DarthRoger's Replies

I think Jon Hamm would be a great Batman. I want to see this so bad. Planning on viewing it this weekend! It was the best Iron Man movie, although I think Iron Man 2 is unfairly panned by a lot of people. Iron Man 3 was just a SJW crock of garbage that Disney interfered with and nearly ruined. That's why Disney doesn't interfere anymore with the MCU. Kevin Feige likely had a nice, tense conversation with Iger over that mess. Look what SJW has done to Star Wars. It's ruined it! Better Star Wars than the MCU though. I hope Feige is in charge of the MCU for a long, long, long time. On Cheadle, I agree; on Paltrow, not so much. And that's not a knock against her as an actress. I think the character of Pepper Potts is the biggest buzzkill in the MCU. Look at the way she carps at Tony all the time. Her constant nagging got old for me by Iron Man 3. Some would argue that Tony needs that balance to his bravado but she overdoes it and that's pretty much ALL she does anymore. Sorry, had to get that off my chest. But let's be honest, she the new Jane Foster of the MCU. He was considered a B-list comic book character, more on par with Daredevil than Spider-man or Fantastic 4. The movies catapulted him to A-list status. It's a status that's well deserved. When they created Iron Man in the 60's, the level of tech that a hypothetical character like Tony Stark would have used to create the Iron Man armor, didn't exist. Due to the tech revolution in the early 2000's, armor like his is not only conceivable but possible. He's really a character that fits so much better into the modern, computer-driven world. Iron Man rocks! Yep, I remember reading about his on-set antics. Both Howard and Ed Norton turned out to be prima donas. It's a shame. Norton was said to be a major control freak but they also said he greatly improved the Incredible Hulk script. I'd love to see Cheadle do a team up movie with Bucky Barnes or Hawkeye. He can certainly carry a movie. He's done it before in Hotel Rwanda. Don't really know how to reply to this post. I had to blink and then get another cup of coffee, then look at it again. Is there a point or did you just want to stir up the fan bases of Marvel and DC? Perhaps you're on the wrong board. Marvel Studios has mastered the craft of superhero movie making. MCU naysayers will gripe "it's three acts and they're all the same," but their criticism completely ignores how the movies are received. Ant-Man illustrates that IF you give audiences characters to like and care about, you can build stories around those characters. At it's heart, that's what the MCU does better than anyone else. Let the character drive the story. They have a formula and it's works. Does this approach take away from the villain sometimes? Maybe, although I think that argument is another lame attempt by people who don't like the MCU. I think it would be cool if Rhodey/War Machine got his own stand-alone movie or maybe a Marvel one-shot. I like Don in this role and he's given the character a lot more dimension. I really felt for him in Civil War. Did anyone notice how he had taken the helm at Avengers HQ after Iron Man went missing? He stepped it up in Infinity War. More Rhodey! Ant-Man really is just a fun character. Even movie goers who aren't comic book fans seemed to enjoy the first movie. I took a lady friend who typically doesn't watch many MCU movies and she loved it! And she makes you LIKE IT! :D Well SM1 might not be in the Top 10 (although I think it could be, if adjusted for inflation) yet I like it better than SM2. They were both wonderful movies and if it had not been for a Sony tampered SM3 (thanks, Avi Arad!), the Rami trilogy might have been regarded as the best superhero trilogy of all time. Well SM1 might not be in the Top 10 (although I think it could be, if adjusted for inflation) yet I like it better than SM2. They were both wonderful movies and if it had not been for a Sony tampered SM3 (thanks, Avi Arad!), the Rami trilogy might have been regarded as the best superhero trilogy of all time. Love the original. I still have the very first episode on DVD. It's a classic! The problem with the original BSG was that they never got daring with the writing, never explored the characters more, never really explored the Cylons in detail. They missed those opportunities but I imagine that had more to do with television culture in the late 70's and how networks limited creativity. She understands how to take and administer pain. Plus, it's Amy Pond from Doctor WHO. Yowwza!! Hands down, it would be Nebula! Meh. It's always people with agendas who start these talking points. " Deadpool 2 tested poorly in pre-screenings, Solo's pre-ticket sales are outpacing those of Black Panther".... yada-yada-yada. They post stuff like this to create buzz, which is fine I guess. Some of if is spitting in the wind though, to see who will respond. What is so radical about his faith? He believes what he holds true and lives it. Your post is viscerally offensive. Don't forget all the SJW and PC bull that's riddled throughout Discovery! Oh man, you had to cause me hurt on this one. I LOVED the first Spider-man movie with Magurie as Spidey and Dafoe as Green Goblin! Unarguably one of the greatest CBM of all time and Spider-man 2 was right up there with the original. However I can't say the SM1 and SM2 are better movies than Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, CA: Winter Soldier, CA:Civil War, The Avengers or Avengers: Infinity War. I so wish I could but I can't. One thing you can take solace in, is that every movie I listed above would not have happened had it not been for the phenomenal public response to Spider-man 1 and 2. Those movies and the first two X-Men movies paved the way for the wonderful MCU.