Poor biff

I know it's been mentioned on websites and stuff but honestly he really got screwed badly in this universe.

We see an unaltered biff in the first one. Yeah he's a dick and picks on George and stuff ok fine.

So then they start to inject themselves on his time line and change his entire being with complete disregard? Which is strange because doc is constantly blabbing about keeping the timeline the same and not altering anything?

So at the end of all this biff is now a no one a bumbling car wash guy? All because he was picking on Marty's dad? I'm sure half the world is like biff but I don't think that warrants having our entire existence altered. I mean give me a throwaway line at the end where biff is thrown a bone and meets a girl throughout all this or something.

I feel bad for biff


He tried to rape Lorraine. He killed George in alternate 1985, and turned Hill Valley into "Hell" Valley. Don't feel bad for him, at least he has his own auto detailing business ;p


In an alternate universe he is a bad person. Same could be said for you or me ? That doesn't mean he should be held accountable in this one.

That rape scene. In the original time line did he rape her ?


An altered timeline, not an alternate universe. Biff doesn't really change, only the circumstances around him do. We can see he was a bully in 1955 already, and in the altered 1985 he is basically still the same, he only acts submissive if George or someone from his family are around.


the rape attempt was kind of a honey trap though. Just because Biff had the potential to do that doesn't mean he necessarily ever would have originaly. Remember the only reason he tried that was because this was Doc and Marty already interfering , originally Lorraine and George were awkwardly dancing at the dance. A person could say "I'd never take advantage of a drunk girl, or rob a store if I was broke" but if they're never in that position they really don't fully know.



I know a lot of people now who would love to alter the past to make Donald Trump an auto detailer.

Make 3,000 a month for only $18!



According to the writers Biff's character is based on Donald Trump.



the other guy nailed what i was saying.

biff in the original timeline didn't rape or attempt to her. marty and doc interferes with everything and puts it on a path where biff looks like a giant ass who is a sexual predator. but that wasn't the case the first time the events ran in history he was just a bully.


biff in the original timeline didn't rape her or attempt to


Even though George is a loser, Biff could be the main reason why she's a depressed alcoholic. He could've raped her, or for 30 years he could've been touching her inappropriately when George isn't around and forcing himself on her making her life a misery.

You're just guessing he never did anything wrong.


True , we can only speculate what Biff may have ever done , in any of the versions we see in the movies.

All we get are what we see.

We saw that originally Biff was kind of a sleezy jerk, and the worse thing he did was make George do is homework for him and make him do work for him later in life.

Then we see a 1955 Biff effected by new changes , and a new 1985 version of him based on those changes (and unknown events)

Then we see that same 1985 new Biff ends up a lot like his original 85 self, a mean old codger with a cane.

Lol I'm laughing now thinking how fcked up Biff's life would have become had he actually succeeded in his attempt to run Marty over in the middle of the road in the middle of the town square. I want to see that 1985 Biff rofl.


the original Biff was a fraud; George did his homework and his work reports yet Biff was his supervisor. At least 'nice' biff was self made; he ran that auto detailing business, sadly for him he's still doing it into his late 70's but at least he earns what he has.

I laugh at Biff Because people ask the question why nobody pieced it together that ‘Calvin Klein’ was actually marty from the future but if any character could have pieced together something is seriously odd it’s Biff. Think about what he experienced in 1955;

Calvin Klein shows up, stands up to Biff when he’s harassing Lorraine and befriends loner George McFly despite instant popularity. Uses a plank with wheels as a skate board before skateboards are invented. Then some crazy old man pretending to be his relative starts his car which supposedly needs a special tough, knows where he lives and insists on giving him a book about the future which does seem accurate. Calvin goes to the dance dressed up in a nice suit and plays on stage with the band yet simultaneously knocks out Biff and takes the mysterious book while wearing a disguise. Then after playing he is somehow back in the disguise with the book. He then steals the book back while on a flying board, climbs aboard a flying vehicle and is never seen again.


Yeah, Doc is mentioning that, but remember in the first one, he eventually thought, "What the hell?" in response to Marty's question for that.
In 1955, Doc is thinking about what Marty said about George never standing up to Biff before and probably knows something will be different in the future, but brushes it off because he figures it isn't important because it will help Marty.


No sympathy for rapists.

I'm....I'm...doing something in here.


lol but thats the thing the guy wasn't a rapist! at worst he was just a typical bully. he only became the rape type guy that we have seen in the movie when doc and marty interfere with the timeline and put him on a path for that.


wow, you can put someone on the path to rape someone by standing up to them when they're trying to bully someone?

what a weirdo you are. biff was already twisted and had a screw loose.

marty did nothing more than punch him because he was bullying his dad and for that biff was going to use his car to ram him into a truck. that's more than a typical bully.

you also in the entire thread haven't acknowledged that there's nothing in the movie that supports the idea that he didn't rape her in the original timeline or didn't continue to abuse her for 30 years whenever george wasn't around. it's open to interpretation.

emotional abuse can be as bad as physical abuse and he made their lives a misery for 30 years so f-vck him.


Indeed, Biff made the choice to almost rape Lorraine. And in the alternative 1985, he had also made the choice to murder George and force Lorraine to marry him. It is clear that no matter what the circumstances around him were, the guy was always a complete scum.

Intelligence and purity.


The movie never mentions in the original time line that biff raped her. So unless evidence is produced I'm going to assume he didn't rape her.

Now that being said let's run through this.

Original timeline happens and biff is a bully he goes after George and his girl. He continues this into adulthood and that's pretty much it. George is weak and it's his choice to be weak! He could've moved away at some point or distanced himself from biff somehow. But they end up working together? He ever think of ratting biff out to his boss about him being harassed or doing his work? Nope. I realize that biff might have been his supervisor but still biff has to answer to someone.

So now Marty and doc go back into time they interfere with the timeline and everyone is out on different paths. Biff wouldn't have been in that car with her alone and tried to rape her if Marty didn't get hit by that car instead of George.

We hear throughout the trilogy about not messing with the timeline and about isn't the time machine for personal game. The entire 2nd movie is about that with the sports book. But that's exactly what they ended up doing they used it for personal gain. If after the second movie Marty and doc come back to the present time and things were actually worse because what they had done would they have left them alone? Hell no! They would've went back to fix it. When in actuality they should've went back in time to put things back into the original order that it was intended to be in.

But yeah because biff was a bully in high school and a dick to Marty's spineless stupid father let's punish biff.

Your entire theory of him trying to kill Marty. Again is because Marty got involved when he shouldn't have.


Also, don't believe that being a "typical bully" is harmless. My mother was bullied in the '50s. For example, some kids once tied a bag over her head until she hardly could breathe. And even to this day, she is deeply affected by what they did to her more than sixty years ago.

Biff was only showing us what many bullies become when they get older: full-fledged criminals. That was true also for one of my mother's bullies, who was involved in at least one burglary later on in his life.


I disagree. Biff was a no good stinking pathetic excuse of a human being in both the past and in the unaltered timeline at the beginning of the movie. He bullies George and makes him his slave not only when he is a teenager, but through out his adult life. He has no respect for women and insists to Loraine that she is his girl without regarding her feelings.

There is the scene in Part 2 where he kicks the ball the kids were playing with for no reason than just to be mean. He delights in making other people miserable. He is selfish and never gives anyone else a thought. He is a sadist. And I seriously don't get how you don't see this.


he got really badly screwed in this universe


he's a dick and picks on George and stuff

yeah he only bullied him for 30 years, got him to do all his work in school and work, told him that he's not allowed to go wherever he wants to like the café, took money from him and thought he could grab and touch lorraine however he wanted no matter how many times she told him no, the little things really. let's just call it "stuff" to try and downplay what a huge A-hole he really was.

So then they start to inject themselves on his time line and change his entire being with complete disregard

what's this they? marty changed it when he stood up to Biff. good for him he was bullying his dad.

So at then end of all this biff is now a no one bumbling car wash guy

yeah it's great. he was a bully and a woman abuser who got everything he deserved.

I feel bad for biff

that says a lot about you.



It does warrant it


I prefer to think of the timeline that Doc and Marty created as a "correction" to the space time continuem.

In the original 1985, George and Lorraine are in a loveless marriage. George is working under Biff, and still doing all his work for him, while Biff gets all the credit and still bullies him. We never see him interact with Lorraine, but we can only imagine how that goes.

In the new 1985, George and Lorraine have a loving and healthy relationship, as well as common interests (they return from their morning tennis match). George is getting credit for his hard work, and is obviously reaping the proper benefits for it. Meanwhile Biff now had to start doing his own work. First at school, where his grades were now more reflective of his intelligence and study habits. I think its fair to assume his grades took a dive that semester. Then his job prospects changed to more accurately mirror his applitude. To his credit he started his own business, in a service industry. So now he earns all his money from his own hard work. While he might not have as much money or power as he did in the other timeline, but at least he has what he is supposed to have. So you can make the case that everyone, including Biff, is better in this timeline that the natural one.

And before you say "BUT THAT'S NOT THE NATURAL WAY IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO!!!!" maybe it was, but things just got skewed along the way and need to put back on track. Everyone now has what they've earned through their own abilities and work.
