MovieChat Forums > Bombshell (2019) Discussion > Why do Fox fans think ...

Why do Fox fans think ...

...liberals will defend Matt Lauer and Harvey Weinstein?

They are all scum molesters


according to Ronan they do


Does he?


Ronan Farrow is a worthless hypocrite who turned a blind eye to the allegations his siblings made against his mother. He’s been exploiting the MeToo movement to further his career, and people on the right only like him because Harvey Weinstein supported Hillary Clinton. Also, Frank Sinatra was a talentless and perverted hack.


Journalists write about stuff to further their careers? And he was one of the first?


Except that he’s been trying to pass himself off as a champion of abuse victims, yet he refuses to go after his mother. His mother was accused by two of his siblings of being an abusive psychopath, and his response was to take his mommy’s side and gaslight his siblings. He’s a hack, and the only reason you people like him is because you see him as a useful tool in “owning the libs”. He’s a lying scumbag.


What has he lied about, except his mother?


Except his mother? That’s a pretty massive fucking thing to lie about. Of course, since you’re most likely a far right conservative, I suppose I should also bring up that time he published an accusation against Brett Kavanaugh.


Everyone published the accusation, it was the news at the time.


I’m not talking about the initial accusation. I’m talking about one that he brought to light.

The right was pretty pissed at him when this happened, but they seemed to have forgotten about it when he went after Matt Laeur and Bill Clinton.


The public hearings were in September 2018?

Matt Lauer:

Bill Clinton:


Stuff like this is what keeps Farrow in favor with the far right.


What's the problem?


I’m simply pointing out the sole reason that people on the right tolerate Ronan Farrow. They see him as a useful tool in “owning the libs.”


I still don't get what the problem is.


The problem is that these right wing hacks don’t actually care about abuse victims, unless the perpetrator is a Democrat.


No, the problem is liberals defend Bill Clinton, Matt Lauer and Harvey Weinstein etc.


Clinton? Yeah I'll defend him. Lauer and Weinstein? Fuck no.



No, the problem is conservatives defend Donald Trump, Steve Wynn, Bill O’Reilly, and Ted Nugent. There, see how that works?


Thread title:

Why do Fox fans think ...
OPs post:
...liberals will defend Matt Lauer and Harvey Weinstein?

They are all scum molesters
My reply:
according to Ronan they do


We’ve been over this already. The people you’re referring to were corporate executives who didn’t want to comply with Ronan Farrow. No one has defended these people.


What's their job description?

Looked the other way, ignored signs, bury it etc?


I disagree. It's completely unfair to expect someone to be objective when it comes to their parents, come on.

He probably believes his mom, as would 99% of the world.



Because all of Hollywood protected Weinstein for as long as he was making successful movies. Everybody knew what he was doing, but as long as he had the power to make or break careers, everyone, including his victims, looked the other way. It wasn't until he was kicked out of his own company that everyone starting coming forward and telling their stories.

And Hollywood still has the nerve to use their self congratulatory award shows to lecture us about this kind of conduct at the work place.


Of course, but that was about his power not about politics.

Who is defending Weinstein now, the way that Conservatives are defending Ailes?


Flag waving conservatives on the right are as mindless as the card carrying Marxist left - they both hate who the TeeVee tells them to hate.


They can't defend him now for publicity reasons, but they allowed it to go on for decades. Supporting him while he didi it is the bigger problem.


Why can conservatives defend Ailes without fear of bad publicity?


Congrats. Dumbest question on the net


Well, many Hollywood liberals claimed they had no knowledge and/or stood silent while Weinstein had been sexually molesting women for decades. I would count that as defending.


Which Hollywood liberals had knowledge and stood silent? Were they in a situation where they being threatened with reprisal? If so, can that really be considered "defending"?


It was almost common knowledge in Hollywood about what was going on with Weinstein. At the very least everyone heard rumors about it. Plenty of people, men and women, came out afterwards and admitted that they knew. Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, and Ben Affleck all knew for fact because they dated women who were victims and told them about it. Too Brad Pitt's credit, he actually did confront Weinstein about what he had done to Paltrow and warned him never to do it again. But as long as he was making award winning movies, then Hollywood is more than happy to look the other way when it involves one of their own.

And this is the same Hollywood that gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation for winning an Oscar that he couldn't come and get himself because if he set foot in this country he would be thrown in jail for drugging and sexually assaulting a 13 year old girl.


Stop making sense


What was also common knowledge was that the money people (conservatives) who controlled the studios didn't care and that if you spoke up you would be crushed and your career ended.

Not to give anybody a pass, but instead, we should praise the courageous ones who did step forward and expose the predators.


