MovieChat Forums > SemiAnimus > Replies
SemiAnimus's Replies
Federal laws aside, net neutrality has been in effect in some states for over a decade, and yet none of your bogeymen have come to pass. Why is that?
Are you familiar with the history of public access television and the transition to cable TV? You know, where you paid for a few channels because of artificial restrictions on the line but you could pay more for better channels, or better yet knew someone who could unlock them for you.
The settings are nearly identical. If you want to pad the pockets of "industrialists" whose contribution is nothing more than distributing limited access, based on the party tit you're already suckling off, I suppose that's your business. There's certainly billions to be made in the venture.
"On this board we are all partisan..."
This is one of the dumbest things you've said here. I've got more faith in you than that, Reading and all. Do better.
Well said! There's nothing else that I am more thrilled to find in my garden.
Praying mantis.
Something about them is captivating. There's something there when you look them in the eyes and they look back you.
Speaking of which, I photographed one this year first mounted on it's mate and then shortly after got a picture with the mate still mounted but decapitated. Shortly after that, I found an egg sack nearby and it's still there in wait until it warms in the spring and the micro mantis babies start hatching. I check it every day and can't wait to get pictures of a full life cycle.
This is one of the few things I would hope people would unite over, regardless of party lines.
Absent the net neutrality laws, the Internet could become the equivalent of cable TV where there's a package of websites that are part of a "basic service" and accessing anything beyond that requires fees, increased subscriptions and so on. Such an arrangement would necessarily require individual monitoring of content accessed, a privacy concern as well. Nothing about it is good.
You're correct, Keelai. This is one of the things Democrats got right.
Hopefully it doesn't turn out as badly as it could.
"Skavau...he seemed to lack any real connection to others here."
That's not entirely true.
"FilmFlaneur, I find him personable, playful, and a strong debater."
I can't agree with that either. Conversation with flimflam goes as follows:
You make a claim; let's say, "Church attendance is good for society and helps to maintain community bonds."
Flimflam: Opens Google, types "church bad society community." Skims the top three articles, copy pastes a paragraph. Next he opens up Google once again and types, "church alternatives better for society." Three more articles are skimmed and more paragraphs are copy pasted. Top it off with a sarcastic one liner, or maybe two, and you now have a flimflam post. That's when he's not just rattling off terms like straw man and ad hominem.
If I wanted to debate with Google, I'd search up contrary terms and start swearing at my screen, rather than respond to flimflam. Like that stupid ugly bitch Shania Twain said:
"So you're a source miner? That don't impress me much."
Welcome back btw!
brownish spider,
brownish leaf
confirms my deepest held belief.
no more spider,
no more leaf,
no more me,
no more belief.
Thanks, that was funny.
Having relatives in California, the insurance thing actually isn't weird it at all. I've been hearing about this happening since the Rim Fire there over ten years ago and my relatives have consistently talked about being worried about losing their insurance. I know at the moment that Newsom has blocked insurance companies from canceling policies for the next year, retroactive to when the fire started. He was certainly quick to act here when rich celebrities are involved and, rather than space lasers, if there's anything to be gained from this situation it's the political exposure to be had from an effective response to it. Not that I'm asserting it's true, but it's surprising conspiracies aren't oriented that way since this is a massive potential gain for a Newsom 2028 run.
Anyway, those pictures are weird, but remember that these are rich LA denizens with high end Teslas for daily drivers that have batteries that burn at temperatures that can't even be put out by conventional means. I bet some of those inconsistencies you see there from what you'd expect when a car burns have to do with that along with the paper thin alloy those cars are made entirely out of to offset the massive weight of their batteries.
As for arson, insurance fraud...who knows. Fires have to start somehow.
In before, "oh dear."
You know it's coming.
1) LA is an abomination of redistribution of natural resources; it wouldn't exist without the likes of water being funneled down there from the north. It's a bonfire waiting for a match and the north has yet to replenish the snow melt water that it pipes down to prevent this sort of thing. The timing actually makes perfect sense in this context, since LA is always in this state.
2) Insurance companies have been doing this for years already as mismanagement of natural resources has resulted in one devastating fire after another, year after year.
3) I'm not sure what you're referring to specifically, but metal is prone to becoming distorted as it is heated or cooled and the idea of a plastic with a burning point higher than the heat required to distort metal doesn't seem that far fetched.
4) Back to point one. This is an area that does not naturally support the likes of billionaire mansions and Olympic sized swimming pools. Furthermore, I'm going to take a wild guess that the rich folk weren't open to controlled burning, forest thinning or other forms of management that could have prevented this or reduced its severity.
5) I haven't heard of this. It doesn't seem worth taking seriously considering that the fires have a readily identifiable cause.
I work in special education and there aren't many things found in a classroom that haven't been thrown at me or used as weapons over the years. I've literally had students try to stab me with crayons.
"Front Holes"
"What's wrong with fact checking claims?"
Fact checkers.
I would say no.
A chimp is more someone who solicits for sex through a private forum, doesn't get a response so tries again a week later, and then pleads for post deletion when it is brought to light. I don't quite get that impression from this one, even though it is about Robbie Williams.
Zuckerberg is on team "let's make money by giving away tech jobs to Indians" for lower wages.
Of course he's in.
Watching Russel Crowe beat up Asians with slight builds is always a winner.
Right? This was too much not to share.
That's what I'm thinking as well, though if he was trolling I would expect more responses here for the attention.
Maybe there's something to the rumor of a few posters here using this site as their Grindr afterall.