MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > George's 3 questions are so funny...and ...

George's 3 questions are so funny...and stupid

George talking to his girlfriend about her male roommate:

George:  Yes he is.  Let me ask you something.  When you come out of the shower
and you put your robe on, do you cinch it real tight, are you concerned about

Bonnie:  George?

George:  Do you hold the neck together with one hand, or are you just letting it
flap in the breeze?

Bonnie:  George, you're being ridiculous.

George:  What's the massage situation?

Bonnie:  What do you mean?

George:  Is there any work being done?  Is there any rubbing, touching, finger
manipulation on the other person, and if so, who's making the request?

Bonnie:  George, would you just stop?

George:  Say you go to the bathroom at two o'clock in the morning, what's the
outfit?  I mean, you dressing up or is it come as you are?


This is one of the downsides of the show (as well as MANY other shows and movies); someone asks valid questions that the audience would also like an answer to, but is treated with non-answers, then we cut away and NEVER hear the actual answer!

How many times does this have to happen in shows? I am drooling for the answer, just to get a 'cut away' and never get the answer.

I am not even talking about the 'deliberately unanswered mysteries' this show leaned a bit too heavily on (why doesn't she eat the pie, why is she always wearing the same clothes, why doesn't she have any friends, etc. etc.)

Instead of saying 'George?' and 'You're being ridiculous' or 'Just stop', she could actually respect George enough to ANSWER the dmn question!
