Sandman81's Replies

Absolutely!!!! Plus he sounds like a really generous guy who would feel bad about it and give you money to buy a really nice new toilet. But I would still take pictures of the old one and show them to every person I met. He was the reason they had to create advanced technology for their toilets. Kind of yes. It was the first real "self aware" horror movie where characters not only acknowledge previous horror movies, but realize they are living inside one. And they recognize the cliches and common pratfalls as they walk into them. When Curly Bill makes his bet at the Pharaoh game, Wyatt waits for a distraction (Ike) and moves Bill's chips over to a different card, making sure he wins. The prisoners do have a choice to do work. And they do get paid for it, albeit very little. And believe it or not it's actually a privilege to be able to do work, especially outside of the prison. First you have to behave and show that not only will you not try to escape, but you won't pose any kind of threat to the other prisoners or the guards. The first time you do anything out of line, then the privilege is revoked and you can just sit in your cell all day. Season 3 completed filming at the end of 2019, before Covid. Not even close. As far as we know Rachel Phelps was not racist. Marge Schott was in her 50's when she bought (did not inherit) a minority interest in the Reds, and 3 years later gained a controlling interest. Despite being anti-semantic and racist, she was actually very kind to children. She always tried to keep ticket and concession prices low at Reds games, and was a life long fan of the team, and wanted them to win. Both were cheap, but for different reasons. Phelps just wanted the drive attendance down enough so she could move the team, in which time she would probably start spending. Schott was just plain cheap. She refused to hire scouts, put up a scoreboard for other games, or even basic upgrades to the stadium. And she really hated paying players while they were hurt, although her racist views may have been a factor in that. My theory: Commodus was testing Maximus to see if his father had told him of his plan. If he took his hand, then Marcus Aurelius never told him of his plan for Rome. By declining it, it was made clear to Commodus that not only had his father told Maximus, but Maximus would be the only person to be completely certain that Commodus killed his father. Lucilla was also certain, but Commodus probably assumed she wasn't smart enough to figure it out. Taking Commodus's hand would have briefly given Maximus more time, but ultimately Commodus was still going to kill him anyways. In Commodus's mind, Maximus was the only person in Rome who could challenge his reign, so he would need to be dealt with quickly. Commodus may have asked him to stay an extra day and speak to his men, to let them know that he had sworn loyalty to the new Emperor and they should serve him just as they served his father. With the loyalty of all his men in tact, Commodus would grant Maximus his leave. However he would then be abducted and killed, or hunted down on his way to Spain. And everyone would just assume he was alive and back on his farm. Normally when a mob boss needs to make an example out of somebody, they make sure that everyone knows not only what they did to them, but why they did it. Costing the boss money, screwing up a job, or talking to the authorities are offenses that the boss must not only must punish someone for, make sure everyone else sees what happens if they were to make the same mistake. Unless the mistake was something very personal that the boss wouldn't want getting out, like something involving his wife. If Marcellus had thrown Antoine out a window over a bad business deal, then guys like Vincent and Jules would know why. If it involved Antoine having sensual contact with her feet (or other parts), then they might not. Thankfully I have no idea what the market value of heroin is. Assuming Vincent was buying really good stuff and Lance might have been giving him a bit of deal on it, $300 might have been a reasonable price for that amount of heroin. $5 would have been a bit pricey for a normal milkshake back then. Vincent did admit it was really good, but not worth $5. She was still a compulsive liar. And that's going to change just because her appearance did. In fact it might help her lie to people because people tend to believe a good looking person easier than a less attractive one. HAHAHA I love the idea of Uncle Owen buying a droid he technically owned. Some people just never catch a break. Just rewatched this last night, and one of things I noticed was Bombay had to do 500 hours of community service. But if you figure that Bombay does 50 hours a week (which he wouldn't for pee-wee hockey team), he would have to do it for 10 weeks. If the Ducks played 1 game a week (unlikely), then he would have only done 4 weeks at the point of the meeting in Ducksworth's office. But Ducksworth says is service is complete. That didn't make sense to me until read this thread, and now it makes sense. Ducksworth got the judge to agree to end Gordon's community service early as a way to entice him to forget about the Ducks and come back to work. The Sheriff and Cherry Forever would play Webster's parents . No it would still NOT be the teachers job to risk their safety too break up a fight. And their union would be their every step of the way to ensure that no one blamed them for not stepping in. And if the school did not have adequate security, then the union be the first ones to point that out and blame the school for not protecting their students and teachers. That's why the one teacher being assaulted would be a much bigger deal in real life. If you disagree with that, then you've never dealt with a union before. Usually all at once. Actually that teacher is right. It is NOT his job to break up fights, let alone a rumble. That is why schools have security guards. His job does not require him to put himself in harms way, especially after witnessing a colleague being injured while doing so. And if they tried to discipline him in anyway, his Union would be all over them and make sure that he was protected. And school would rather the teachers not get involved at that point. Like the one who did and got hurt, well now he's on paid medical leave while he recovers, and school is footing his medical bill. Indiana Jones????!!!! Maybe they planned on doing a story line with him in season 2, but they saw how much everybody HATED him in season 1 and just decided not to use him. But they couldn't just pretend like he never existed, so they gave him 1 scene in the last episode to explain where he was all season, and to remind of us how much we hate him. Yes Daniel was a victim. Now he did make some stupid and hot-headed mistakes that worsened his situation, but he was still the victim none the less.