I don't know.
shareFord made $100k for ESB and $500k for ROJ.
Hamill and Fischer's salaries weren't disclosed, but you would have to believe they got significant raises after the success of ESB.
Also consider all the creatures in Jabbas palace, a whole lot of Ewoks in whole costume, and an extended space battle with many elaborate models.
And much more of Jedi was filmed on locations. The desert for Tattonine, and the forest of Endor. After The Battle for Hoth, all of Empire was filmed in studio.
"Visually alone, ROTJ looks like an inferior movie."
HAHAHA! Where did you get that total bull$hit from? ROTJ stands leaps and bounds over crappy ESB!
Yeah, the visuals in ROTJ are really staggering. Hell, that speeder bike sequence alone can't have been cheap. Comparatively, shooting models on a table in stop motion is chicken scratch. Film also features unbelievable sets. Ewok village, throne room, all the Jaba stuff. So many creature effects and makeup. The shear amount of manpower alone on the production had to dwarf Empire.
shareThis some sort of joke? The Battle of Endor space battle is probably over half the cost of the entire film, no other space battle matches it visually until the Prequel Trilogy arrived some 16 years later. Not to mention the Death Star II, SSD Executor, and another 30 Imperial-Class Star Destroyers and all their TIE Fighters and TIE Interceptors, Rebel cruisers, frigates, X-Wings, A-Wings, Y-Wings, B-Wings all in the same scenes at the same time.
Then there's Palpatine's force lightning, the Death Star superlaser firing multiple times on Rebel ships, Luke & Vader's pinnacle lightsaber battle, Shuttle Tydirium flyby Executor scene, Darth Vader arrives opening scene, Palpatine arrives scene, etc.
And then there's Jabba's Palace, Rancor attack, and the Sail Barge Assault. The Endor ground battle and Speeder Chase scenes. Death Star II hangar bays, Emperor's Tower, Ewok Village, Shield Bunker.
The effects are still fantastic today and hold up well. They are the absolute best of the Classic Trilogy.