MovieChat Forums > Ryker > Replies

Ryker's Replies

Nailed it Ldlamb. You basically get your cake and eat it too. The stability of a relationship, but also get to hookup with more than one person. And if they're not white they'll automatically be all over a 5/10 guy because he's white right? Wow didn't expect a racist answer to this question. Well done JoeBlow. I'm sure that even if Halle Berry wasn't famous you wouldn't stand a chance with her. "Interestingly enough, POCkers make up 47% of all on-screen characters, which is crazy given that blacks only make up 13% of the population in America." POC is not just black people right? Do you not realize that? Also, people come out later in life all the time e.g. Jay-Z's momj. Doubt that stat accounts for that. Yeah I was trying to reach for something but it seemed lazy for them not to explicitly clear that up. Oh haven't heard of that then. Kaluuya is still my No. 1. Agreed. The title made me think of "I Am Mother," which was definitely better. I almost wondered if it was a sequel or spin-off of that. I also had no problem with the pace of the film, I wasn't expecting something action-packed. I'll check Maggie out. That bothered me too. Once he turned out to be an android it made sense that they weren't caught before they got there. Wouldn't the security have done the blood test with him? Or do you think the fact that he rushed in with two wounded people made security think there was no way he was an android. I was wondering if that was supposed to be inferred from his little speech on emotion being a human weakness. I might change my own answer and put Patel ahead of Hoult now. Lion and Green Knight gave him some more popularity and cred as a serious actor. Lol I thought he looked familiar. Agreed boys Ok so you ignored my question about Ghost in the Shell. So you would have been cool with Light being black too? As I said before my issue with Death Note was that people were okay with Light being white, but were bothered about L being black. That's a big double standard, even if we consider that "hey it's American so they don't have to be Japanese." "Stating that nowadays whitewashing is more prevalent requires a high degree of denial of reality." So in your world minorities dominate most of the lead roles in Hollywood? The few cases of the opposite you can think of don't account for the majority. Everything from Lone Ranger to Warm Bodies and Ghost in the Shell. For all the ones you can list for the last ten years, I bet I can find more in mainstream Hollywood films. Also went through some of your other posts. Your post on cultural appropriation is more evidence that you love semantics. Your post on "more woke shit" also shows that this convo we're having is likely a waste of time. I always find it amusing when people try to soften their views a little to sound more reasonable in one convo, but then another convo makes it clear they had no intention of letting go of the hate (yes, hate is the right word) that is in them. People talk about whitewashing more since it's more prevalent, has a longer history and gives a group that already dominates Hollywood an even stronger foothold. It's like the people who didn't mind Light being whitewashed in Death Note, but had a problem with L being black. Seems like you're one of those that is bothered more by the presence of the black actors. How about something more recent? Did the whitewashing of Ghost in the Shell bother you? "Unless you, I'm a coherent person." Guess you meant to say "unlike"? "There's not one, but 2 GOOD BLACK people. THE WORLD IS ENDING!" Does it bother you as much when all the good characters are white guys? I bet not. Yeah but do you defend whitewashing? If you defend whitewashing and get bothered by this then you're a hypocrite. Also missing my point. They don't make me feel good. I just don't think a 10-second kiss ruins a movie. Anyways, read some of your other posts so I know that trying to reason with you is a waste of time. Yeah, I get that. It was a 10-second kiss man. If that is the equivalent (to you) of a full sex scene then that says a lot about you. Again, your view just boils down to "don't have gay people on screen at all since it bothers me." Lol yeah. They probably heard 3% from Alex Jones or something. Yeah when I Google it I get numerous articles referencing 10%. Also, if media representation being proportionate is so important to them they should also be advocating for more black, Asian, hispanic etc. leads in films since white people are still over-represented (compared to % of US population) in American films and TV.