They've always went after the president, even if they were Dems. They shredded Clinton, and it was hilarious. They went a lot lighter on Obama, but still didn't give him a pass for everything. Is it because he's so old and obviously not fully aware? I can see how it's not exactly funny when you make fun of senility, but it's really true.
From what I remember in the Obama McCain race they made fun of both of them (in a very light way) but pretty much equally. They even put fake ears on the guy playing Obama. Then in the course of one week somebody said something behind the scenes and the Obama guy no longer had the fake ears and they only made fun of McCain.
As far as Biden he's the first pres in our lifetime who is a total laughing stock. Ether he says or does something embarrassing or we find out his appearance had some type of smoke and mirrors fakery. You'd think a current event satire show would do ANYTHING to make skits out of that stuff.
SNL used to make fun of a legally blind Govenor so Biden's age shouldn't be a taboo subject. I remember back in the 70's SNL used to make fun of GOP Ford and DEM Carter about the same. Of course, now almost all Entertainment is left or far left and thus the quality has dropped quite a bit. Biden shouldn't be off limits, there's a lot of him to make fun of, it's just that SNL is afraid to do it.
I wouldn't even say the writers are afraid to do it; They are so liberal these days that it doesn't even cross their minds that Biden is at all flawed. Like you said, the Entertainment Industry is so far left that he's wearing the same tin-foil suit that Obama wore.
They know Biden is deeply flawed. They're afraid that if they point it out, far left types on Twitter will blame then when he isn't reelected in 2024, just like some people blamed them for Hillary losing.
There's still a very real danger of Trump swooping in and taking back his throne. They might start getting edgy again if Biden gets re-elected. But so long as things are pretty much split 50/50 down the line with elections being decided by mere thousands of people, they're not gonna rock that boat.
What is true, however, is that the corporate big wigs are starting to realize just how big of a role entertainment/news industry plays in who gets elected. They realize that their side - the dems - are in a weak spot with a feeble man at the helm of a sinking ship. So they are trying to help out in every way possible -
See, just like fake news is a fairy recent phenomenon (I mean, at this stage, very few anchors are even pretending to be unbiased), so is biased comedy. In regards to news, fox news was the first extremely biased with plenty of fake facts media giant. It was beating every other news network by a huge margin. Now every news network is doing what fox news did first - so we end up with fake news media everywhere. Add comedy network to the mix - same shit (admittedly, as Joe Rogan said - the left's comedy is horribly done - but i guess same goes for the right's comedy - neutral comedy is where it strives). Add social media platforms to the mix - same shit.
Believe it or not, the age of neutrality is gone for good - we are now in the clusterfuck world - 1984.
For many decades, USA had a fairness doctrine which limited the amount of bullshit on the news networks. That policy was removed 10 years ago.,that%20fairly%20reflected%20differing%20viewpoints.
It is also possible to preclude the social media giants from censoring shit right and left via government legislature - but that ain't being done. Heck, soon enough, you'll be able to put up signs in places 'no whites allowed' and that will be kosher - we have gone that far back now.
We are standing on a very fertile ground for a legit revolution and civil war - fake governments, fake news, censorship on social media platforms, super woke hollywood - it's all designed to divide people. The war is coming if this doesn't stop.
"Wouldn't the Fairness Doctrine bring greater balance to a broadcast media that is heavily dominated by liberals? Not likely. The Fairness Doctrine would not apply to biased news broadcasts, but to commentators who have an overt point of view. Worst of all, the doctrine would be applied on a case-by-case basis, giving Obama's FCC the power to determine which speech should be suppressed.
The doctrine is even more blatantly unconstitutional today than it was when the FCC repealed it 21 years ago."
I disagree - but I do think it's not ideal. You can still mention that there's an opposing view but give more time when covering one side than the other.
There are many ways of how media bias and fake news manifest themselves - via fake facts, covering one thing but not the other, using certain language (see the difference between demand/request for example) when covering things you do not agree or do agree with. Fairness doctrine didn't cover all of these. These days, news is also opinion - you can lie 24/7 these days and present it as facts - free speech baby, lol.
Furthermore, fairness doctrine would do nothing for entertainment media -
When the corporations decided that news/entertainment media can be used to change reality and heavily influence world-changing events like elections - it was game over.
After Trump won, the impact of media became even more apparent and I assure you, they won't make the same mistake again. We'll be getting only left wing shit/bias in the left wing corporate tv/social media/etc - and vice versa in the right wing media platforms. It's a precursor to a civil war. There's no unity anymore -
Revolution should fix all that - for 40 years or so.
With the noted exception of Bill Clinton, who was just too easy a target, SNL has always treated Dems with kid gloves. Obama was merely chided for 8 years. They seem a little rougher on Biden but it’s nothing compared to the abuse heaped on a garden-variety Republican, much less Trump. Trump, too, is an easy target.
I think they went whole hog on Trump cause they actually had him host the show which in part contributed to his likability and election prospects. They were atoning for their self perceived sins. Massive over compensation driven by guilt.
I think SNL’s partisanship is counterproductive. A bit of deserved mockery is actually probably beneficial for any politician or political party.
The South Park creators, by contrast, are closer to equal-opportunity mockers and I admire them for it. They count people of all political stripes among their fans.
Chevy Chase admitted that in his day it was a left wing show and that they purposely made fun of the Right and not the Left.
That's a little sad to hear but it's over now, his career not SNL.
Lol, you used quotes, but he never said that. When you get to the fourth grade, they probably will start touching on how quotes work. Come back when you don't sound like a complete fucking idiot.
The republican party is a parade of ass clowns - Gaetz, Greene, Cawthorn, McConnell, Clarence Thomas, Cruz, on and on, and topped off with the idiot rump - and they complain at being treated unfairly. Try having thoughtful, respectable candidates for a change.
Ford? No.
Carter? Sort of.
Reagan? No.
Bush Sr.? No.
Clinton? Impossible to give him a pass.
Bush Jr.? No.
Obama? Mostly yes.
Trump? Of course not.
Biden? Before it was clear he'd be the nominee, they did make fun of him. Now they don't.