MovieChat Forums > Stranger Things (2016) Discussion > Joyce moving out of Hawkins was kinda ri...

Joyce moving out of Hawkins was kinda ridiculous..

She's breaking up 2 couples, taking Will away from his friends and somehow she's now in charge of Elle? Why didn't she bring Max as well while she's at it?


It’s ridiculous that she didn’t move sooner. I’d have been gone after the first interdimensional being tried to kill my son, never mind twice. If she didn’t move after the third time it’s child endangerment.


It would have been nice if they all moved together, but let's face it ... the entire town should be cordoned off and there should be a big red splotch on maps labeled "Hawkins Exclusion Zone". No one should be living there. Except maybe for an army barracks and a couple of monitoring stations - in case, say, there's activity caused by an attempt to open the gate from the other end, the government will get a heads up to mobilize. But the place ought to be cleared of civilians!


Agreed. It's weird that she's the only one moving. They really push the adult ignorance in this series, even among the smart ones like Mr. Clark. Why do only the kids notice anything unusual in Hawkins?


Because its a throw back to 80s movies where adults were mostly stupid, and kids knew everything.


Hmmmmm lets see now. Do I want to keep my children alive and well? Or am I more concerned with their love life's? It's a tough call.


Well, according to what Will said and the conversation between Mike and Eleven, the Byers (and Eleven) will be back either at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Plus I think everyone else will be taking a road trip to the Byers' new place. But them coming back might be a temporary thing. I forgot who was going where. I think Mike and everyone else is visiting the Byers at Thanksgiving and then the Byers will be returning for Christmas. That sounds like a good setup for Season 4 for to start. Well, when the Byers return to Hawkins. That way they don't have to come up with some huge explanation to bring them back. They'll already be there. They'll be visiting and then get dragged into whatever mess is hitting Hawkins next Upside Down related. Unless they want to change it up and have the Upside Down attack the new town the Byers and Eleven move to. That could then lead to the Byers thinking that nowhere is really safe. The Upside Down will always find them. So with that, they move back to Hawkins. But I'm pretty sure that Season 4 isn't going to pick up a few months later. I don't see filming for Season 4 starting until Summer 2020 at the earliest (unless they are going to be sneaky about it and be on top of things and are more on top of things than we think). And by then they'll want to age the kids a little more because the kids in real life grew a year or two older. So with the kids growing older in real life, no way will they want to pick up Season 4 during Thanksgiving or Christmas 1985. They always said that the kids will be about the same age as the kids in real life when filming begins. So Season 4 will probably take place in 1986 or early 1987 sometime. But everyone will see each other again around Thanksgiving and/or Christmas.


The Duffer Brothers said back when season 2 was first ordered that they were planning on at least 4, possibly 5 seasons, no more than that, and that season 4 would see the main action moved out of Hawkins. That appears to be exactly what they're doing.

They may take a two year time jump to 1987 to close most of the age gap - the original idea was to follow along in real time, but that hasn't exactly gone to plan. It would surprise me if Hawkins wasn't emptying out all on its own. Too much crazy shit, too many people dying under bizarre circumstances, and even the most non-paranoid resident has to suspect the government is covering up key information about it. Why would you stick around?

I have a feeling we're going to see Dr. Brenner again next season. Meanwhile the Mind Flayer is a threat to the whole planet; eventually they either find a way to kill it, or it wipes us out, it's got all the time in the world and it won't give up voluntarily.


Yeah, but they'll be back.



Oh darn, I started a topic similar to this one and didn't even know it was being discussed elsewhere. Here's what I said:

Instead of crying and hugging one another like they're traveling overseas, why didn't Nancy and Jonathan rent an apartment? They're 18 years old at this point, right? They could easily land another job and still be financially okay.

Same with El and Mike; have her move into the basement again. That way Mike won't have to wait for the holidays and certain other occasions to see her. I'm sure Karen wouldn't mind and Ted is oblivious to everything around him (for the most part). Or, you know, just hide her like they did back in the first season.

I'm sure they'll be together again in some fashion, but I wanted to express what could be the best possible solution for everybody involved. (Well, maybe not for Will and Joyce, but you get the idea.)
