These types of topics are just a waste of time usually since they're tongue-in-cheek and trollish.
But to add, I could also say something stupid (and possibly true of some people though): Non-voters of Andrew Yang are racist. Asians make up the smallest racial group in the entire country. If you don't vote for the only Asian presidential candidate for 2020, it's clear that you hate Asians. Also, if you only watch television with mostly white people in it, you're racist to every other race/ethnicity/etc. 100% (no questions asked).
But this is probably just as dumb because there really isn't any real, significant oppression in rap. I don't know if those numbers you posted are even true or only professional or something. I know most rappers are black, but not sure if it's 82%. Anyone is free to try and break in to the rapping world (all blacks who want to don't become mega-successful rappers or anything either). If you face some negative feedback for your race or whatnot, brush past it and keep going/doing your own thing (and yes, what I'm saying equally applies to all races/cultures/ethnicities). Not saying there are no problems, but I don't see what point you're trying to make exactly.
But I agree that I don't follow those extreme left views either of some on searching for new issues rather than making amends or fixing the ones already on the table first. But if this is just to mock it seems pitiful somewhat. What's gained from it? Just pointing fingers and laughing/crapping on/mocking each other? That'll get you resolution and improve things, sure.
"But I agree that I don't follow those extreme left views either of some on searching for new issues rather than making amends or fixing the ones already on the table first. But if this is just to mock it seems pitiful somewhat. What's gained from it? Just pointing fingers and laughing/crapping on/mocking each other? That'll get you resolution and improve things, sure."
the best way of getting people to look at themselves is to mock, let them see how stupid they are..
you say you're not one of them everythingisracist democrats? give it time, when the bernies and the AOCs get going even you my friend will be an alt-right fascist, believe me. look at whats happening with pelosi? the democrat party of 2019 isn't the party of JFK, it's the party of marx and lenin, and these loons aren't gonna allow your relatively moderate ideas.....
What's gained from it? Just pointing fingers and laughing/crapping on/mocking each other?
Simple: The ones with brains might realize the laughable inanity of race-oriented victimhood non-ideology and change for the positive. If not this instance, maybe sometime down the line. There's always hope.
For wise people with common sense it provides a quick laugh.
Well, not that I don't agree with you on the extreme left-associated ills (which exist on the right too), but I didn't find this funny exactly.....
This just seems like the same kind of comments/posts you'd find on Yahoo! articles/news that just poke fun and it makes no difference as this just creates resentment/fuels fire and solves nothing.
Some people won't look at some faults and others keep trying to make them. Is it worthwhile for either? Tells me something else should be done than mockery and fights/senseless arguments over things ideally.