SemiAnimus's Replies

You're god damn right. (Jewish) Space Lasers of various kinds are the popular answers on the politics board. Dellamorte, Dellamore (Cemetery Man 1994) fits this description perfectly. If I told you anymore, it would ruin what you're after. I thought this might be a Nas reference. Nope. You know what has shrunk without shrinking? The lifespan of BIC lighters. I swear I would use up maybe one all the way for every ten that I'd buy, with the rest being lost or pocketed by someone else, because they lasted so long. Now I get like four weeks per lighter, if that even. It sucks ass. Other than the fire itself, that part about the insurance is some of the best news I've heard about in this situation. Crossing my fingers. 🤞 "San Francisco's 852,000 residents for a decade." "I don't know how to put that number in perspective." It's a bunch of homos. It seems that the concept has eluded you again. I, and presumably many here, aren't interested in your presentation and are more entertained by the content of your own thoughts that you present, or don't. Chopping up my words to quip point by point doesn't elevate your content, or any positive affirmation if you prefer. Everybody knows the deal is rotten Old Black Joe's still picking cotton For your ribbons and bows I get what you're saying. I'm not confident that they are the same, but the timing of flimflam's appearance here and Skavau's departure understandably has raised some heads. I'm not going to respond to you point by point. Incidentally, that relates to my point. You could have typed a few sentences and expressed your opinion, but instead you related it by splitting what I said into obtuse citations. Your officious approach detracts from any point you were trying to make. Until the nukes go off, right? Trust me I'm down for that, and let's be real until then. Stupid prizes... He might lose some hardcore libs, but he's probably going to gain more otherwise. You and I can speculate for a minute or two but this is Zuckerberg we're talking about; he could throw millions at think tanks to find the "right answer" and not give two zucks. As far as being guilty of anything, that's more in the realm of moral than legal. The principles of prosecution are so abstract and Zuckerberg is so shielded through his wealth that, short of some revolution endowed kangaroo court, it's just not going to happen. All? You can play these linguistic games on the forums but I'm not prithee. You're wrong. "I have exchanged views with quite a few here..." That's essentially my problem with you here. You haven't. Your assertions are few and far between and your conversation here primarily consists of attempted negations of the claims of others. I'll be honest that I'm glad you're here. I'd like to see more of your thoughts rather than refutation. Does that make sense? A more accurate description is that flimflam is a Google search result incarnate. As well as the potential for an increased customer base. Agreed. Exactly. Zuck's autistic brain is single minded in its attempt to make money. Now that the bar has shifted to the right, so has he. Federal laws aside, net neutrality has been in effect in some states for over a decade, and yet none of your bogeymen have come to pass. Why is that? Are you familiar with the history of public access television and the transition to cable TV? You know, where you paid for a few channels because of artificial restrictions on the line but you could pay more for better channels, or better yet knew someone who could unlock them for you. The settings are nearly identical. If you want to pad the pockets of "industrialists" whose contribution is nothing more than distributing limited access, based on the party tit you're already suckling off, I suppose that's your business. There's certainly billions to be made in the venture. "On this board we are all partisan..." This is one of the dumbest things you've said here. I've got more faith in you than that, Reading and all. Do better. Well said! There's nothing else that I am more thrilled to find in my garden.