MovieChat Forums > Politics > We are now hiring based on qualification...

We are now hiring based on qualification..

Watching the news and paraphrasing the reporter, they said meta will no longer follow dei and hire based on race or gender. But will rather hire based on experience and qualifications.

Just coudnt belive how crazy that sounded.

And this was something democrats supported?
It has destroyed so many secotrs from the military to video game development. It has prevented the country from progressing which has caused being surpassed by China.


Despite Zuckerhead's attempt to play the optics game, he's still complicit from all damage caused from his censorship during the scamdemic.


He was strong armed by the fbi along with many others


Yeah, I heard him say that, but it's a bullshit excuse, he could have defied them. He had plenty of money and resources to defy them.

Millions of people died and were injured because of his complicity to censorship, he's just as guilty as the others.


He was just following orders.

Did he use that line when he was on Rogan?


No, but his entire rhetoric alluded to that.

No amount of narrative can excuse his defense and protection of child traffickers, pedos and groomers on his platforms.


I'm more interested in him denying people the right to question medical treatments.

I wonder how much blood he has on his hands.




I don't believe them for a minute. They'll just rebrand DEI with a new name and keep up business as usual, you just watch.


Of course, Zuckerhead is trying to compete with X by appealing to both sides.

It's about profits; that reptilian doesn't give a shit about providing freedom of speech to the public.

When he went to see Trump at MaL, he was shown "The Red Book" that listed his crimes, so now he's trying to do a 180.


Exactly. Zuck's autistic brain is single minded in its attempt to make money. Now that the bar has shifted to the right, so has he.


Everything he's doing and the 180 is only for optics.


As well as the potential for an increased customer base. Agreed.


He’s definitely not going to win the side that knows everything he’s guilty of (complicit in the death and injuries of millions from the scamdemic and treason during the 2020 election) ... It will not be forgiven or forgotten.

Also, he will lose a good number of libs since they believe that Zuck will appeal to Trump supporters or right wingers.


He might lose some hardcore libs, but he's probably going to gain more otherwise. You and I can speculate for a minute or two but this is Zuckerberg we're talking about; he could throw millions at think tanks to find the "right answer" and not give two zucks.

As far as being guilty of anything, that's more in the realm of moral than legal. The principles of prosecution are so abstract and Zuckerberg is so shielded through his wealth that, short of some revolution endowed kangaroo court, it's just not going to happen.


Yes, I'm aware that he's as immune and protected as Fauci, Gates, Clinton and all the others ... for now.


Until the nukes go off, right?

Trust me I'm down for that, and let's be real until then.


They're already pissing and moaning online at how much we use the word "woke" to describe terrible things they've been completely ignoring until now.


He and a bunch of other companies definitely soiled themselves when they saw how many people were voting for Trump and not buying their products. But honestly, the only reason they're changing tactics is because they finally got it through their thick skulls that anti-white racism was losing them more money than it was gaining, and trying to force cultural change the way they wanted it was not a profitable strategy. They really don't care about any color but green.


Or he actually realizes how bad DEI is for business


DEI/Woke eventually turns everything to shit.


Your white identity politics turns everything to shit.


Why are you racist against whites?


Why are you a misogynistic anti-LGBTQ white supremacist?


I'll add that you're an anti-Semite.


Getting surpassed by China hasn't happened due to hiring policies but due to politics that permitted American corporations outsourcing production to China where wages are lower and then import the production into the US tax free, on a detour via a tariff free country, under the name of the American corporation producing in China.
Corporations had to hand over the technologies to the Chinese in order to manufacture stuff in China and the Chinese gladly took the offer.
Today the Americans cannot manufacture anything (aside of weapons) more complicated than a toaster, everything else has been moved to Asia, Mexico, etc.
