jimmyjuliano's Replies

a simple google search will tell you that for the last 5 or 6 years colbert has been no stranger to this type of talk, it's nothing new, nothing strange, nobody is picking a name out of thin air. you can find many many many little clues that suggest people knew weinstein was up to no good, but because he was a big time giver to democrats, he got away with it. if i would have predicted weinsteins downfall 2-3 years ago, you'd have told me the same. and it's the same with colbert. so yeah you're complict with pedophilia. because you protect them. it will come out. Por lo visto hablas español, por eso te contestaré en español, los latinos siempre votarán por los democratas, por qué¿ porque el partido democrata es el partido de hundir a estados unidos con los latinos, para comprar votos. pero preguntate una cosa, muchisimos latinos votaron por trump, aunque la prensa media vendía una imagen de trump asi? por qué¿ pues es que hay cubanos que ya creen que estados unidos va por el mismo camino que cuba, van dandose cuenta de las politicas de alguien como bernie. no quieren vivir así. pero también existe una mentalidad "yo no tengo muchas ganas de pagar un montón de impuestos para pagar por alguien que no puede cruzar la frontera legalmente como yo" los latinos no quieren hundir a su país con más latinos, sabiendo que no son capaces de montar sociedades sin narcos, drogas, caos y dictadores baratos... y cada vez el partido democrata es el partido de los dictadores baratos... Trump's support among Hispanics and Latinos is real. Don't assume it ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../trumps-support-among-hispa... - Traducir esta página 5 mar. 2019 - According to demographers Ruy Teixeira, Rob Griffin and John Halpin, Trump won 29 percent of the Latino vote against Hillary Clinton in 2016. based on your reasoning, even the latinos don't want the latinos here. must be a reason.... so is pedophilia, stop endorsing it you see trump when you close your eyes dont you? i have a good source. tuesday or wednesday- you'll see only 5.4 million? thats less than left wing college girls demand in free condoms and abortions, or paying for peoples baby mommas.... "But I agree that I don't follow those extreme left views either of some on searching for new issues rather than making amends or fixing the ones already on the table first. But if this is just to mock it seems pitiful somewhat. What's gained from it? Just pointing fingers and laughing/crapping on/mocking each other? That'll get you resolution and improve things, sure." the best way of getting people to look at themselves is to mock, let them see how stupid they are.. you say you're not one of them everythingisracist democrats? give it time, when the bernies and the AOCs get going even you my friend will be an alt-right fascist, believe me. look at whats happening with pelosi? the democrat party of 2019 isn't the party of JFK, it's the party of marx and lenin, and these loons aren't gonna allow your relatively moderate ideas..... no, but he did once check out 12 things at a 10 item or less cashier in a walmart in 1976, that must be an impeachable offence right? so you can complain about generalizations, then generalize.... HAHAHAHAHAHA but you're for an impeachment, thats pretty obvious. hahahahahaha if you believe that the russians got involved in our elections, well you'd be wrong but you'd want him impeached, everything you say suggests you want him impeached, you want him impeached because you don't like him. i've been saying it for 2 years, liberals are like corrupt children- we've all been fine for hundreds of years with the electoral college, it doesn't give too much power to one or a few states, theres a balance, trump wins and you loons want to change it, you need to grow up, you need to realize that a democracy, freedom and elected presidents are more important than your feelings. anyone with a brain knows that theres zero evidence of russian colusion, you can see people from CNN caught by project veritas saying its all garbage, but it's simply "throw enough mud and some will stick" i know for a fact if we changed the electoral college system next year and went with the popular vote, (i know i know we aren't talking about it) but then trump won the popular vote, you nutjobs would complain about that, and how the electoral system is the way. you been need to decide if you want democracy or fascism. you people are insane. just grow up for fúcks sake. the only way he could have been a part of that life is like he said, to go and live in atlantic city, send money back once in a while. silvio was right, who was going to kiss him on the cheek? hug? sit and drink with him? play cards? the way that world works it's impossible. it's a world based on respect, they don't respect homosexuals. your reputation is everything, and like you said, phil wouldn't accept it, and when you have to deal and do business with new york.... vito should have stayed away, but he couldn't, he missed the life too much, the money, that was made clear. all in all vito was pretty stupid, he was around that all his life and it's rather obvious he'd be killed if he came back. the way the story was told, the dialogue between him and johnny cakes, it was made clear that vito missed the money "people kissing your ass" it's safe to say he got himself killed. life for him in that little town was good, the little exchange between him and antiques store guy, dinner with johnny cakes! helping people in the fire, basic human friendly interactions, and he gave it up for the money and the life, well he thought he'd get it back. it's kinda like chase was saying that. vito was based johnny d'amato. there was no evidence, stop thinking you can impeach a president just because you don't like him. ever noticed that whenever someone seems dangerous to the establishment, a string of women come followed and say something happened? berlusconi in italy, herman cain (they couldn't play the race card) now trump..... (and many more) but when the left gets what it wants and these people "go away" or they win, that the lawsuits goes away too? but at the same time when people like weiner and weinstein get caught with their pants around their ankles theres pretty much silence? you should change the t-shirts to "BELIEVE WOMEN (who just happen to accuse republicans and conversvatives right before elections)" you'd need big t-shirts for all those words, but liberal "women" are usually fat sloppy messes.... his greatest achievement is playing their game and beating them at it. thats why these freaks are having breakdowns. he beats them at the games they created. but that these loons can't grasp is that he isn't dump, the average democrat really believes that trump is stupid, when he plays them like a piano. they'll lose again in 2020 becaue they really believe he's an idiot. what did mueller say "theres no evidence that there was russian colusion, but theres no evidence that there wasn't colusion" HAHAHAHAHAA with that logic you can justify anything right!? maybe i banged 6 victoria secret models last night, i can't prove it and you can't disprove it. we know for a fact that the soviets tried to infiltrate american society, the kgb files tell us so, russian defectors tell us so. at what level, well we could argue that, there is ZERO evidence to support russians meddling in our elections. my point being that if left believes in something, it's now fact, and anything else is a "nutjob looney tunes conspiracy" it all depends on if you prefer truth or bias. thats how the left reacts to everything! HAHAHAHAA, we knew that the soviets were trying to inflitrate certain parts of american society, like hollywood, you can even read the KGB files online! but according to you guys mccarthy was a kook, a fantasist. fast forward 60 or 70 years, and even though theres zero proof that the russians meddled, for you guys it's a fact! it's 100% truth right?! thats what the left does, anderson cooper calling for a profesor to be axed for saying "maybe we should look at sandy hook differently" then he spends night after night pushing a conspiracy, but like i say, thats how the left works, if it's beneficial to the left it's an absolute truth, if it's not, then it's a nutjob conspiracy theory right!? obama deported more illegals than trump, separating children from their parents is something bill clinton started. the left are anti war when it suits them, and pro war when a democrat is in office. just some examples of how the left is utterly lost, the average democrat is a zombie. it's not even hypocritical anymore, it's about being brainwashed! the FBI in real life is usually on good terms with mobsters, you see this in the sopranos too, not only that, they can get to cops, tony knows that pussy flipped because he has a cop on the take, and everyone knew that, but it's never beyond the feds to bring someone in and play a tape for them, say "look, someone has flipped, maybe you should too" they took tony in and told him that junior was trying to whack him. watch a couple of true mob documentaries on youtube, the feds are just an incompetent as mob guys a lot of the time. they couldn't get al capone on actual racketeering charges, just unpaid taxes, they spent over a 100 million in getting gotti and actually broken the law to get him they knew that adrianna was naive, she was so naive she let all that happen, i mean with a decent lawyer she wouldn't even have gone to jail, it was someone selling drugs in her club. but she was naive, they knew she would come back, the feds used her and abused her. thats what the show was saying, that the feds, the government is just as heartless as the mob. in one of the last scenes in long term parking, they look at each other "she could be in china right now" they know shes dead, but it lasts 2 seconds and then it's "what shall we do about the other thing?" thats the whole point.