MovieChat Forums > chilone

chilone (18065)


When will she "come out"? I know a lot of you lefties.. In under the first 5 minutes of the first episode.. I there a man on the planet who likes her hair in this? The Democrats are so screwed. FBI lied about rise in violent crime. "Cringiest political ad ever created" Ride or Die? Best character One of the best, if not the best... View all posts >


Whassa matter, widdle fella? He hurt your widdlle feewings? You mean like how they sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for over a year, till after the election? Democrats polled said if they knew about it, they wouldn't have voted for Biden. No, leftism is ludicrous and it's ludicrous that you people actually think the way you do. If I SAY I'm handicapped I can't compete in handicapped sports competitions. What's the difference? Oh, I'd have to prove medically that I'm handicapped. A man, no matter how much you leftists want to believe it, cannot medically prove they are a woman. Trans "women" can have their own league. No enough of them? too bad. The VAST majority of actual biological women in sports should not be discriminate against to appease a small number of mentally ill males. Yes, people have killed, are killing and will kill "in the name of God" but the one, true, living God said "thou shalt not murder". Islam calls for murdering "the infidels". Yes God gave instructions to utterly wipe out his adversaries, but it was ONLY due to peoples inherent, evil nature (you and me included), so no, God does not advocate murder, at all. If people were not evil, there would be no murdering and this will only happen when Jesus returns. Don't bother disputing or ridiculing my and other Christian's beliefs. You hate God and I'm confident that in the end, he will grant you your choice to reside where He isn't. As far as the rest, the Jews have a right to defend themselves and the majority of Arabs prefer Israeli control. Like I said, the Jews treat the Arabs WAY better than Arab countries treat Jews. Look it up yourself. I'm a believer and I agree 100% So if one of those 900 was your daughter or another woman you love and support, you wouldn't give a shit? Keelai = lunatic, leftist liar who wants Israel wiped off the map. So you're happy about the prospect of regular people suffering. You're a real piece of work, (typical) leftist. I have read the Bible, cover to cover. You and I actually agree, skavau. View all replies >