Don Cheadle

Ya know what they should've done is get DON CHEADLE in the first place to play RHODEY for this first movie cause Terrance really did NOT look like a Rhodey!


I agree.


They tried, Don had another film he had already started. Personally I thought Terrance did ok in the film, but some of his antics as they geared up for the sequel made them give Don a ring.


Rhodey in the first movie comes across as Tony's whiny little buddy that gets made fun of and never gets a comeback. Cheadle's Rhodey pretty much gives as good as he gets.


Ya know what they should've done is get DON CHEADLE in the first place to play RHODEY for this first movie cause Terrance really did NOT look like a Rhodey!

Agreed. They should have had Cheadle from the beginning, but as the other guy said, he was doing another movie at the time. Would have been great though. He is literally a dictionary definition of a great choice to play James Rhodes

Guys stop we gotta talk this through


Tony Stark should have built a time machine and gone to 1986 to get Keith David to play Rhodey.
Death is the road to awe.


Indeed. I didn't mind Terrance as Rhodey (in fact, I thought he was good in the role), but there's no question Cheadle was a far better choice for the role in every way. He owns it.


I think it would be cool if Rhodey/War Machine got his own stand-alone movie or maybe a Marvel one-shot. I like Don in this role and he's given the character a lot more dimension. I really felt for him in Civil War. Did anyone notice how he had taken the helm at Avengers HQ after Iron Man went missing? He stepped it up in Infinity War.

More Rhodey!


I agree. Cheadle can carry a film, he's wasted in the sidekick role.

And BTW Howard was fired because he was a monumental pain in the ass. He's notorious for it, I'm really astonished that he still has a career.


Yep, I remember reading about his on-set antics. Both Howard and Ed Norton turned out to be prima donas. It's a shame. Norton was said to be a major control freak but they also said he greatly improved the Incredible Hulk script.

I'd love to see Cheadle do a team up movie with Bucky Barnes or Hawkeye. He can certainly carry a movie. He's done it before in Hotel Rwanda.


A Rhodey film is possible. Marvel isn't going to extend Downey's contract, because he's being paid far too much, but they could keep the Iron Man money-spinner going by giving Rhodey or Pepper solo films.

Cheadle and Paltrow are both good actors who can carry a film, and they come much cheaper than Downey. It could happen!


On Cheadle, I agree; on Paltrow, not so much. And that's not a knock against her as an actress.

I think the character of Pepper Potts is the biggest buzzkill in the MCU. Look at the way she carps at Tony all the time. Her constant nagging got old for me by Iron Man 3. Some would argue that Tony needs that balance to his bravado but she overdoes it and that's pretty much ALL she does anymore.

Sorry, had to get that off my chest. But let's be honest, she the new Jane Foster of the MCU.


"did not look like Rhodey", I assume this is a comic book reference. As someone who didn't read the comics and to who all of these character are new to I preferred Terrance.
