

I personally thinks spiderman 3 was the best film in trilogy ranking wise :-
1:-Spiderman 3
2:-Spiderman 2002
3:-Spiderman 2


And...you felt a need not to talk about this on the Spider-Man 3 board because...?


Where to start?

Too many villains, studio tampering, making Peter emo instead of dark in nature, again with MJ being kidnapped (how many times before someone figures out she's linked to Spider-man in some way), rushed feel to the movie and the way they screwed up Uncle Ben's death to make Sandman some sympathetic character.

Despite all the missteps and tampering, it was STILL a watchable movie. Not good, just very mediocre.



I see your points of but totally disagree on the fight scenes comment. I've never seen a better CBM "smack down" than the airport battle in Captain America: Civil War. Nothing in any Spider-man movie comes close to that fight. Nothing.


My favorite fight is the train fight in SM2. MCU will never top the airport fight. The sewer battle in SM3 is too dark, it's hard to make out the action.


The worst sin of the movie is the whole retconning of Uncle Ben's killer. Aside from that, people hated emo Peter and they really hated all the MJ singing scenes and Venom was certainly not handled very well. I'm a big fan of the movie, the good bits far outweigh the bad bits.
