I miss lower gas prices. I miss going to the grocery store and being able to afford my groceries. I miss Trump’s humor. I love how the economy thrived and people were making money and were hopeful of the future. With Biden in office, gas prices are soaring, people are paranoid, people are getting forced to get an iffy vaccine, inflation is at all time high, the border crisis is insane, and Kamala is an absolute joke. So sad what this country has become. We NEED Trump back in office!!
I know some people that were Democrat and after Biden went into office and all this chaos happened, they switched their political party to Republican: nice! 🙏😊
The humor where Trump thinks you're so stupid that you believe his claim that you need an ID to buy food? Or that American Jews are not loyal to America but to Israel? Or that it is funny to salute a North Korean general?
How the economy thrived when Trump would not use the authority he claimed to have, to force the state governors to keep their businesses open during the pandemic?
How Trump refused to curtail the incentives for illegal immigration by backing penalties for hiring illegal aliens by big business as to not offend his big business cronies?
Trump is proud of his "iffy vaccine" and wants people to take it.
We need Trump back in office like we need another hole in our heads.
Are you enjoying Biden in office? High inflation prices and extremely high gas prices too? Biden removed American troops in Afghanistan and left our weapons in Afghanistan which caused the Taliban to take over our weapons and terrorize women and children and men. What about the mandates for health care workers; get the jab or you will be fired. Biden calls himself a Catholic but he believes in killing babies by aborting them. He refuses to answer reporters questions by walking away from them and swears at them too. Our economy is in the toilet. It has been an utter nightmare with Biden in office. We need somebody more capable to run our country.
With Trump in office, he cleaned up our oceans, he made animal cruelty a felony, we had the best economy under him, the middle class was making more money because of tax cuts, we had the most independent oil production in any country in which Biden completely destroyed that. Trump gave mothers who are nursing and expectant mothers more leg room on airplanes, Trump made peace with a lot of our enemies. Trump also does not believe in mandates; he wanted to get rid of mask mandates and vaccine mandates. Oh yes, we definitely need Trump back in office!
I do not enjoy any politician, at all. I have never said anything nice about Biden. Just because I say Trump sucks does not mean I support Biden.
If Trump gave a damn about our troops, then why did he leave them there after he lost the election?
Trump loves mandates. Like his bump stock ban. It is costing the US economy $312 million to confiscate bump stocks from half a million law abiding Americans according to the BATFE. Educate yourself at this link. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2018-12-26/pdf/2018-27763.pdf
The economy has been poor since the pandemic, that Trump tried to ignore. Biden did not completely destroy oil production; we are now exporting more oil than we import. More education for you here. https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=727&t=6
Trump made it okay for racists to be proud to be racists again. That will always be a black eye on our country.
Joe Biden said he got to the Senate 180 years ago while he was virtually speaking to the United States Conference of Mayors on 9/26/20. Be sure to like, subscribe, and comment below to share your thoughts on the video.
I have complained about Biden's anti-gun agenda on this forum. It happens even if you do not see it or ignore it when you. I do not approve of Biden's anti-gun agenda any more than I approve of Trump's.
I don't recall you ever complaining about Trump's anti-gun agenda. Does this mean you approve of
Biden's anti 2A actions also?
I see far more people kissing Trump's ass on this forum than Biden's. Perhaps that is why I rag on Trump more than Biden.
If you tell me what a great job Biden is doing, then I will be sure to remind you of how stupid you are.
Inflation and gas prices are worldwide conditions, not really controlled by the Executive office of the United States. Trump taking credit for things he really didn't control is his well known method of self promotion.
I'm making more money now than I was under Trump's reign. And Tump's tax plan rewarded corporations and the rich. Not the middle class.
And speaking of the interior conditions of the U.S., I've noticed there are not really any nationwide protests, riots, flagrant hillbilly hunter militia marching into cities, helicopters flying overhead, NAZI's marching, etc. I guess the last big one was Jan 6th as part of the Trump rally denouement.
Do you really think Trump had a grasp on Covid? He, the most protected man on the planet, got it so bad he had to go to the ER and was under critical care. And he did not get cured or exhibit any immunity by the malaria drug he was pushing on us regular citizens. He got very expensive and, at the time, experimental treatment.
Do you believe that Trump has never paid for an abortion in his lifetime? This is the guy that was paying off a porn star in his first year, right? That had the mentality of coaching men to walk up to women and grabbing them by the pussy?
Why would you want a man so traitorous and selfish that he lies about election fraud to be the leader of this country? He was literally laughed at by other world leaders. North Korea made fun of him on twitter after his visit. No one took him seriously, except as a model of how easy it was to trick and make a gullible percentage of citizens fall for populist, fascist, short sighted, xenophobic, backwards transgressing foolishness.
Trump being "pro-vaccine" depends upon which way the wind is blowing. He bragged about "his" vaccine, but did not admit to taking it until two months later. He needed to pander to his uneducated anti-vax constituents.
Uneducated morons voting for manipulative populist politicians are the reasons why democracy will never work in countries that do not provide free higher education.
A person doesn't need higher (college) education in order to use critical thinking skills to make good decisions. Teaching kids to think for themselves can be accomplished in high school.
He is, he even started Operation Warp Speed which paid pharmaceuticals to engineer a vaccine. The Trump vaccine was shipped around the World and saved billions of lives.
Now kids are dying of RSV and the Flu. The Tamiflu shot is almost gone and is on backorder. You have to go to a hospital now to get it.
its a conundrum. vaxxers are proud to take the Trump vaccine. its the 8 boosters that are killing people, this was mandated by the person you voted for...
No. He's not my kind of guy at all. I hated to hear him speak. But his policies and tactics worked for the most part and seemed to benefit the citizens. He was like the opposite of Obama who was a great speaker, but garbage policy. Then you have Biden who has neither.
All those empowered antivaxxers, anti-maskers and cloroquine/ivermectine/chlorox gobblers are a direct result of Trump's idiotic handling of the pandemic
Not sure he was directly responsible since many countries lost lives that had nothing to do with him. They shut down America like a week after he said he didn't believe it was real (or whatever he said). I wouldn't give him that much power or credit. He isn't God.
Trump's policies and tactics drove our allies away. They did not trust us when Trump was running the show. He was not good for Americans or our country.
Trump never understood how government works and still does not to this day and he never will. As our president, Trump didn't listen to anyone who was able to aid him with government policies and tactics. The man is a total narcissist and will never change.