MovieChat Forums > Sandman81 > Replies
Sandman81's Replies
Casey and Steve was definitely a two man job. Just carrying Steve to the house would require two guys, then stringing Casey up as quickly as they did.
All of Hollywood for protecting Weinstein.
The previous post beat me too it, but reshoots are done on every big budget movie, especially action movies with lots of special effects. Studios plan for them and include them in the budget. So unless there's a major calamity during production (like changing directors) reshoots don't dramatically change the production cost of a movie. The $275 million that you saw on Wikipedia, lol, probably included most, if not all of the reshoots cost.
And the only sources that I have seen that indicated his movie had heavy reshoots was a Reddit article, and something called "DoomCock".
Disney took close to 40% of the total box office for the year. They can get whatever percentage they want from theaters, regardless of what the previous Star Wars movies did.
I loved how you tried to argue facts, but didn't offer anything to support your points, except for Wikipedia.
So you're assuming that since they reshot a lot of Solo (which did change directors during production) that Rise of Skywalker would do the same, even though they had the same director thru out. And you knock his source, but meanwhile you provide none of your own. The only sources I've seen that support your point are an article on Reddit, and something called "Doomcock."
And do people not realize that almost every big budget movie goes thru reshoots. Especially action and sci/fi movies with lots of special effects. Studios plan for this and budget for it. So unless there's a major change of direction (like a change of director) then it doesn't add to the overall production cost.
While Hanks was primarily a comedic actor and did his fair share of low brow goof ball stuff, he still was held in higher regard than the guy who would bend over and talk with his butt, or the guy who did The Waterboy. Hanks could also show that he was a legit actor, even in goofball parts. He got nominated for Big, and then started doing dramatic/comedies like A League of Their Own and Sleepless in Seattle which allowed him to show his dramatic abilities, while still doing funny stuff. Then Philadelphia was the right movie at the perfect time, and he was outstanding in it, and couldn't be denied.
If you want serious answers:
1) They would have had enough life boats for everybody, and every boat would have been fully loaded.
2) Communication with other nearby boats would be dramatically better, as well as the speed which they could have reached them.
Fun answers
1) News helicopters would not only find the Titanic before any rescue boats, but they would air the sinking live on TV, and do nothing to help.
2) Major uproar about the unproportionate number of poor people who died versus the rich.
3) The hardcore feminist groups are oddly quiet about the significantly higher percentage of women survivors, or the policy of "Women and Children first."
4) The few celebrities who died get way to much coverage. The surviving ones can't get in front of a camera fast enough. And at least 3 celebrities tell us stories about how they were supposed to be aboard but changed plans at the last minute.
5) 75% of the bodies found in the water are still holding their cell phones in their cold dead hands.
God Bless the people who have served in our military, but based on some of the ones I have known, the military doesn't require a high IQ for enlisted soldiers.
And as we saw in the movie, Forrest seemed to do very well in basic training, and ended up winning a medal of honor for his only experience in combat. Perhaps not being very smart helped him, in that he didn't let them mess with his head, and he could just focus on the task in front of him.
Driver is about to get his 2nd Oscar nomination, and that is on top of his work in Star Wars and Girls. He's already having a great career and has the potential to be the Harrison Ford of the group.
Isaac is already off to a good career start aside from Star Wars. He's already won a Golden Globe, and if Dune hits, then its another franchise for him.
Boyego I think will always be around, mostly popping up in supporting roles here and there, but never being a leading actor.
Ridley will probably have the hardest time breaking away from her Star Wars character, similar to how Hamill struggled. Hamill eventually found his niche as a voice actor. Perhaps she will find something like that which keeps her around.
The biggest advantage these actors have over their predecessors is that with all the streaming services now, there's plenty of opportunities for them to keep working and hit big with something.
Alec Guinness had already won an Oscar for The Bridge on the River Kwai, and had nominated two other times. Ian McKellan had also already been nominated for an Oscar and was a highly regarded actor prior to LOTR. The quality of the story would not have been the problem. More so the ability of the actor. Hamill is not up to the level of those guys, and was no were near as well regarded.
I missed the movie when it was on Disney+, but I heard they edited out that scene. Is that true?
They would still try to kill Kevin. They needed too. He was the only person in the city who knew who they were and what they had done. With Kevin out of the way, they leave the city with all the money and no one even knows they were there.
I have loved Star Wars my whole life, and have loved Luke Skywalker and how Mark Hamill played him. But if you think he would have been capable of giving an Oscar worthy performance, then you are living in a fantasy land even more fantastic than the galaxy these movies take place on.
More than any scene prior to it, this scene showed how big of a loser Daniel was at that point. Losers find ways to lose, no matter how much they may be winning, they just find a way to lose.
He was completely winning that night up to that point. He wanted to go to the dance, but was worried about the Cobra Kai's. So him and Myagi come up with a costume that would keep him out of sight. And it worked, and things were going great with Ali. Sure the eggs sucked, but a quick wash up and he was back in the party. And the CK's were even in the bathroom with him, and didn't notice he was there. He could have just reentered the party and continued scoring points with Ali, probably getting to 2nd base and maybe with a little luck 3rd. But he was stupidly impulsive, and not only blew his deal with Ali that night, but nearly got beaten to death. Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
In the book Sadie agrees to go back to the future with him after they save JFK. No indication is given that it isn't possible.
But when you say the actual words of the date, you go month, day, year. So it would be pronounced November 11th, 1963. So it makes more sense to write it numerically the same way we say it. 11/22/63.
America is victorious once again.
Lets now try some math with more accurate numbers.
We'll go with your $275 million budget, though I've seen closer to $200. Though this movie was not RESHOT to death. According to Adrams, it was significantly less than TFA. So to think they spent $125 million on reshoots is asinine. But I'll be generous and say $80. Bringing the total to $375.
Then for marketing, Disney has always had the strategy of spending less on marketing Star Wars, because frankly they realized the movies didn't need to be marketed that much. Just tell the fans when the movie is coming out, and we'll be there. Again, I'll be generous and say $175.
So that makes the total cost $550. But here is part where you're most off. Disney is leveraging movie theaters into paying higher rates. For TLJ they demanded 65%, and in some cases it could go up to 70%.
So that makes the more accurate break even number at ($550 x 1.65) $907.5 million. Which it will have by the end of this weekend.
But if you still insist on using your inaccurate budget number the break even is $975 million. Which it will also pass.
That would be David Miscavige, who is listed at 5'4, but is such a power hungry egomaniac that he would demand a few inches be added. Tom Cruise appears to be a few inches taller than him, but not that much. 5'7 tops.
Kubrick hated Spartacus. He took over directing in the middle of filming and didn't have control over the script. He never felt like it was his movie, and would never make another movie unless he had complete control over everything.
It was a lot more than dessert. The Limo, laundry service, renting movies, and having the dessert cart brought to his room. And this is at hotel prices, in New York City.
I prefer to think of the timeline that Doc and Marty created as a "correction" to the space time continuem.
In the original 1985, George and Lorraine are in a loveless marriage. George is working under Biff, and still doing all his work for him, while Biff gets all the credit and still bullies him. We never see him interact with Lorraine, but we can only imagine how that goes.
In the new 1985, George and Lorraine have a loving and healthy relationship, as well as common interests (they return from their morning tennis match). George is getting credit for his hard work, and is obviously reaping the proper benefits for it. Meanwhile Biff now had to start doing his own work. First at school, where his grades were now more reflective of his intelligence and study habits. I think its fair to assume his grades took a dive that semester. Then his job prospects changed to more accurately mirror his applitude. To his credit he started his own business, in a service industry. So now he earns all his money from his own hard work. While he might not have as much money or power as he did in the other timeline, but at least he has what he is supposed to have. So you can make the case that everyone, including Biff, is better in this timeline that the natural one.
And before you say "BUT THAT'S NOT THE NATURAL WAY IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO!!!!" maybe it was, but things just got skewed along the way and need to put back on track. Everyone now has what they've earned through their own abilities and work.