There IS a jerk store
Here we go:
George be vindicated!
They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.
Here we go:
George be vindicated!
They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.
It's a play on words.
'Somebody, get me a fûckin wiener before I die!'
It's a pun. No, no. Not a pun. What's that thing that spells the same backwards as forwards?
They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.
'Somebody, get me a fûckin wiener before I die!'
Never mind. Ipswich isn't the palindrome of jerk store. The palindrome of jerk store would be erots krej. It don't work.
They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.
erots krej? I spent a month there one night.
shareerots krej? The discount pharmacy?
shareI'll bet they take kroners there. I sure am glad I got that David Puddy kroner tutorial.
shareErots Krej. What a cool name, Erots Krej. If I were gonna change my name, I'd go with Erots Krej.
They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.
Maybe it's an anagram?
Jerk Store
Stork Jere?
My God, what's next? A store that only sells muffin tops? Or a hat store that specializes in The Urban Sombrero?
The horror...the horror...
Yeah? Well The Jerk Club called it wants you for a membah!
Turkey jerky? Come on, take a pull.
"You gotta punch the clock, why don't you punch your boss?"
Circuit City was a crap hole.
KISS, Alice Cooper, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan
I don't like their slogan. We're fresh out OF YOU!!!
"Get out here, son! There's a doin's a transpirin'!!"
Uh, excuse me. Excuse me. This, this is not right. May I? You see, you're going: "We're fresh out of you!" You wanna hit "fresh" more: "We're fresh out of you!". You see the difference?
They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers. this a bit?
shareHey, I don't do bits. I'm a prop comic. Dammit, I can't find my box of raisins. I can't go on without my raisins. What happened to the raisins?
They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.
Let me give you a word of advice pizzabagel: I want you to stay away from me. I don't like you. So if you got any other problems whether it's raisins, prunes, figs, or any other dried fruit, just keep it to yourself and stay out of my thread, ok?
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