Mensa1856's Replies

You act like you know him personally. You don't. I guess you can always eat shit. Revoke his award. He's a piece of shit. Oh, do you have to blame others because you're such a loser in life? Should have paid more attention in school, white boy. God, you are fucking stupid. Make sure you don't reproduce. Trump tried to dismantle NATO right in your face and you're too stupid to see it. Sounds like you're an idiot. Show me how a president is responsible for the gas prices. Or buy an electric car, loser. You bought Russian propaganda hook, line, and sinker. Vlad like little no-brains like you. You probably want Kyle Rittenhouse to host. Fuck you. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Also, I think you're dead of COVID. And that's been going for how long, 40 years? Thanks for letting us know now. Millennials aren't in school anymore, you fucking moron. Make sure you don't get the vax. And keep on drinking that piss! You're a winner and a loser at the same time! Because the writers had to account for the world as it really exists to us. No sense trying to come up with some deeper meaning. It was the most secure election in history. That is a fucking fact. If you turn away from that or refuse to believe it, then you are a brainwashed cultist. Blocked.