MovieChat Forums > Ryker > Replies

Ryker's Replies

More than being by yourself if you're struggling to survive on your own. Don't remember the whisperers having any babies with them in the comics. "TWD writers do an impressive job of consistently filling episodes with 40 minutes of nothing really happening until the last 2 minutes, where there is 2% of story progression that leads into the next episode with 40 minutes of nothing happening." Buddy, this is why I quit the show. The first interaction with Negan could have wrapped up in 10 minutes, instead we get a drawn-out chase scene, then a cliffhanger, then another whole episode. Oh yeah, I stopped watching in season 7. All the filler just killed me. To be honest, I haven't been watching. The internet was abuzz with the news of Alpha's intro so I checked it out on YT. In the comics, Beta (second in command) sends a huge herd to Alexandria. No worries. The comics also show that they can herd the zombies, so I'm wondering if the show will get to that (after a season of filler). We see them cooking over campfires at one point. No mention or implication of cannibalism. They set up big camps basically. They scavenge and hunt (when Negan is with them for a bit in the comics they show him killing a pig). I guess it was implied the scent from their suits prevents them from being eaten in the middle of the night by wandering zombies. The show's also been guilty of a lot of filler. They could be done the whisperer arc by now without it. Of all the things in the show, this bothers me least. The comics show that a lot of the people aren't true believers. They follow Alpha because being with the group offers food and protection. "Kinsey wasn't smoking to smoke. She was smoking to rebel. She wasn't inhaling and her brother made fun of that." Spot on. "his supernatural killer zombie is invincible to bullets." The bullets missed. He wasn't intended to be invulnerable. They just didn't want their eye candy to be too messed up. Those sex scenes with the therapist would have been less appealing for female viewers if Billy looks liked he's supposed to. "Sad part is there are women out there who’ll actually find the worst guy they possibly can and think “He’s gonna change because he loves me!” Yep, it's the romantic novel fantasy. That is literally part of the template. The doctor was pretty much Harley Quinn. I'm not the only one then Had to admit that made me laugh "Not pointing fingers but "You're racist for thinking something is racist" is a common deflection/troll tactic used by racists/white supremacists." Amen. He's talking about another character idiot. Why not Google "Hellboy whitewashing" before making this comment? "And just to be clear, I have nothing against it," If you didn't you probably wouldn't feel the need to mention this. Do all the same-race couples on Netflix and TV as a whole elicit the need for a post too? I have to put Covenant above AVp mainly due to Fassbender's performance. Go ahead.