SemiAnimus's Replies

Freddy Got Fingered 'Get Inside the Animals' Edition "This phrase, "an old dog can't learn new tricks," is a common saying that means it's difficult to teach someone new things or change their ingrained habits once they are older." Ironically what occurred here is a timeless example, or "trick" in the sense that you used the word, of someone lying and cheating in an effort to brag about a nonexistent accomplishment. You're incapable of realizing that because you're too thick or lazy to look into the context and understand the specific details, presumably because of your disdain for gaming. You're an odd one, tvfan. While you clearly have no idea what the hell you're talking about here and have an easily accessible post that explains the concepts to those unfamiliar with them, even those who have their head in the sand and would like to live in the past, you shamelessly continue to repeat the same stupid lines. Boomer at least gives you the benefit of the doubt of being an old dog that can't learn new tricks to keep up with a changing world. Would you prefer lazy and ignorant? Ok, Boomer. Are you a PoE player or something? No one cares about that shit outside of those games. This is a matter of his integrity and making bizarre, blatantly false claims. You're completely misconstruing the context of this situation. Read the post I referenced; you might learn something. There's a thread I linked two posts above this that explains to people unfamiliar with gaming why this is more significant than what you dismissed it as. I know reading and learning requires more of an investment than a watching a three minute video, but bear with me. I think you're correct as well. This was written to explain the context of this scenario to the older crowd on the politics board and to tie it to concepts such as lying, cheating and faking success that they can relate to. I went into detail about what happened in this situation to help those not familiar with the terms understand the significance. "You didn't read several messages back when I said "I will admit that, occasionally a more reasonable voice appears." I guess then?" You did say that, followed by... "But inevitably they don't stay." Making any circumvention you attempted there redundant. You've contributed nothing towards demonstrating that "everyone here is partisan" with this exchange. Here as with your failure to comprehend a distinction between is and is not in one of our previous encounters, I suggest you work on your precision of language before condescending to suggest one should reread your content. If Trump started making claims about climbing Mount Everest or swimming across the English Channel would you think less of him? To the youth and 20 somethings, that's what Elon is doing here. Take it for what you will but nonetheless you should be able to acknowledge that he's fucking up his reputation with this idiocy. He's full of shit, clearly. People have scoffed at this on the boards here, but for the younger demographics this is a serious breach of credibility for Elon. Making false claims in a video game probably even holds more weight to many young people than Trump's felony convictions or Biden's dementia. 4L quickly became one of the best posters here in GD. Thanks for your amusing threads, fourlemons! That's funny. I think I may be younger than you envision but I am kind of a hippie I suppose. That's a trip to see and something I wouldn't have expected. Thanks for sharing. I see what you're saying and agree he would have been perfect for the part, but realistically age was a factor as well as being unavailable from constantly shooting episodes of Castle. The latter is probably part of why he wasn't in much during that show's run. All true, and our media certainly doesn't help us with these lessons. That's nice to know he's successful and welcomed. I wish him the best. I read your account of that and itt makes sense. It sounds like he had obtained some much needed humility since then. Perhaps if you ever run into him again, a smile, confident demeanor and a kind, but directed eye contact "hello" might be all you need to demonstrate the difference between how far the two of you have diverged. I might appreciate an apology, but things tend to have a way of working themselves out. Case in point: One kid who was an asshole to me, and also just a cruel person in general who I recall once pepper sprayed some food and then gave it to animals and another time found a pile of human shit in the school yard and flung some with a stick onto some poor kid, was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan. No tears there. Someone who was a dick to me in high school for a year in the locker room ended up getting in a car accident a few years later and testing positive for HIV. I think I burst out laughing upon hearing about it. But, yes an apology could be nice. I know there's a few people that I'd ask forgiveness of, if possible. You're right about that. I actually hadn't noticed. I don't have an answer to your question, but not seeing the likes of Zendaya in "The Witch" or Denzel Washington in "The Northman" certainly added to the authenticity. That "everyone here is partisan?" You're still wrong there, and there isn't more to say about it. Unless you have "proof," that is. Your source mining and fallacy labels wont help you here. Incidentally, you dropped the obnoxious block quotes. Regardless if it's a concession of a "point," thanks for that.