DancingintheDark's Replies

Love me some Beach House, as to your question, hard to say, I think there are a few bands who would give them a run for a more than memorable live performance, Puscifer, Arctic Monkeys, M83, Nine Inch Nails… As to the greatest currently performing music act, I think that’s a bit too constrictive a classification in regards to the subjective nature of music. A bit late to the party but thought I would answer the last portion of your post. She wasn’t raped by Vern, she placed Core’s hand around her throat and squeezed it because she wanted to know what her boy felt when she strangled him. I disagree, I thought the pacing and overall length were well executed. What I love most about Midsommar is that it is filmed in a way in which we the audience are observing and therefor participating in something which is beyond taboo, something that if we were caught observing would most likely result in a horrific death. I personally enjoyed every lingering minute of this film and wish it were longer. I enjoyed the inclusion on something so personal. Sam has a coffee cup in his hands in nearly every seen and caffeine is a diuretic therefore he’s going to pee a lot. There are many aspects of everyday life that tv and film oftentimes exclude and I feel it does a disservice to the viewership experience, specifically, in regards to bringing the audience further into the world in which they’re partaking in. Because nothing horrific happened in this world before radio, tv, film, video games… How can anyone be so naive? The human race has been ripping its throat out since its inception. Take a history class or read a book. Nice bit of clarification, I had forgotten about the breach. It’s possible he was switching out round type like you mentioned, maybe going from slug to bird shot given the apartment setting, and to prevent collateral damage of rounds going through walls and harming neighbors. I never noticed the blue to red, good observation. Even still, this would be done in the patrol car or outside the building at the very latest, given his experience level. L.A. Confidential is a better film imo. The cameras were shut off before they entered the bank. Most people aren’t going to remember what you look like in a crowded space unless something happens which causes their attention to be fixated on you. Once they initiated the robbery the masks were put on to limit the aforementioned and the masks were taken off when they left so as to not draw attention as they made their get away. Was he emptying, I thought he was just chambering a round, but yes, either way, purely for dramatic effect. This is one of my pet peeves, especially when done by filmmakers who know better. No operator worth his/her salt chambers a round moments before a raid, assault, ambush… The only exception being if someone is given a weapon they didn’t personally load themselves and is clearing said weapon and reloading for peace of mind. Duke was in an emotionally vulnerable as well as susceptible state, he believed his career was on the up and up due to his sudden increase in subscribers. Imagine how you would be if you found out you just won the lottery and someone handed you a drink, the event of winning the lottery would most likely be the primary focus, temporarily compromising the majority of your sensory awareness. Good observation though! Care to elaborate, in what way was it directionless and farcical? And as historical inaccuracies go, please indicate how they detracted from the film. Braveheart is riddled with historical inaccuracies but it’s still a timeless masterpiece/achievement. Kilmer first and foremost, then Fiennes. Have you seen Hostiles? It’s quite good and unlike Out of the Furnace, anything but dull, just my opinion though.