Mensa1856's Replies

Here's some advice - don't force the morals of the present on artifacts of the past. You look like a fucking idiot when you do. Were you around when the movie came out? I was and we had no problem with the scene because that's how things were then. You have the mind of a child. Fuck off. Worst episode of the series. I guess who cares. The don't owe you anything. A lot also has to do with COVID and being in public places. Democrats realized that was a real danger and Republicans thought it was a hoax, or no different than the flu, or a Chinese weapon, or a Fauci weapon, etc. I just checked my DVD. It appears at about 52:09 during a shot of the bar exterior right before the Billy Batts scene. Staging a fascist coup. Now go fuck yourself. You and all the rest of you Trump asshole lickers. Imagine Trump still being butthurt over losing YEARS after he's left office and claims that the election should be overturned on no evidence. Fuck you. So you are saying education is unnecessary if you have money? What a fucking retard. I bet you are the most boring piece of shit to be around. What do you do, talk about your truck all day? Moron. Jaws came out in 1975. OP died of COVID. No way people voted for a piece of shit traitor like Trump. Love for America? You are fucking retarded. It means nothing. That's the point. Impeached for what, you cocksucking moron? I haven't seen it. Were incels like you represented? Actually, it makes complete sense. You are wrong. "Everyone's so mean to me." - Donald Trump. That's whiny snowflake bullshit, you pathetic incel. You're obviously an incel.