MovieChat Forums > avortac4 > Replies
avortac4's Replies
I don't know about lisp, but I DO hate how her lips look like when she's forming sounds, I DO hate her voice thoroughly, I hate her ugly mug - everything about her spells repulsion and I want to vomit at every pixel that has ever depicted her in any way or form.
It was a thorough shock to me when I was told there are people who actually think she's not only tolerable in some way, let alone attractive. What the hell is wrong with people?
In any case, she does pronounce her 'S' a little oddly, now that I pay attention to it - but to be honest, all her speech sounds like harpy shrieking vile and evil things to my ear at full volume, I can't tolerate it for extended periods at a time.
They chose a horrible hag as the counter-witch for Mulder's normal guy-character - I always thought that was the point, for scully (SKULLy..?) to be as repulsive and as opposite to Mulder's good guy truthseeker chracter as possible, she's there to deny, derail, bewitch, b1tch and horrify everything Mulder is trying to do.
I don't think a lisp really enters into it, she's horrible enough even without one, but as I mentioned, I can't focus listening on that horrible soundpuke long enough to notice whether it has a lisp or not.
The only reason for btching or suffering from aspect ratio stuff besides the stupid phenomenon of cellphone zombies' vertical shooting, is if you watch 16:9 stuff on a 4:3 monitor or television. There it DOES look squeezed and too small (though thankfully, with some players, pressing C you can flip between different cropping options to make it still tolerable).
But moaning about 4:3 and praising 16:9 as something revolutionary is just stupid. Just enjoy both ratios and focus on the more meaningful stuff, ok?
I would rather complain about the dataraping than the actual ratios, as long as those ratios are the original ones the footage was shot in.
You mean 4:3?
Are you saying you LIKE dataraping, which I call the unnecessary cropping that's done to the innocent 4:3 shows..? Removal of visual data doesn't make a show better.
I don't get these ratio obsessions, I can enjoy 16:9 and 4:3 just as much. I have monitors and old TVs for all kinds of aspect ratios, the only thing I have a problem with is cell phone footage with vertical shooting. First of all, the quality sucks, but second of all, although I DO have a vertical monitor amidst all the others, I don't like to use it for videos, and it always feels so cropped and claustrophobic to have to watch something so stupid.
It's like people have no sense anymore... on one hand, they want old shows to be forcibly squeezed into their modern monitors so those shows lose a lot of data from top and bottom (insane), and on the other hand, they have no problem holding their idiot zombie rectangle vertically when taking some video clip they will never watch, just so they will 'save' the moment and thus actually LOSING it.
Stop obsessing with ratios and LOVE the old 4:3 ratio, and stop calling it 1.33:1, which is the stupidest way of saying 4:3. First, you need more digits, second, you need FRACTIONS, third, it's masonic. Just use the lowest numbers you can that do not have to be split to fractions like that. Why would you ever use that ratio?
Why would you use confusing and rare, FRACTION-based crap like 1.78:1 instead of simple, easy, intuitive and clear 16:9 anyway? Not to even mention how stupid it is to split 4:3 into 1.33:1.
16:9 and 4:3 are intuitive, easy to understand, proper, non-fractioned, good and clear ways of saying the same thing you are saying in a needlessly convoluted way.
I don't suffer watching 4:3 on my 16:9 monitor - the black bars on the left and right do not bother me at all, I just think of old CRT televisions, and am glad to be able to 'mimic' them this way.
I also don't suffer watching 16:9 on my 16:9 monitor.
I don't care about the cast, but the pilot showed us what this show COULD have been, then the casting would not even have mattered.
This could've been a great show, but it was watered down before it got that opportunity, and what we got wasn't even 1% as good as it could've been if...
... well, something happened.
They could make a 20-season show out of what happened in the forties alone. You have been missing out on history.
In the pilot, you get the feeling someone was trying to tell us something.
Then someone 'higher up' saw it and shut it down, to replace it with a 'boring horror crap' instead.
This would explain everything..
I want another pilot that's the same as the original pilot, that continues from that pilot's stuff, instead of bringing us the 'monster of the week' and horror crap.
Bring us TRUTH about UFOs, bring us the cosmic messages of E.T.s. Bring us what's interesting and expansive about the Universe, don't try to scare the viewer.
That's what I want.
What's a golf metaphor?
I never saw Rita swearing, but then again, I am watching only a few episodes so far.
What 'combative attitude' do you mean?
The aneurism was still a thing in the episodes I am watching.. but knowing a character has a problem like that is stressful for the viewer, it's more pleasant to watch a TV show without having to think about that kind of stuff. After all, shows are _SUPPOSED_ to be about escapism (they they're not anymore, sadly)..
"This show had the slick and flash of MIAMI VICE, and the grim criminal subject matter of"
Um, Miami Vice isn't GRIM enough for you??
It has very dark stuff in it from underage prostitution to drug usage to undercover offier committing suicide (because they can't come back to the 'poor lifestyle' and 'ugly wife'), to gunfights, kidnapping, cops that are actually insane but don't realize it, etc.
It's not a fluffy show for kids, it's plenty damn grim.
Please stop being so lazy if you want to post something.
First, use proper punctuation. Second, use capitalization!
Third, 'Silk'? Really? You can't make yourself type 'Silk Stalkings'? Is it THAT hard?!
Also, STOP using the acronym 'SS', as if you don't know history, holy cow.
Schwarze Sonne or SchutzStaffel is not something you want to associate with anything these days.
SS? What an unfortunate acronym...
Schwarze Sonne? Schutzstaffel?
Maybe better just write the whole NAME of the show instead of using that acronym, you can't be _THAT_ lazy, can you? If you are, better not write any posts..
".. in the midst of all the sexual content you a solid detective show."
Where's the verb? What are you saying? "Youying" isn't a thing, so what the F?
Also, SOLID? DETECTIVE SHOW?! Don't make me laugh. When you watch Columbo, Miami Vice, or any of the actual shows that display police work or are about detecting something, this show is certainly as superficially silly as it gets, there's nothing solid or 'detective show' about this. You can't be serious. Then again, as there's no verb, you are not really saying anything anyway.
I might as well say "You Ferrari Testarossa" and make just as much sense.
You forgot talking.
A LOT of talking, and some more talking, then more talking about the talking.
You also forgot the misandristic stupidity and feministic 'humor' that kicks men in the balls, either figuratively or literally.
One of the stupidest parts of an episode I am watching.. a 'supposedly hot, but really post-wall ugly hag with big hair wearing eyeglasses as if they're posing for some catalogue' looks at our male star and asks something. Our male star then answers by saying he's looking for 'Mr. Marcel' (or something, I don't know how to type the name he says, could be 'Markell'), and she starts being all snarky about 'you didn't expect a WOMAN, did you?', and 'it's MZZZ' (I HATE this inequal stupidity with these titles, for man, there's only 'Mr. or 'Mister', but women have to have 'Miss, Ms. and Mrs.'), and he just neutrally says, 'because of the name MICHAEL, I was expecting a man', expecting the woman to conform to this completely neutral and understandable logic.
What the woman does next is just SO typical and annoying, my mind is actively trying to erase that memory, but holy cow, if you watch this show, PREPARE for this type of matriarchal annoyance, where 'men are always put in their place' by some whiskey-voice hag from 200 years ago, geez.
No, no. It's about SILK being stalked, and doing some stalking as well. Hence, 'Silk Stalkings'.
In other words, it's the stupidest pun ever, and yet someone not only greenlit it, but let it become the show's title and logo. I like the font, but seriously, 'Silk Stalkings'?
In actual reality, this is a boring, very uselessly talkative, action-lacking poor man's shadow of a rip-off of 'Miami Vice' with all the interesting parts taken out, and lots of whiny, post-wall women complaining about their 'abusive men' to the main stars that don't have much star power. Then they go and punch someone and have some 'cute ending' clip about some relationship.
Sometimes they show nice scenery, sometimes some nicely bright colors that are so rare these days, have some back-and-forth, 'figure it all out' by talking and .. frankly, I don't really understand what's supposed to be entertaining or appealing about this show, these days I am watching it purely for the mystery of it, trying to figure it out and find out why anyone would watch it.
If you watch it imagining you can't understand what they're saying in the show, or watch it sound muted, you can realize how PLODDING the show is - sometimes they show a gorgeous house, other times, they are in very badly lit, dark room without anything to please your eyes but 'talking heads', or they debate their boss.
There's not much action or any kind of interesting mystery about it - someone dies and they figure it out by TALKING A LOT, and that's basically the show.
Not much silk is shown, not much stalking is shown, and silk stalking someone, or someone stalking silk just doesn't happen, disappointingly.
You don't even get to see silk stockings, which is the word they punned in the title, so the only thing left is the beautifully colorful clothes I wish could still be available, and people would still wear.
Holy cow, I didn't even realize how much Rita gets punched in the face.. in two random episodes, POW! Male fist to face!
You should visit Asia more. After that, these post-wall hollywood hags don't seem so 'hot' anymore, and their appeal is gone.
I used to think all kinds of women on TV were beautiful, attractive or what people call 'hot' - but after seeing actual beauties, looking back on these fake ones, I just see a ton of make-up on relatively ugly face on a mediocre-looking body with not-so-good figure.
I agree about the 'midnight theatre'-stuff, though. To me, it was never 'insomniac', but it was definitely a 'late-night guilty pleasure' that probably taught me wrong things about american culture, but at least I can thank these shows and such for my at least average command of the english language and all the american idioms.
Your sentence about 'early puberty' doesn't really make a lot of sense, by the way. What are you saying?
There's also no such word as 'consisent'. Do you mean to say 'consistent', 'cognisant' or 'conscient' (french for 'conscious')?
Being able to be entertained by this show you are way more skilled than I am.. I have seen so many way better forms of entertaining that coming back to THIS show just doesn't cut it. It's a boring, plodding show with so much useless talking that goes nowhere, it's a miracle to me how this lasted NINE years..
By the way, do you mean their body reached the age of eighty years, OR do you mean eightieth birthday?
Think about it, your first birthday your body is 0 years old. You are born, so you aren't 'any years old yet'. When you reach your SECOND birthday, your body is one year old.
I mean, surely being BORN, your day of BIRTH, is your biggest and most real BIRTHday ever. This means, your second birthday you are one years old, your tenth birthday you are nine years old, so your eightieth birthday would mean you are only 79 years old.
So which do you mean, 80th birthday (= 79 years old) or 81st birthday (= 80 years old)?
This is a goofy non-show with not much content - you can easily replace one episode with another and not lose anything. _THIS_ ran that long?? Holy cow..
It's pretty interesting that a show like _THIS_ ran for so long.
I mean, the premise is weak and clichéic, the intro music is what demoscene would call 'programmer music', the show itself was cringy and repetitive, there was pretty much nothing in here except a pre-determined, formulaic crap, where 'we are police officers, dummy' is used to make cops do whatever they want (doesn't work that way in real life, although at the same time, it sadly does work like that in real life, because people are ignorant and cops are known to have abused and overreached their power), and so on.
It's like a poor man's Miami Vice without the seriousness or charisma, and it clearly tries to appeal to the hormones by being 'sexy' - young, attractive people as leads, and a lot of praise for the female character in every episode (though I am positively surprised that she was actually PUNCHED IN THE FACE by a man, and took that punch like a man - the puncher still got way bigger punishment for it than he should, but it was at least an interesting, rare moment in entertainment that you don't almost ever see anywhere except comedies - women are punched in the face with a fist, especially by a man, as rarely as women's brains are shown to splatter from a headshot (compared to how often men are victims of this)..THIS was true equality!)
If women are as strong as men, it doesn't only mean they can PUNCH like a man - why can't they _TAKE_ a punch or bullet like a man in movies and TV shows? Men's brains splatter all the time, men take all kinds of hits, kicks and punches in the face, women VERY rarely do, it's always the 'villain slap' at best, or threat of the 'R-word', and that's about it. Men get 'R-ed' in prisons more than women do, but no one talks about that.
In any case, this show should have ran maybe one or two seasons, I also can't really believe it ran for that long.. what happened, did this show get better than the first season, did it somehow become good?
I swear, if NATURE didn't so matter-of-factly defy this kind of people's weird, probably indoctrinated and conditioned hatred of colors, I would have to commit a suicide or something. I can't live without colors, how can anyone creative?
Why aren't there protests against grey and black everywhere? Or 'thin' colors or 'dark' shades that you can't even see if you are even slightly color blind?
Why don't we hear people chanting "WE WANT COLORS! WE WANT COLORS!"??
Why are people apathetically accepting the norm of 'non-color'? Why can't people realize anymore what a NIGHTMARE VISION it used to be that the world would become colorless and grey?
It used to be a popular story element in horror - 'the world became colorless' used to be something to be SCARED of and something to feel horrible about - - NOW IT IS THE NORM, where people actually, and I still can't believe it, QUESTION colors in a TV show!
How can you question colors instead of embracing and enjoying them?!
Stop saying 'allot'. The term is 'a lot'. 'Lot' meaning 'plenty' and 'A' as in 'article', okay?
In any case, it's SAD when people write about colors THIS way.
Colors used to be normal. Have you ever seen the eighties? It was FULL of colors - color is a normal part of nature, look at space, planets, nature, skies, sunsets, sunrises.. even people's eye colors and such. PLENTY of color there, and no one questions it.
But when in modern times people detect (no pun intended) a TV show where colors were actually used (which is beautiful and normal to my eye, but in modern times, I can only call it 'refreshing', because it's so rare, because ugly grey and black and colorless sludge is the NORM these days, and it's irritatingly repulsive), they are actually SHOCKED by it and QUESTION it.
The colors of this show are NOT the problem, people questioning them is the shocking problem to me.
I knew the day would come when people would not only understand, like, want or use colors anymore, but to see it questioned so blatantly in a discussion forum has to be a really sad thing.
No one questions the _LACK_ of colors anymore, which is an EPIDEMIC, but people question the actual EXISTENCE or USAGE of colors - which would be NORMAL.. and was normal, and should be normal, and I can't WAIT for it to become normal again.
To live in times where no one would even think to question the colors of this show, Miami Vice, or the eighties in general, ahh. That would be heaven..
I say, ring in MORE colors, and I QUESTION YOUR QUESTIONING of colors!
_THAT_ is the real question!
Look at cars, clothes, umbrellas, ANYTHING - no color anywhere! What happened? This show was made just after the eighties had ended, they still had not only the guts, but good sense and eye to bring us beautiful colors (though look how badly lit the police station is inside), just before the world decided "NO MORE COLORS FOR YOU" and brought us into grey+black.