Maybe this film is hitting at box office but mcu can't produce a single film like watchmen ever in their lifetime.Even snyder hater would agree that watchmen was a game changing in comic book film not crappy mcu lol. #ProudDcAndSnyderFan
No, you're not. We proved that yesterday when you couldn't even get your age straight and when you thought a 2003 miniseries was "Golden Age". you're an angry bitter little boy who doesn't realize he's not triggering anyone but providing us with laughs.
I give all the credit to Heath Ledger for an amazing performance. His performance was truly Oscar worthy and every CBM fan celebrates that achievement, be it DC or Marvel fans. I loved the Dark Knight movies but let's be honest for a minute concerning the current state of what's referred to as the DCEU.
It's not good. It's not good at all.
Not even a solid Wonder Woman movie can salvage the damage done to a pantheon of great characters. I don't rejoice in DC's misery, as I'm sure most devout comic book fans don't, regardless of which brand has their loyalty.
An Oscar is a great thing but having a good DCEU that has competent execution and good storytelling, that's what gets you over the finish line.
Seriously, no one I now that loves DC says "Well the DCEU is garbage but at least we have an Oscar from the Nolan years." Don't you want good movies now? DC fans need to focus on WB and pressure them to get their act together, quit rushing out sub par movies and instead INVEST the time, effort and dollars it takes to create a DCEU that looks, feels and acts like a CBM. They do that and they are competing with the MCU for audience share and fan accolades.
Picture it...Marvel did a movie about an armored guy a super soldier and a god and brought them together. Dc could do a movie about a super team set now, one set in WW2 and one set in the future and bring THEM together
It’s best not to acknowledge angry, petty, tantrum-throwing, brainless posters like this individual up here. But ugh...
No constructive criticism to be found, zero attempt at engaging in a real discussion, has no intention of doing any of the things previously mentioned, and as he said it himself, he’s part of the almighty DC army and is basically on an anti-Marvel rampage spewing the same garbage in every marvel movie board. (And some posters out there genuinely wonder why Marvel fans love to gloat when Marvel scores with yet another winner.) This DCchump is the clear definition of a pathetic, insignificant, lifeless troll. Providing nothing useful in any way shape or form in these boards. So, why is the sucker still being allowed to spread his nonsense non-stop? Well, he’s obviously not the only one doing this. That’s internet idiocy for ya.
Fuck out of here, wuss. Reality says that your beloved DC is doing horribly onscreen and it pleases me to know that salty Neanderthals like you live in denial and keep losing your shit knowing how much better Marvel is doing in every single way. Again, fuck off.
His name is Andre Cedeno and he a youtube guy who keeps having his channel deleted. He always comes back with something like DCEUrulzmarvel4eva or futureDCXXMarvelsux or things along those lines. He trolled the IMDb board a lot as well.
how can Marveltards "remember one thing" that truly has never crossed their mind?
lol I thought you were gonna say something like "Remember DC has 1 Oscar and Marvel Doesnt"
I thought you were gonna something something that actually makes saying "mcu can't produce a single film like watchmen ever in their lifetime"....Literally has never even crossed Marvel fans minds
lol I'm not sure anyone truly has the opinion " that watchmen was a game changing in comic book film"...but if there is, Its certainly such a Small Minority that Marvel fans literally dont even know they exist
lol its like your asking Marvel Fans to Remember ONE THING....Then that ONE thing is some ODD Rocket science talk they they've never heard of and dont care about....
lol LITERALLY almost no has the opinion "that watchmen was a game changing in comic book film"
There are at least 14 MCU films that are considered better than Watchmen in Every Measurable way
you picked the Wrong film...The ONLY possible purpose I can think of for the extremely ODD thread is, You wanted to somehow suggest A DC is great and Marvel Fans should be jealousy....but you picked the WRONG film...You picked a film in Wstchmen that simply is so irreverent no Marvel Fans could ever be Jealousy of it or "Remember it"
lol You need to pick a DC film that Actual made Sense...The Dark Knight is the best possible example..Marvel fans actually do "remember this film" and still get Jealousy over it..Its got the stats and consensus to Compete and Beat MCU films...
Wonder Woman would have been a alright pick
The Dark Night Rises and Batman Begins would have been except-able picks but NOT GOOD ONE but certainly better than Watchmen...
Like this is truly some of the worst truly I've ever seen and the reason why is....IT DOES NOT MAKE...
think about what you did here?
Avengers IW is hitting box office GOLD, about to hit 2 Billion, This bothers you, so you want to rain of Marvel Fans Parade and say "Maybe this film is hitting at box office but .................................haha WE have WATCHMEN"
lol do you honestly expect ONE marvel fan to go ..."Oh Know, I forgot about the Greatness of Watchmen, My night is now ruined knowing WB produced A MASSIVE box office flop that got decent reviews and is considered by the Majority to be just ok"
The Dark Knight, Logan, The Avengers.........Cap 2, X-Men DOPF, Civil War, Spider-Man 2.....then about 15 really great CBMs...then about 20 very good CBMs..........then 20 Good CBMs..................Then theres Watchmen with the rest of 20 or so other decent CBMs
lol Watchmen is so far down The Best CBMs list....Its completely pointless for you to list as a film Marvel fans should be jealousy of...
" Maybe this film is hitting at box office but mcu can't produce a single film like watchmen ever in their lifetime.Even snyder hater would agree that watchmen was a game changing in comic book film not crappy mcu lol. #ProudDcAndSnyderFan "
the only possible way this statement makes sense is you change THE have to change Watchmen to The Dark Knight....
" Maybe this film is hitting at box office but mcu can't produce a single film like The Dark Knight ever in their lifetime.Even snyder hater would agree that The Dark Knight was a game changing in comic book film not crappy mcu lol. #ProudDcAndSnyderFan "
Had you said this^^^^
Marvel Fans would have actually took this thread seriously and started arguing which MCU films are better than TDK or close to as good...notice you got no one arguing about Watchmen in this thread?
lol you got 2 people making fun of you instead....the reason why is YOU PICKED the wrong film....NO one "REMEMBERS" Watchmen, no one is threatened by it, Marvel Fans simply Laughed when they read this thread, and they laughed at the stupidity of Suggesting THEY should be Jealous of Watchmen, The point of Trolling is to anger people, to say things they want to rebut/Disagree with, Your Watchmen statement was so absurdly stupid no ONE CARED to even reply and argue it...The Sole reason I'm replying is to point out the DEPTHS of your failures and try to put it to words just how badly you failed here...for this thread to makes any sense at all you needed to Pick a DC film that Is actually WORTHY OF BEING JEALOUS of like TDK, Wonder Woman or TDKR and BB....
Instead you picked a film in Watchmen where almost every MCU film in Universally considered better, A film, in Watchmen that Marvel Fans probably truly hasnt even thought about in 5 years and A film In Watchmen that was a complete BOMB and is considered by Almost NO ONE as being a game changing CBM....
this is more than A FAILED attempt at trolling....this is truly A DUMB ATTEMPT at trolling....
I'm not exaggerating, If I made this thread I would delete in SHAME.....and then Have trouble sleeping that night from the embarrassment and SHAME I felt from thinking about just how stupid of a thread I made....
......................................................Then the day when I was at work I would have trouble concentrating on any thing I was doing because all I could think about was how stupid this thread is and what an ASS I made out of myself....
.............................................................................................I would then come home....delete my account on this site out of Shame and create a new name to come back a desperately troll on.....
It's funny that someone would even bother to claim DC is superior given the obvious difference in commercial and critical success of the two sets of films. It's like a dwarf claiming to be superior in height to a giant. Nobody can take you seriously.