MovieChat Forums > Snoopy828 > Replies
Snoopy828's Replies
Not only did they humanize him. The writers dragged the rest of the characters thru the mud by having them cover up the murder. I mean had they killed off Bryce last season, and had the kids cover it up I don't think any of us would so much blink an eye. But you spent the entire season getting us to feel compassion for Bryce you made us dislike Zach, Jessica, Justin, Tony, and to a lesser extent Clay. As for Alex I never liked him since the beginning, the finale just made me dislike him even more.
I liked Season3 , better then Season 2 for certain. But the finale was a sloppy mess.
I thought everything coming out of Drax's mouth was hideously obnoxious
Best actor on the show, and she had nothing all season long.
Also couldn't help but notice how her and Jonathan had NO interaction at all this season, like none. She says goodbye to Will, and I'm sitting there going "uhhhh lady don't you have another son." Then when they were reuniting after all was well and good. Again it was her and Will and I'm sitting there going "uhhhh lady don't you have another son."
As if we needed more proof to which one of the Byers boys is the favorite in that house.
Well cool then. I mean I still love the show, and love these characters. I will finish until the shows end. But this season didn't work for me. Like I said episodes 7 and 8 were awesome. The mall was cool, and felt like an additional character on the show. But the rest was meeeeeeeh….
But Yeah you liked it, that's cool. I mean we don't watch TV or movies to NOT like them right?
They also wasted Winona this season
Not as good as the previous two sadly
I was thinking that too actually.
^^Can you honestly not decipher between the two? The kids saving the world was done in a semi-plausible way in the first two seasons where you were easily able to suspend your disbelief. Plus they had help both times by the adults. It was a big group effort, and the writing was so good and new that again you were able to suspend disbelief and overlook certain things.Whereas Season 3 for the majority was a failure for me. I only liked ep 7 and 8.
It retreaded a lot, focused waaaaaay too much of the love stories, stick to the sci-fi horror. Lucas' sister, Max, Nancy, hell even Hopper were all annoying. They brought on Cary Elwes which I was very excited for, and he was barely used, and served as a one note prototypical sleazy politician. They also brought on Jake Busey who was essentially a glorified extra. The minute Steve and Ethan Hawke's daughter were captured by the Russians I'm like "how are they not dead?" The Russians had them severely outnumbered, all armed, and they were like 50 feet underground. All they did was punch Steve a bunch of times in the just didn't work for me. But if you liked it, more power to you
We don't have to agree. Instead we'll agree to disagree
You forgot mullets. But Yes and No I think. I think any kind of nostalgia is good and sometimes justified. I feel Stranger things is one of the few 80 nostalgia vehicles to get it right. But holy hell I feel we need to pump the brakes just a little bit. It's getting to the point of absurdity.
IMO the 80s had better movies, and the 90s had better music.
Hmmmmm lets see now. Do I want to keep my children alive and well? Or am I more concerned with their love life's? It's a tough call.
I laughed my ass off during this part to be honest.
However I gotta for me the jump the shark moment of Season 3 was when Steve, Dustin, and company infiltrated the secret Russian lair and lived to tell the tale. I mean come on....they were so dead in that preposterous situation it was just unbearable to watch.
Haha I know how crazy of me. What was I thinking??
Forky sucked
Yeah sadly Don Rickles passed away 2 years ago. Mr. potato head had 2 lines I think that were old voice tracks of Rickles. Also they could have recast the voice like they did with Slinky. But Slinky, Hamm, and Rex also had virtual no lines whatsoever.
As for Woody/Bo Peep I liked that they had a happily ever after. Buuuut I agree with you that it certainly does betray the end of part 3. The more I think of it they really should have left it alone after 3, and it they wanted to follow up they should have done in the form of the shorts (ala Toy Story of Terror)
Saw sneak preview last night
All I'm gonna say is this. Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill got Oscar noms for this mediocre film. Wheras Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton were excluded for Warrior. I would have campaigned Edgerton for Supporting and given him Jonah's slot, and campaign Hardy for Lead and given him Pitt's spot.
Thing is I WANT to like this show. I love Hader, Root, and especially Winkler. But the writing is just soooo inconsistent. Sally is annoying, Fuches and Hank are basically cartoon characters, and I go back and forth with Barry. Barry is one of the dumbest excuses for a hitman I've ever seen. Committing crimes/killing in broad daylight where everyone can see him, bringing a handgun to a place full of hitman carrying semi-automatics and conveniently taking everyone out, and don't get me started on where Barry dumped Moss' car. The police did a thorough investigation, thorough enough to where the investigation was called off. Then in the finale we see the car is dumped in plain sight....How did the cops not find that car? it's getting hard to ignore all the plot conveniences. And I know it's a comedy and people will tell me I shouldn't be thinking too much about these things, but I call BS. Especially since this is a show getting emmy nominations, I'm holding you to a higher standard.
Season one was descent, with a LOT of potential to grow and get better with time. Season two kind of lost me a bit. I'll give three a chance, maybe it gets better, if not, prob bow out.
I absolutely loves Season 8, and in many ways prefer it to Season 7. my only gripe with Season 8 is I didn't like the storyline where Mulder dies and is brought back to life. But Robert Patrick was a great addition to the show. Doggett was great. The tone went back to the darker, earlier tone of the show, and moved away from the bright campiness of Season 7. I wish the show ended with the Season 8 finale.
9 however is awful. Reyes was fine in small dosages but her character didn't do it for me. Scully pushed to the background, changing the opening theme was dreadful, most of the episodes were dreadful, and the finale was nothing more then a clip show. I liked maybe 3 episodes from Season 9 and that's being generous. I also liked the addition of Cary Elwes. But 9 overall is horrendous.
For me it's 1>3>2>6>4>5>7>8