MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > why would anyone follow a crazy bitch?

why would anyone follow a crazy bitch?

There cant be that many crazy enough to believe that her way of living with the walkers is the only way they could survive.


Yeah, this new plot is pushing WD past its breaking point ... it's stupid, even stupider than normal as we have come to expect from WD. And that dumbass kind Henry is going to continue to make stupid mistakes and get people killed by his attempted friendship with the looney whisperer girl. I am about sick of this show now.


Henry is even more dumber than Carl was, thinking only with his dick.


He just wants some fuck :D


Henry is Carl, or he has taken Carl's place from the comics, but Carl never was such a whiny little bitch that Henry is.


Especially with the last episode, the kid is getting dumber by the minute!!


The power of boners compells him!


To be fair, Carl had good parenting, Henry is a mixed up kid that has lived his whole life in trauma,


Of all the things in the show, this bothers me least. The comics show that a lot of the people aren't true believers. They follow Alpha because being with the group offers food and protection.


I was wondering, btw, how do the Whisperers sleep without any walls, or what do they eat (well, aside from bugs)?

Living with the dead has certain limitations when you are actually alive.


They set up big camps basically. They scavenge and hunt (when Negan is with them for a bit in the comics they show him killing a pig). I guess it was implied the scent from their suits prevents them from being eaten in the middle of the night by wandering zombies.


Do they cook the animals or do they actually eat them raw?

Also, do they ever resort to cannibalism?


We see them cooking over campfires at one point. No mention or implication of cannibalism.


I see, thanks.


No worries. The comics also show that they can herd the zombies, so I'm wondering if the show will get to that (after a season of filler).


They are already herding them. You mean they can control them with no masks on?


To be honest, I haven't been watching. The internet was abuzz with the news of Alpha's intro so I checked it out on YT. In the comics, Beta (second in command) sends a huge herd to Alexandria.


Well, you must've been away for a few episodes at least then, because they have been herding them around since the first whisperer we saw.


Oh yeah, I stopped watching in season 7. All the filler just killed me.


That makes sense then.


She says in the comics that sometimes they feed with the zombies. In the previous episode she said their people are really just animals, so whatever they're eating, it can't be good. The zombies are their walls. As long as they don't make any noise and wear the skin suits, they won't get eaten.


Ha, what if they snore in their sleep? 😊


Those that cant keep their noise down would be eaten like the baby that was left for dead


>> being with the group offers food and protection.

Not much, especially if you're a baby.


More than being by yourself if you're struggling to survive on your own. Don't remember the whisperers having any babies with them in the comics.


I think the point may be that these Whisperers come across people and they are so horrific that they either kill them of they join up. They are probably afraid to run away, it's not that they want to stay.


"I think the point may be that these Whisperers come across people and they are so horrific that they either kill them of they join up. They are probably afraid to run away, it's not that they want to stay."

Also true.


I can only think they were tired of following crazy bastards?


Because Alpha ate the heart shaped herb. Now she is incredibly strong and agile for a woman of her age and weight. No man or woman dares to challenge Alpha’s leadership without paying the ultimate price.


The question is why would anyone follow her crazy way of survival by living with the dead, anyone that come across her with her daughter at the begining would think she is crazy. Its much easier to convince others when she have a group so its interesting how the first few followers are able to follow her lead without questioning her sanity


Yea...honestly I would definitely try to get away from her as soon as I could. She definitely is not someone I would want leading me anywhere.
