Sandman81's Replies

Maybe she just wanted to do a role without the pressure of having to give a top notch Oscar worthy performance, and can just show up every day and have fun. Also like she said, she wanted to do something her kids can actually watch. And if nothing else, Money. Lots and lots of money. The Nazi's had found the lost city of Tannis and the map room, and they knew who had the head piece for the staff of Ra. It was just a matter of time before they found Ravenwood and gained the medallion. They may have just lost track of him in the crowd. And at that point their only concern was getting the Ark out of Egypt. There will be elements of this episode that become important later. But even aside from that, just the fact that we learn that Baby Yoda is force sensitive is important enough. And that he chose to use it to save Mando, and wanted to heal his injured arm shows that he's already developing feelings for him. Because all of Hollywood protected Weinstein for as long as he was making successful movies. Everybody knew what he was doing, but as long as he had the power to make or break careers, everyone, including his victims, looked the other way. It wasn't until he was kicked out of his own company that everyone starting coming forward and telling their stories. And Hollywood still has the nerve to use their self congratulatory award shows to lecture us about this kind of conduct at the work place. Because Casey bore an uncanny resemblance to Drew Barrymore. The development and maturation process for that species is unknown. All we known is that Yoda was over 900 years old when he died and spent 800 years as a Jedi. And considering that Yoda spent the last 25 years of his life living in solitude on a swamp planet, and how quickly his health deteriorated between TESB and ROTJ, its possible he could have lived well past a 1000. As far as Baby Yoda is concerned, we know nothing about his life to this point. He very well might have spent decades locked in the building, being hidden from the world. Its possible he had barely ever went outside, let alone traveled thru space. And he had hardly any contact with other beings, and none that should him any affection. Notice throughout the show, the number of sounds he makes has increased and how much more he is learning about his abilities. Normally I agree that you can't look always look at old movies thru todays lenses and expect to find everything up to our standards. But I do believe that even at the time this movie was made the film makers should have looked at the rape scene, and known not to leave that scene as it was. I remembered her from when I saw this movie when it came on cable, and she was always etched in my memories. Especially on the boat when she ask the old man to pull her boots off. In the last wide shot of the prom, when hardly anyone has any clothes left, there is one tall, skinny guy running across the screen only wearing tightie whities. Not sure why I even noticed this guy, or any of the guys in this scene, but its impossible for me to watch this scene and not notice that the guy is "full mast". Can't say I blame him. I probably would have had the same issue with all the smoking hot naked chicks running around. I would also like to pull myself from consideration from ever having a relationship with Margot Robbie. They gained possession of the child alive, and had it back to town, but were told not to enter the town. This allowed the Droid to catch up to them and retake it. It is kind of ridiculous that they weren't allowed to bring Baby Yoda back into town considering how many soldiers they had, and that it could have been immediately put on a ship and flown off the planet. Or how about if you're living in a house that nice, that was in a neighborhood, how about being connected to a sewer line instead of having a septic tank. And if the septic tank was almost full, have it emptied. And if you have a toilet that's broke in a bathroom that's in an area of your house that you and your wife seldom use, just turn off the water to that toilet. And how about not snooping thru other peoples pockets, and conveniently forgetting that its not his jacket, but your son's. And you accuse Greg of being a pot head due to him thinking your favorite song is about smoking weed, but are oblivious to your sons obvious habits. You even catch him red handed with a pipe in hand. Billy Bush also told NBC about the Access Hollywood Tape with Trump immediately after he announced he was running for President. NBC news decided that they wouldn't release the tape until the end of October, as close to Election Day as possible, in order to hurt Trumps campaign and not give him a chance to recover. They also said they would try to edit Bush out as much as possible in order to protect him. The Washington Post somehow got a hold of the tape and released it unedited in early October, and Bush was subsequently fired. NBC also forbid SNL from doing jokes about Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein because "Those were "New York stories" and the rest of the country wouldn't know about it. Ford made $100k for ESB and $500k for ROJ. Hamill and Fischer's salaries weren't disclosed, but you would have to believe they got significant raises after the success of ESB. Also consider all the creatures in Jabbas palace, a whole lot of Ewoks in whole costume, and an extended space battle with many elaborate models. And much more of Jedi was filmed on locations. The desert for Tattonine, and the forest of Endor. After The Battle for Hoth, all of Empire was filmed in studio. I was at a football game when I walked past a random stranger who was asking the person they were with where those stairs go. Without missing a beat I turned to face them and said "They go up." For the same reason Halloween movies sometimes come out in July or August. Sometimes studio executives are just not bright. Ace: Where's Dan Marino???!!!! Melissa: He's shooting a commercial. Ace: Get extra security over there. Melissa: Ace what's going on??!!……… ACE!!!! (pause) Ace: You thought I left didn't you? Ok I'm really going now. Speaking only on the movie, I think his plan was for the most part good, but the execution of his escape was poor, and the storm threw a variable into it that he didn't count on. First it had to be that night, where most of the staff was leaving. That way there was hardly anybody around to interfere or catch him. Also if he managed to get on the ferry at the last minute, nobody would think much of him being there. They would probably just assume he wasn't needed that weekend either and was leaving the island for a few days. Someone else asked wouldn't Hammond and Arnold radio the ferry or the mainland. Well that's because he shut down all their communications, including phone lines. They couldn't even make calls within their own building, let alone off the island. The control room at that point was blind, deaf and mute. By the time they got back on line he would have already met his contact on the main land and probably be back on a plane to anywhere in the world. The actual stealing of the embryos was brilliant and flawlessly executed. First he let them know he was doing some work that might cause some minor systems to flicker on and off. So that way no one would think much of it when the cameras shut off. Then timing it perfectly for when the cameras would be off, grabbing the embryos and getting out. Also he didn't just crash the whole system at once. Just one thing at a time, based on what he needed at that moment. First the cameras, then the fences, then everything else. This way no would even notice that anything was wrong, until it was too late. Getting to the docks might be the only part that was not well planned. Did he have to go thru the park, or was that just the fastest route? Or was there more security systems that he couldn't hack into to outside the actual park. And he probably should have had the route memorized, even without signs. Granted the storm thru everything for a loop, but still if he was prepared enough it wouldn't have mattered. It's actually very easy to believe because its made very clear on the show. While Stanley appears to be low energy and lazy, its actually more just apathy. He does his job, and does it well, but is not interested in doing more than he has too. He has very steady and consistent sales numbers, and a loyal base of clients, as we saw on the sales call with Ryan. We don't get much info on Phyliss as a sales person, but nothing to indicate that she's lazy. She did close the deal when she was on a sales call with Karen.