MovieChat Forums > Politics > Net Neutrality Ends = American Folks Scr...

Net Neutrality Ends = American Folks Screwed

That means you can be charged more money if you want to stream from certain websites, stream TV shows/movies or a service provider could slow down the speed/block their competitor's website/streaming service.

Basically the internet can be censored and you'll be paying more money for it. Thank the Republicans and their rich political donors for screwing the American public again.


If you don't want to pay for it, don't.

The internet was already democrats trying to "save democracy".


Don't pay for the internet? How does that work in the 21st century?


Yeah, dipshit. You don't have to be here.

Also, you mentioned "rich political donors". Who the fuck do you think donated that 1.5 billion that Kameltoe wasted? Hood rats???


Drop in the bucket. Musk alone bought Trump for $277 million. What do you have in common with billionaires?

The internet belongs to the people. You better not complain when your internet bill is tripled because net neutrality ended.


The internet belongs to the people.

97% is owned and controlled by globalists and elites … that doesn't equate to: “belonging to the people.”


Why do you want to pay much more for the internet with crappier service?


This is one of the few things I would hope people would unite over, regardless of party lines.

Absent the net neutrality laws, the Internet could become the equivalent of cable TV where there's a package of websites that are part of a "basic service" and accessing anything beyond that requires fees, increased subscriptions and so on. Such an arrangement would necessarily require individual monitoring of content accessed, a privacy concern as well. Nothing about it is good.


Has nothing to do with left or right, Republicans or Democrats, it's how capitalism works no matter who is in government.
Everything that gets developped in the world gets developped 100s of times, in 100s of different versions, all competing against all the others, all trying to keep their own development secret and outcompete all the others.
What do you think can come out of a world where developping something new costs 100s of times more than it would have cost developping the same thing just once in cooperation with all the other developpers?

I know, I know, over 90% of all the ones reading this will now be tempted to comment that under a centralized government dictating such development nothing gets done and before you post that, let me confirm in advance, you're right, a centralized authoritarian government is no solution to the problem.
The solution is getting authoritarians out of the way from start, thereby eliminating corruption and then under a liberal government make obvious that cooperation is more profitable than competition, because cooperation saves 99% of the expenses in development.
Switzerland is halfway there, because with their direct democracy they have eliminated corruption in politics entirely, they only haven't done the second step yet, but have left authoritarian structures in businesses in place. Remains to be seen if and when they might go for the second step.


In other words, your internet provider could slow your speed to your Netflix streaming in order to force you to subscribe to their streaming service.

It is political when one party supports net neutrality vs the other which doesn't.

It is political when one rich man donates $250 million dollars to one candidate in exchange for favors once he's elected. That rich guy wants a study of accidents with his faulty cars squashed even though Americans are being injured and killed.


You're correct, Keelai. This is one of the things Democrats got right.

Hopefully it doesn't turn out as badly as it could.


This is one of the things Democrats got right.

No they didn’t.

I’m going to assume that you know what a Trojan horse is but you don’t know how it works with Democrat policies.

Net Neutrality is a trick and their method to regulate and censor the internet.

Passing the net neutrally law allows the government to censor speech on the internet under the guise of “free speech and fairness on the internet” … since when does the federal government want free speech and fairness on the internet?

Net Neutrality = Disguised Internet Censorship

Oh, and the worst part is that ISPs can still do some of the same things that Net Neutrality is supposed to prevent them from doing; I know this from experience after it was passed under Obama in 2015.


Federal laws aside, net neutrality has been in effect in some states for over a decade, and yet none of your bogeymen have come to pass. Why is that?

Are you familiar with the history of public access television and the transition to cable TV? You know, where you paid for a few channels because of artificial restrictions on the line but you could pay more for better channels, or better yet knew someone who could unlock them for you.

The settings are nearly identical. If you want to pad the pockets of "industrialists" whose contribution is nothing more than distributing limited access, based on the party tit you're already suckling off, I suppose that's your business. There's certainly billions to be made in the venture.
