avortac4's Replies

Why are these subtleties so hard for people to get? First, people don't get the whole 'do you want me to wear more buttons'-scene (I tried to explain it somewhere). And now people don't EVEN get this crucial point as to WHY the boss is the worst scum you can ever encounter. Before I start explaining, consider this old wisdom: "I'd rather be slapped with truth than hugged with a lie". I would much rather have someone that's outwardly and directly a jerk to me, so I could always know what to expect and at least get honesty from them. Lumbergh is sneaky and deceitful to the max, because he never honestly and directly expresses his true self, he never openly scolds anyone, he never TAKES RESPONSIBILITY that belongs to him, so people wouldn't hate him. He's like a spineless people-pleaser, a manipulator rather than confronter, and so on. Also, because he's extremely politically-correct and a bureaucratic manipulator, you have to 'read' him and try to 'decrypt' what he means, and so on. He drones on and on, because he can't say anything simply and directly. He doesn't respect your intelligence, or your humanity, but dances all over you in a passive-aggressive way, and makes YOU do all the work of piecing things together, and then expresses no genuine human empathy of any kind, and CLEARLY doesn't care about you (or any worker). Instead of being honest and facing possible 'unpleasant' feelings, situations or consequences, and thus taking the lead properly, he, in an underhand and cowardly way deals with every situation, manipulating people until he gets what he wants. It's similar to Aniston's (well, the character's) boss, that passive-aggressively wants to manipulate Aniston to figure it out and to out of her own will, express desire to be a better worker, when Aniston just passively waits for him to ORDER HER DIRECTLY to wear more buttons (which he would, of course, never do, as that would defeat the purpose). By the way, there are much worse episodes than the haircut thing; I thought it flowed pretty well, and was full of funny clichés to make fun of certain types of stories, while utilizing the characters very well (Newman shines in this episode as the villain). There are actually boring and awkward episodes (some of the earlier ones), or just useless and depressing ones (the finale). I'd rather watch this episode than any of those. That's the great thing about this show - it was so experimental. Of course if you're experimental, you are taking a big risk - your experiment might not work, and it's very likely it will fall flat on its figurative face. However, with experimentation and .. 'experimentalism'?, you also open the door for unconventional, original, unique episodes with completely amazing humor and situations. When an experiment pays off, it's hilariously wonderful! It's just that it wouldn't be experimenting if it couldn't fail, and some of the experiments are pretty bad. The Chinese Restaurant, the parking hall, the indian wedding and the edward scissorhands.. they're all sub-par. But without them, we wouldn't have the gems, so you have to take the good with the bad. Freedom to experiment is the freedom to bring out the genius that doesn't exist in the world of 'playing it safe'. They work in Kyouto, and there are even some women pulling them. They're not homeless people, though, it requires training and people skills, as well as excellent physical condition (obviously). I don't see why they can work in one place, but not another, unless there's not enough room or if there's too much traffic. It would require a bit of cultural adjustment, though, I reckon'. Dogs don't hate. They just react to your energy and body language. Watch enough Dog Whisperer or Cesar 911, and you'll know the truth. Your question is invalid. If they really had it in for each other, well .. Davola is psychotic martial artist with skill and experience in unarmed combat - and of course that psychotic rage (which he doesn't seem to express much of in the casual 'walk in the park'-like karate demonstration in his casual walk in the park). Actually, he has never really shown much rage, only a menacing tone on the phone, maniacal laughter when burning his hand, and a lot of 'disappointed!'-style brain snaps with sudden look into the distance. Brody is not as insane, and is more calculating and profit-oriented - he's also not as chaotic or psychotic, but can assess situations and evaluate camerawork accurately, etc. Then again, Davola is a skilled photographer as well. In a 'realistic' scenario, what it would boil down to is, does Brody realize what he's dealing with, and can Davola get to Brody's body before Brody reaches his gun and uses it on Davola. Baseball bat is also hard to completely avoid, if you are in the striking distance, unless you're very focused (and Davola's mind might unfocus easily), and realize what good Martial Artists know about any hand weapon like that; the Martial Artist has psychologically four weapons, while the baseball bat or knife wielder has psychologically only one weapon.. In any case, in any real-world situation, this kind of situations would be close to unpredictable due to various factors (you can never factor in everything), but with enough range and big enough motivation, Brody would be able to shoot Davola before Davola gets close enough to do damage. Don't bring a fist to a gun fight. What is a pickle anyway? Can't almost anything be 'pickled' (within reason)? So wouldn't different pickles vary wildly in taste in any case? This is probably the only show that has this many seasons that never jumped the shark, and where the quality never actually noticably declined. Some seasons are not as good as others, and there are lots of cringy, clunky episodes, but as a whole, 'jumping the shark' never happened. The 'wackiest' thing I can think of, is the 'Indian Wedding' episode, the name of which I can't remember right now. Not only is it played backwards, but the story is very un-Seinfeld-ish. WEDDING in Seinfeld? Come on! The only comedy show without 'forced sappy moments' or 'forced, injected romance crap'. Meh, I don't think so. Curb Your Enthusiasm is proof of what happens when you remove the others from the equation and let Larry do 100% his thing. Jerry-Tempered Larry was allowed to be a genius, Larry without any temperance is just CYE. And CYE is just people screaming and swearing at each other and putting Larry in some convoluted, awkward Seinfeld-rip-off-situation. I just realized that the word 'schmoopy' (or 'schmoopie') has the word MOOP in it! This was also mentioned in the Bubble Boy-episode - could this be.. ..foreshadowing?! This is one of the downsides of the show (as well as MANY other shows and movies); someone asks valid questions that the audience would also like an answer to, but is treated with non-answers, then we cut away and NEVER hear the actual answer! How many times does this have to happen in shows? I am drooling for the answer, just to get a 'cut away' and never get the answer. I am not even talking about the 'deliberately unanswered mysteries' this show leaned a bit too heavily on (why doesn't she eat the pie, why is she always wearing the same clothes, why doesn't she have any friends, etc. etc.) Instead of saying 'George?' and 'You're being ridiculous' or 'Just stop', she could actually respect George enough to ANSWER the dmn question! Anyone that likes Joe Davola is someone to AVOID and keep your distance to. "Is that where Kramer stored donated blood in Jerry's car? I didn't think it was that bad." What? How could you misunderstand it that much? It was Kramer's OWN blood, no one had donated it! What the.. Maybe it's an anagram? Jerk Store Stork Jere? Well, I had never seen the show, so I got an opportunity to bingewatch it from first to last, so .. there was never any 'one moment', I just found each episode funny, and wanted to see more, and more, and then I had seen them all. What wouldn't I give to see this show for the first time again.. George got addicted pretty quickly. I always wondered why he didn't continue, but I guess George is more of a quitter. All he had to do is practice it and keep going, and soon he would've been able to do it like a pro. Er.. can't really think of a job that would give that status for such a habit, though. Maybe an actor could be called a pro when doing that? That's super-heated water! NOTHING can live in there! Then there's the etheric body that basically is also a temporary tool, you can think of it as 'energy-flowing glue' that holds the physical body and the astral body together - it's like the astral body has been 'bolted' into the physical body by the etheric body as the 'bolts'. Of course astral body is the one that, although not technically eternal, accompanies your soul throughout most of its journey, growing, cultivating, taking different shapes and forms and colors, and where the chakras live, so to say. We also have so many other bodies, like causal body, mental body, etc., and each one embodies a different vibrational frequency, which means different level, or.. different 'dimension'. Each 'dimension' has multiple 'layers' to it, so life is constant leveling up, multi-dimensionally thinking. So this is the only way (besides the 'all-soul' that I mentioned earlier) that your statemet can make sense - but be sure to understand the 'other you' is not a separate entity, you already ARE that 'you'. So it's kinda pointless to even mention. Don't use Bizarro world (or the episode) as an excuse to 'Ghostbusterize' Seinfeld as a female version, urgh. ""In every dimension , there's another YOU!"" No, there isn't. There's only one me. However, from a more spiritual viewpoint, 'all is one', so even you are another me. This madness needs to stop. 'Cloning' movies and TV shows spew the idea that someone else is 'you' just because it's your clone. (No one is ever YOUR clone anyway, only their BODY can be your BODY's clone, and even your body is not YOU, so the whole idea is ridiculous to the max!) No matter how SIMILAR someone is, it's never 'you', even if someone else couldn't tell you two apart. Individual soul with individual existence and experiences are always individual souls, regardless of how similar those experiences may superficially seem, or how much like twins they look like. Even identical twins are not 'two yous', they're two separate individuals, one 'me' and one 'you' (from their perspective)! So HOW the heck would ANY dimension have 'another me'? How? Also, wouldn't different dimensions be sufficiently different to warrant COMPLETELY different 'yous' anyway, even if there was any truth to your claim? The _ONLY_ way I can see your statement being true (besides the first spiritual observation), is that you are talking about our multi-dimensional selves that stretch through and beyond all dimensions, because our soul is a not dimension-dependent entity, but all-encompassing 'Divine Spark', and therefore exists on all levels simultaneously. I mean, there's the physical level, which is only a temporary vessel, like a car - you can get very attached to your car, but eventually, it will break down and you have to ditch it - and eventually, you can get a new car. Just because you're inside the car, doesn't make the cart part of you, let alone you the car! So, the physical body is never really part of you, it's never truly alive (it only seems so because you are inhabiting it) I have never met him, I have never talked with him, I have never even seen him in real life. This means, I can't really comment on it, but I can say that the image one naturally forms of him based on interviews and other videos is that he might be one of those people that have a.. let's say 'healthy appreciation of themselves' and might have lost any inclination, skill or desire to treat other people well, if he doesn't know them. If one were to judge this sort of angle about this individual, by comparing his character in the show to his real self, one might reach the conclusion that it looks like his character is around eight-hundred thousand times more likable in the show, than his actual personality in real life. I am not saying this is how it actually is - as I mentioned, I can't really comment, as I don't know him at all. All I am saying that it's possible that someone might form this sort of idea about him based on available videos and the show. Let me be clear; I did not express my own viewpoint here at all, I have no comment.