DarthRoger's Replies

A solid 8 for sure. A fascinating, gritty and intense movie with dark humor and twisted moments, it caught my attention right off with Clarence's Elvis conversation. He's a reckless but wonderful character in an uncertain world. It's he and Ms. Alabama against the odds! I liked Abomination and think The Incredible Hulk is unfairly bashed by people. It's not a bad movie! Abomination could easily be brought back for a future movie. That all sounds cool! River Song was one of the best supporting characters ever introduced into the Doctor Who series. We went to a Con two years ago and I went as Matt Smith Doctor Who, while my lady friend went as the ONLY character she's ever dressed up as for these events, River Song. I actually liked this movie and I usually don't like the young adult sci-fi/fantasy films (hated the only Twilight movie I saw, The Host was lame and the Hunger Games were a snooze fest) but this one was different. They kept the pacing up and the story moving along. It also greatly helped that I liked the characters. Usually the young adult movies are full of Millennial smart-asses who can't really act. Again, I Am Number Four is the exception. I agree. Certainly it's the best of the Thor movies and highly entertaining! What an achievement! Hats off to everyone at Marvel Studios - actors, directors, producers, writers, stunt doubles, CGI and sound effects people, marketing, editing - all of you should take a bow. So where do Feige and company go from here? PHASE IV should be quite interesting. Can't wait! [Oh and before I forget - suck it, James Cameron!] Interesting points to both arguments. Here's what I know: Hella is an Asgardian, the same as Thor and Loki, although a much more powerful Asgardian than either. Only Odin was able to keep her locked away with his vast power. From the comic books, Odin could defeat Thanos. Concerning Thor's power level, I think the hammer is key. Thor learned in Ragnarok that he didn't need the hammer to harness his power. The hammer is more of a channel for his power and an item he relies on, much the same way Captain America doesn't have to have a shield but is a better fighter with his shield. Thor is a better fighter with a hammer. On Thanos in comparison to Hella or Thor, Thanos is an Eternal. His race is super-strong, super-smart and very powerful. They were created by the Celestials. Could Thanos beat Hella? Yes indeed but he could also be defeated by her. If you take the near end of A:IW when Thor buries the ax in Thanos's chest, technicaly he's beaten Thanos. He wins the fight even though he losses the battle. Hope these shared thoughts add more substance. You just proved my whole point. Thanks! De Niro has lost it. I won't be supporting his movies with my dollars anymore, which is a shame as I loved Good Fellas, Midnight Run and so many other titles he's been in. There's a level of decency that's been exceeded. The Left in America is crazy. Rage is neither an instructive nor productive tool to argue or advance your cause. I find it quite telling that the Right in America is always lectured to about their "tone" and yet the Left screams profanities with abandon. Seriously Robert, lighten up a lot or go get yourself some anger management. That was beyond tacky what you did and you should make a public apology. The cumulative 6.8 is from reviews of people who can't see past Robin Williams as a comedic actor. It's quite disappointing as One Hour Photo was (in my estimation), his career's best work. You acutely sense the emptiness and loneliness in Sy Parish, the deep need he has to feel connected to a family, even one that's not his own. The photos are his window into a life only dreamed about. And the ending is so surprising, discovering he was a sexually abused child. It's powerful and heart-rending. This movie deserves an 8.5 or above. Kevin is spectacularly dumb. You really have to admire the actor who plays him for making us loathe him so much. Midway through Season 2, I kept wondering if Meg and John would off him, simply because he's a loose cannon who can't be trusted to stay quiet and keep a low profile. It's a challenge that could yield incredible results. A DC multiverse could be so very cool! I give all the credit to Heath Ledger for an amazing performance. His performance was truly Oscar worthy and every CBM fan celebrates that achievement, be it DC or Marvel fans. I loved the Dark Knight movies but let's be honest for a minute concerning the current state of what's referred to as the DCEU. It's not good. It's not good at all. Not even a solid Wonder Woman movie can salvage the damage done to a pantheon of great characters. I don't rejoice in DC's misery, as I'm sure most devout comic book fans don't, regardless of which brand has their loyalty. An Oscar is a great thing but having a good DCEU that has competent execution and good storytelling, that's what gets you over the finish line. Seriously, no one I now that loves DC says "Well the DCEU is garbage but at least we have an Oscar from the Nolan years." Don't you want good movies now? DC fans need to focus on WB and pressure them to get their act together, quit rushing out sub par movies and instead INVEST the time, effort and dollars it takes to create a DCEU that looks, feels and acts like a CBM. They do that and they are competing with the MCU for audience share and fan accolades. Just saying. I see your points of but totally disagree on the fight scenes comment. I've never seen a better CBM "smack down" than the airport battle in Captain America: Civil War. Nothing in any Spider-man movie comes close to that fight. Nothing. Where to start? Too many villains, studio tampering, making Peter emo instead of dark in nature, again with MJ being kidnapped (how many times before someone figures out she's linked to Spider-man in some way), rushed feel to the movie and the way they screwed up Uncle Ben's death to make Sandman some sympathetic character. Despite all the missteps and tampering, it was STILL a watchable movie. Not good, just very mediocre. Yeah because the words BatMAN certainly convey a female attribute. Ever heard of Batgirl? No one ever said a black man could't play Batman, I can think of several who would be great! Really don't see how Bruce Wayne/Batman previously being a white guy is an "old bigoted norm," as you put it. Gee, a white guy named Bob Kane created Batman. Do you think he was trying to be bigoted or was it because he was white? Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (both white men) created Black Panther and they also created Iron Man. Does that make them both enlightened and bigots at the same time? Using your logic, I guess it is both. Seriously, stupid comment atarofker. Spread your propaganda elsewhere. Best Spider-man movies to date: 1. Spider-man 2. Spider-man 2 3. Spider-man: Homecoming 4. The Amazing Spider-man 5. The Amazing Spider-man 2 *Note - If I could count Spidey's screen time in Captain America: Civil War, that would be in the #4 spot. I wasn't really a fan of the Garfield Spider-man movies. Spider-man is such a party of our culture - like Batman and Superman - that he's like popcorn, apple pie and Thanksgiving parades. He's here to stay and generations love him. If I could be any of the aforementioned three superheros above, I'd choose to be Spidey every time!