MovieChat Forums > Furienna
Furienna (3357)
Let me ask the people who side with Miranda over Daniel these questions:
This is now officially my favorite Disney DTV movie.
"10 Most Unlikable Animated Movie Heroes"
"10 Most Controversial Disney Movies (& Why They Should Be Reimagined Today)"
I know I'm crazy.
Chuckie in "Home Movies"
"Bruno Madrigal and Self-Confidence (or lack thereof)"
"10 Harsh Realities Of Watching Old Disney Movies"
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Yeah, that was a weird plotline.
It is true that Scarlett isn't a very likable protagonist, but I guess that she never was supposed to be.
But she did what she had to do to survive both during the war and after it.
There were a lot of nasty people on the IMDb boards too.
So I'm glad that MovieChat at least has less of that, even if that is only because it has less traffic in general.
It is really just the way it is, you have to eventually reach an age when you don't get popular music anymore.
It is true that my grandparents didn't get the '50s rock that my mother listened to.
Honestly, I'm afraid I only remember one episode: the one where a bus driver passed off while driving after he ate some coconut.
I also remember a joke about how someone was so stupid that he thought that Tupac Shakur was a Jewish holiday.
No, never.
How about me who have never left Europe?
I'm sorry, but I don't get what you're talking about now.
It is clear that Aladdin wanted to be a prince only because he wanted to see Jasmine again.
Excuse me, but how can you say that Jasmine has too much freedom?
She has never been outside the palace and is bound by a law to get married by a certain day.
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