more than anything else, I believe THAT'S what has us at each other's throats. At least more than any belief system based on values and objective reasoning. We kid ourselves that we believe what we believe on behalf of the greater good...on what we believe is best for humanity. But its just as likely that, as much as we tell ourselves differently, we believe what we do because its convenient for us, its easiest.
Its just as much for our own peace of mind as anything else, to be able to feel comfortable in our own shoes. To feel like we've got stuff figured out, like we stand for something.

And IMO, the more polarizing our views, the more partisan we are, the more likely that any form of sincerity has long went by the wayside.

Why would anyone "join" either A or B when there's so much many more details, so much more nuance to the world and its issues than can be viewed clearly whilst looking through a colored lens, you know? How can you stay true to the truth when you have so much riding on YOUR truth? When so much of yourself is wrapped up in needing that truth to be true? No, real truth is put by the wayside, IMO and we'll even knowingly use skewed data to back up what we KNOW is BS, but its become so habitual that we don't even see the cycle anymore.

We're better than this, IMO. This tribal nonsense...and I imagine there's a shit-ton of people that feel just as I do...watching these two groups battle each other with whatever underhanded tactic is required to score a point for their team. Its human nature exposed, IMO, and as shitty as it might sound to say, I'm almost embarrassed for people who are so quick to jump in with both feet and start slinging rocks at the other side. It seems like its far too easy to play people like fiddles, and I can't help but wonder sometimes if that's what's going on.


Jehosaphet, you were able to put into words how Ive felt and what Ive attempted to communicate in past, but was never suave enough to do so as thoroughly as you have here. Thank you very much for this well thought out and powerful post.

I came here wanting to genuinely know what the left stood for, but instead got something better. Definitely going to copy your post as I think you summed up this issue perfectly (if thats ok with you). Thanks for your time, Jehosaphet. Sincerely..


Nobody JOINS a political party. A person IDENTIFIES with a political party based on their values, goals, experiences, upbringing, personality, era, background, etc.

It's also important to define what is a liberal and conservative.

Hisorian Yuval Noah Harari makes an excellent point when he says that a right-wing Republican living today is much more liberal than the left was 50 years ago.

"...If the average Republican today would go back in time, 50 or 100 years, he or she would be considered part of the radical fringes of the left. The average Republican today believes that interracial marriage is okay, that black people should have voting rights and the same rights as white people, that women are equal to men. Maybe they object to gay marriage, but they certainly don't think that you should criminalize homosexuality. In many ways, we just forgot how liberal the world has become...."

I define traditional Conservatives as wanting to keep the status quo (keep things the way they are). Liberals want change - to move towards a future with a better standard of living and quality of life for everyone. Liberals tend to emphasis equality, compassion and working together to achieve a goal to help each other. Conservatives tend to say you're on your own - personal responsibility.

I think all the other values are just lip service. For instance, conservatives used to say they were fiscally conservative, but that's nonsense since they overspend. Both parties are pro big business, but conservatives a bit more.

Anyway, I'm socially Liberal and fiscally Conservative (much more than today's Republicans). I believe those in need should be helped. People are basically the same. Live and let live. People are free to pursue their own happiness. No discrimination based on religion, race, creed, gender, etc. Freedom of the press, religion, speech, etc.


I think it's dangerous to have created certain industries for profit. For example, the military-industrial-complex needs to create war in order to profit. Strong defense is fine, but why are we selling weapons to dictators? Big Pharma needs illnesses in order to profit so many people are placed on drugs they don't need.

Under Trump, the Republican Party has moved away from their traditional values and embraced Trumpism. Fear-mongering, sexism, racism, tribalism, anti-Constitution, deceit, embracing despotism.. The majority of Republican politicians have become cowards because they're afraid of Trump. They forgot that the Houses are supposed to be equal to the president.


Keelai, thank you so much for your well thought-out response. You bring up some valid points that gives me much to think about. Again, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!

EDIT: Also, I do agree with some of the points you've made. Thanks for sharing!


You're welcome.


Because the "left" covers the majority of the political spectrum except for the far right. The democrats range from neocons to near communists.

Christian, Muslim, Jewish, atheist? Dems welcome it.
Gay, straight, bisexual, trans? Dems welcome it.
Fiscally conservative, fiscally liberal? Dems welcome it.
Support medicare for all, don't support it? Dems welcome it.
Support higher minimum wage, don't support it? Dems welcome it.
Support intervention in the middle east, don't support? Dems welcome it.
Support the 2nd amendment, don't support it? Dems welcome it.

The better question is why join the right?

Immigrants are criminals? Repubs love that shit.
Gay people are sinful? Repubs love that shit.
Muslims are terrorists? Repubs love that shit.
Black people are more violent (your previous posts)? Repubs love that shit.

The only real reason to be a republican is if you want the "freedom" to hate on a certain group, what Trump considers Making America Great Again.
