MovieChat Forums > Silk Stalkings (1991) Discussion > So this is about fit girls getting stalk...

So this is about fit girls getting stalked, right?

Before I actually watch an episode or two of this. I feel like I should check, this is about lots of dirty girls that are asking to be stalked or have I entirely missed the point?


hahaha...I'm assuming this is a joke, but if it's not, this is a cop show with two detectives Rita and Chris who are partners and best friends. They investigate high society crimes (murder) in Palm Beach, FL. They call the crimes they investigate 'Silk Stalkings' thus the name of the show LOL


Nope, this was not a joke. I don't really get the stalkings part of the title. I knew it was a cop show but if I'm going to try and find an old tv series, it really has to have cops and hunnies. So I doubt I'll bother with this one.

Thanks for the answer.


Well, there are lots of women in bikinis and very short skirts on this show if that's what you are aiming for.


Silk Stalkings is word play on silk Stockings. This is a sexually charged show, every crime involves sex to some degree and every episode opens with a sex scene. Young teen boys sprouted pubic hair watching this show back in the day. If you're looking for sex appeal, that was the main draw of the show, but what kept it on the air was that in the midst of all the sexual content you a solid detective show.


".. in the midst of all the sexual content you a solid detective show."

Where's the verb? What are you saying? "Youying" isn't a thing, so what the F?

Also, SOLID? DETECTIVE SHOW?! Don't make me laugh. When you watch Columbo, Miami Vice, or any of the actual shows that display police work or are about detecting something, this show is certainly as superficially silly as it gets, there's nothing solid or 'detective show' about this. You can't be serious. Then again, as there's no verb, you are not really saying anything anyway.

I might as well say "You Ferrari Testarossa" and make just as much sense.


the best way I could describe it, especially the first few years...

Imagine a B-Movie version of Law and Order SVU as Written by a 1980s action TV writer and then add all the Bikini's Basic Cable would allow


You forgot talking.

A LOT of talking, and some more talking, then more talking about the talking.

You also forgot the misandristic stupidity and feministic 'humor' that kicks men in the balls, either figuratively or literally.

One of the stupidest parts of an episode I am watching.. a 'supposedly hot, but really post-wall ugly hag with big hair wearing eyeglasses as if they're posing for some catalogue' looks at our male star and asks something. Our male star then answers by saying he's looking for 'Mr. Marcel' (or something, I don't know how to type the name he says, could be 'Markell'), and she starts being all snarky about 'you didn't expect a WOMAN, did you?', and 'it's MZZZ' (I HATE this inequal stupidity with these titles, for man, there's only 'Mr. or 'Mister', but women have to have 'Miss, Ms. and Mrs.'), and he just neutrally says, 'because of the name MICHAEL, I was expecting a man', expecting the woman to conform to this completely neutral and understandable logic.

What the woman does next is just SO typical and annoying, my mind is actively trying to erase that memory, but holy cow, if you watch this show, PREPARE for this type of matriarchal annoyance, where 'men are always put in their place' by some whiskey-voice hag from 200 years ago, geez.


No, no. It's about SILK being stalked, and doing some stalking as well. Hence, 'Silk Stalkings'.

In other words, it's the stupidest pun ever, and yet someone not only greenlit it, but let it become the show's title and logo. I like the font, but seriously, 'Silk Stalkings'?

In actual reality, this is a boring, very uselessly talkative, action-lacking poor man's shadow of a rip-off of 'Miami Vice' with all the interesting parts taken out, and lots of whiny, post-wall women complaining about their 'abusive men' to the main stars that don't have much star power. Then they go and punch someone and have some 'cute ending' clip about some relationship.

Sometimes they show nice scenery, sometimes some nicely bright colors that are so rare these days, have some back-and-forth, 'figure it all out' by talking and .. frankly, I don't really understand what's supposed to be entertaining or appealing about this show, these days I am watching it purely for the mystery of it, trying to figure it out and find out why anyone would watch it.

If you watch it imagining you can't understand what they're saying in the show, or watch it sound muted, you can realize how PLODDING the show is - sometimes they show a gorgeous house, other times, they are in very badly lit, dark room without anything to please your eyes but 'talking heads', or they debate their boss.

There's not much action or any kind of interesting mystery about it - someone dies and they figure it out by TALKING A LOT, and that's basically the show.

Not much silk is shown, not much stalking is shown, and silk stalking someone, or someone stalking silk just doesn't happen, disappointingly.

You don't even get to see silk stockings, which is the word they punned in the title, so the only thing left is the beautifully colorful clothes I wish could still be available, and people would still wear.

Holy cow, I didn't even realize how much Rita gets punched in the face.. in two random episodes, POW! Male fist to face!
