compared with the original 1.78:1 widescreen format presented on bluray. I now some people prefer the dvd's standard versions (first four seasons)but the new widescreen version is alot better,is like watching a new show and the A/V quality is wayyyy superior,make the dvd's look very old. I totally recomended the update from DVD to BLURAY.
Hey that's very good to know I wasn't really impressed with the DVD box set of the show and have since traded it away to save for the Bluray box set but wasn't sure if was worth it?
But you have convinced myself and it is indeed very reassuring to know the Bluray series is far superior and greatly improved and enhanced on in quality.
So I continue to save $$ for the Bluray Box Set of the series and look foward to owning the collection once again by this Christmas.
Thanks @fabiovasconcllos
Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;
Contrary to what a lot of people say on this board say, every season was filmed in widescreen. The DP for the show even issued a statement claiming they did so so it would be "available" for the advent of better technologies.
"But the truth is, the years pass by just like trains, I wave but they won't slow down..."
Are you saying you LIKE dataraping, which I call the unnecessary cropping that's done to the innocent 4:3 shows..? Removal of visual data doesn't make a show better.
I don't get these ratio obsessions, I can enjoy 16:9 and 4:3 just as much. I have monitors and old TVs for all kinds of aspect ratios, the only thing I have a problem with is cell phone footage with vertical shooting. First of all, the quality sucks, but second of all, although I DO have a vertical monitor amidst all the others, I don't like to use it for videos, and it always feels so cropped and claustrophobic to have to watch something so stupid.
It's like people have no sense anymore... on one hand, they want old shows to be forcibly squeezed into their modern monitors so those shows lose a lot of data from top and bottom (insane), and on the other hand, they have no problem holding their idiot zombie rectangle vertically when taking some video clip they will never watch, just so they will 'save' the moment and thus actually LOSING it.
Stop obsessing with ratios and LOVE the old 4:3 ratio, and stop calling it 1.33:1, which is the stupidest way of saying 4:3. First, you need more digits, second, you need FRACTIONS, third, it's masonic. Just use the lowest numbers you can that do not have to be split to fractions like that. Why would you ever use that ratio?
Why would you use confusing and rare, FRACTION-based crap like 1.78:1 instead of simple, easy, intuitive and clear 16:9 anyway? Not to even mention how stupid it is to split 4:3 into 1.33:1.
16:9 and 4:3 are intuitive, easy to understand, proper, non-fractioned, good and clear ways of saying the same thing you are saying in a needlessly convoluted way.
I don't suffer watching 4:3 on my 16:9 monitor - the black bars on the left and right do not bother me at all, I just think of old CRT televisions, and am glad to be able to 'mimic' them this way.
I also don't suffer watching 16:9 on my 16:9 monitor.
The only reason for btching or suffering from aspect ratio stuff besides the stupid phenomenon of cellphone zombies' vertical shooting, is if you watch 16:9 stuff on a 4:3 monitor or television. There it DOES look squeezed and too small (though thankfully, with some players, pressing C you can flip between different cropping options to make it still tolerable).
But moaning about 4:3 and praising 16:9 as something revolutionary is just stupid. Just enjoy both ratios and focus on the more meaningful stuff, ok?
I would rather complain about the dataraping than the actual ratios, as long as those ratios are the original ones the footage was shot in.