how pissed must Hamill be with the new trilogy?

Ep7 = cameo
Ep8 = kooky hermit. stays on island whole film. then just.. dies/fades away for seemingly no reason
Ep9 = cameo

instead of:

Ep7 = main role. Jedi master overseeing new Jedi order. tries/fails to defeat the rising 1st Order/loses ben to the darkside. exile.
Ep8 = 10y later. goes out heroically at the end trying to stop KyloRen (Gladiator/Maximus style). Oscar nominated/wins best support actor.
Ep9 = Force Ghost. helps guide Rey to defeat KyloRen (& Palpatine) so pretty much same as TROS


Uh, is the phrase "hates it with the fire of a thousand suns" too minor?


"Ep7 = main role"

And that is where they failed..


Mark Hamill has a pretty good sense of humour, so I'm not sure if he ultimately minded how it panned out for Luke. He was initially perplexed by the decision to make Luke a character the prefers to withdraw from the conflict.


Hamill has no reason to be pissed whatsoever.

The end of TFA, and in fact the entire purpose of the film, hinged on him. TLJ, and therefore the entire DT, would have been impossible to make without him.

Therefore if he really cared and didn't like what they were doing he could have simply refused to be part of it. Yes, I'm sure they would have threatened him with failure to fulfill contract or whatever, but no odds - they absolutely needed him onside or these films couldn't have existed. It's all on Hamill...


Well he's said he wasn't too happy with hardly being in TFA . and the way Luke was portrayed in TLJ


I think JJ dislikes Mark Hamill and didn't want much to do with him. TFA script fits perfectly for that. But it also works as a story, so he may not of liked his (lack of) part there but hard to complain too much. Still if strong willed he could have said, no that's not the role for Luke Skywalker in this film. Then what? TFA could not exist in the form we know without his participation.

TLJ is another matter altogether though. Once TFA existed, it simply cannot exist without him. Empty Disney threats aside he pretty much had carte blanche to insist Luke was portrayed as he believed befitting in this one.

That's why I don't have much time listening to any complaints from Hamill now. He was effectively the custodian the spirit of Star Wars and he blew it.


Why would JJ have a problem with him though?


That's just my own opinion based on watching this round table thing a few years ago. Can't remember what it was called but it was this series where various celebs sit around chewing the fat and discussing their careers. I think Kevin Smith maybe was the host? Anyway, there's one which has Mark Hamill and JJ on it and I remember thinking JJ was very dismissive, maybe even eye rolling, when Mark was talking. Anyway it seemed pretty clear he didn't like him.

The show was filmed long before there was any serious notion of a sequel trilogy being made / Disney being involved.


I remember watching that a while back but cant recall anything iffy. maybe i'll watch it again.

the only thing I can think is MH is an uber geek about comics/SF like JJ so maybe they clash somehow? idk. (its kind of funny to think one of the most iconic figures in SF cinema history is like a fanboy geek - usually its the Shatner/HFord type of being abit dismissive of all the SF stuff/just a job)


Hamil once "jokingly" mentioned how he tried to get JJ to listen to his ideas and JJ pretty much brushed him off. Rian seemed even more dismissive of the poor guy, though.


I have loved Star Wars my whole life, and have loved Luke Skywalker and how Mark Hamill played him. But if you think he would have been capable of giving an Oscar worthy performance, then you are living in a fantasy land even more fantastic than the galaxy these movies take place on.


It'd might have been possible, with the correct story (Alec Guinness got nom'd for ANH, as did McKellan for LOTR)


Alec Guinness had already won an Oscar for The Bridge on the River Kwai, and had nominated two other times. Ian McKellan had also already been nominated for an Oscar and was a highly regarded actor prior to LOTR. The quality of the story would not have been the problem. More so the ability of the actor. Hamill is not up to the level of those guys, and was no were near as well regarded.
